I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 264 3 Soul 7 Soul

Chapter 264 Three Souls and Seven Souls
Yoshizakigawa's ability is that once he falls into a deep sleep, he can unlock all controls and even briefly enter a "quasi-invincible" state. During this period, his will cannot be controlled and his soul is almost immortal——

This can be seen from the fact that even curses could not be used to attack him in dreams.

Just now, Higa Kotoko discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

She discovered that Yoshizakigawa still had his own subjective consciousness after falling into a deep sleep.

So, think of the above information.

There is only one truth.

The Yoshizaki River in front of him is not the real Yoshizaki River, or it is the Yoshizaki River that is contaminated with the characteristics of the Yoshizaki River. This characteristic makes it impossible to distinguish the true from the false even if it is a curse.

It is also possible that he himself is a part of Yoshizaki River, either his body or his soul, which is why he is so confused.

And when the real Yoshizakigawa went to sleep, because of his special abilities——

Did he control the Yoshizaki River here?

When she heard the voice that was exactly the same as her own, Higa Kotoko seemed to realize something. She looked at the shadow below her. In the sunlight, the shadow of the whirling leaves swayed slightly.

The images swirled around in my mind, and the memories quickly passed by my eyes like flowing clouds. Finally, the image was fixed on the scene where I was found in the hospital.

After a moment of silence, she picked up the phone;
However, what came over there was not Tomie Kawakami's voice, but his own voice;
"I finally found you."

He showed up at the hospital without any clue, and later found the so-called prophet, Kuroko Shirai, and learned from her...

In Qinzi's sight, Tomie in front also raised his mobile phone.

But if his conjecture was true, then why did he keep running to Changming, and why did he want to go too?
Higa Kotoko had to think that maybe this was another plan of the evil ghost, trying to trick her into going to Changming Town?
Because Wonder Boy Ghost is a clever and cunning ghost, and Yoshizakigawa behaved so coincidentally, she had to doubt this.

After all, she is such a character. Although she is an existence fabricated by the soul, memory, or Sadako, she still perfectly reproduces the memory and will of the original body.

And the voice over there is still rational and mature:
"You don't need to worry about where we are, but I know myself, and naturally I know you. It doesn't feel good to be fooled, right?"

There seemed to be a trace of luck in her heart, so she opened her sleeves. When she saw that there was no "door" tattoo on her fair arm, she finally believed it.

There was no hesitation in the words over there, he just said lightly:
"You kill yourself."

"——These don't need to be said much. You just need to tell me what to do and how to help you get out of that world. Neither Yoshizakigawa nor you can make any mistakes."

At this moment, the bell on her waist suddenly rang;

Higa Kotoko, who was frustrated by Yamamura Sadako, still didn't want to talk nonsense. Even if she faced the opposite person who might be the real herself and she was fake, she was still decisive;

No, this memory was also stuffed by Sadako to herself.

There was no shadow under his feet.

Sighing softly in her heart, she asked: "So, where are you all?"

Living like this is a shameful "living".

In this situation of choice, she can accept sacrificing herself to save Yoshizakigawa and her body, because the world needs them and does not want herself.

"I just...?"

It seemed that the two connected on the phone at this moment.

"Leave the rest to me."

Hearing this, Higa Kotoko lowered her head and glanced at the ground without her shadow again, and tried to summon the Gate of Hell in her heart.

But he found nothing. He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said one word:

"it is good."

The phone was hung up over there, and a beeping sound came from the phone. At the same time, when Tomie called his master, Kotoko Higa, no one answered the phone, and he was inevitably worried.

So he edited the text message and sent Yoshizakigawa's words. By the way, he also sent the news that Qinzi's phone couldn't be reached to Yoshizakigawa.

After finishing all this, he went back to work.


"We must hurry up and at least bring this separated soul back to the place where the body is."

At the same time, Yoshizaki River was running wildly;
In the middle of the night, he also wanted to take a taxi, but it might be due to Yamamura Sadako's curse. When he entered this invincible state, only people with special abilities, the so-called "yin and yang eyes", could see him.

Yes, he is the real Yoshizakigawa.

He has never come out of that world. During the continuous investigation of that world, he finally understood the strongest hidden ability of Yamamura Sadako.

This ability is not even her ability, but the ability of that door.

The key reason why Sadako has become so terrifying is that not only has she fully awakened, but she has even taken control of the power of the gate.

The current Sadako Yamamura's power far exceeds that of her in the movie, which is why she is so scary.

And this ability is very simple, separate the soul and create a new self.

The created self will also think that it is the real self, and those who have been stripped of their souls will always be in the virtual world created by Sadako and cannot find a way back because of the lack of souls.

Just like herself - this virtual world is also composed of her power and the door, which is equivalent to the real underworld.

But this underworld is all under her control.

She is among them, just like the Yin Tianzi, controlling everything in it and fabricating everything in it.

Moreover, she can also deceive. For example, she has been deceived countless times in this world, and she wants to commit suicide.

But I have always believed that I am the real body, and coupled with my ability to enter dreams, I barely survived this world.

As for the reason why Sadako wanted to kill herself?
It's very simple, there is no reason and no reason is needed.

For such a great evil spirit, there is no causal link between killing people. She does not need a reason to kill someone. Maybe she broke into this world, or maybe she influenced Mako Yamamura, so she wanted to kill herself.

The way to escape from this world is also very simple, that is to find your own soul, so that you can get out of this world.

Humans have three souls and seven souls,

Three souls: Embryo Light, Shuangling, and Ghost Essence

Seven souls: corpse dog, lying arrow, sparrow yin, swallowing thieves, non-poison, removing filth, smelly lungs

If one of his three souls is lost, he will not be able to return to the earth.

Fortunately, I have the ability to enter dreams. When it's night over there, I can control my soul in dreams and make it come here as soon as possible.

But just now, perhaps because he violated a taboo, his memory went wrong. Yoshizakigawa kept trying to fall asleep, but he succeeded.

So he told Fu Jiang and others to come here.

As long as the three souls come together, no matter what, it won't be difficult to escape from here.

After all, Sadako had never personally taken action against him. The only time he had done something personally was to separate his soul in fear.

That was the first time I turned around in the white candle room——

That time, one of my three souls was scared away, and the scared soul became another me!
Now, as long as I can catch up, I can survive!
(End of this chapter)

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