I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 265 Let’s play a big game

Chapter 265 Let’s play a big game

While running wildly in the Yoshizaki River, the phone suddenly vibrated. At this time, who would send him a message?

I originally wanted to hang up, but then I thought about it, maybe Tomie conveyed his request to Kotoko Higa, so where was the call from Kotoko over there?
Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa picked up the phone in his pocket while running. After answering the call, it was not the voice he thought was Kotoko, but the voice of Kawakami Tomie;

"Yoshizakigawa, the teacher's phone can't be reached, what is going on over there..."

Before he finished speaking, Yoshizakigawa hung up. He felt that he was about to wake up, and he had no time to talk to Tomie Kawakami now.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the endless journey ahead. Even if he ran fast in this "ghost-ridden" state, it would take at least a few hours.

That's right, his current state is similar to that of a ghost, but he is possessed by himself.

He also thought about taking a car, but his current state could not be seen by the driver, and if he wanted to force his way into the car, he would need to abide by the rules of the ghost game——

That is, when you ask to get on the bus, you need to get a response in order to have a causal link to proceed to the next step.

Before, he had not thought of using the fact that Fujiang and Kayako could see him to get him back to that place.

"Now, help me take a taxi to this address immediately. The person at this address will give you the fare. If you don't want to, I will pester you forever."

Once he knew, the consequences would be unpredictable, so he could only give up.

Because of the emergency, Yoshizakigawa had to threaten the little loli who looked less than 1.5 meters in front of him, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't spend too much time on this matter.

"Can you see me?"

But the problem has reached the first step. My current state cannot be seen by the driver.

But at this moment, Yoshizakigawa suddenly felt that a gaze seemed to be observing him. Looking along the gaze, he saw a girl over there looking away in a panic.

But when he first thought about it, a feeling of fear arose in his heart. He couldn't let them know that this body was fake, let alone let them know that he was on the verge of death.

She should be the third female among the girls that can be seen, and Yoshizakigawa has some impressions of this.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa also knew the identity of the girl opposite from the school badge on his chest;

Yoshizakigawa had a bad feeling in his heart. Although Sadako would not leave her domain, would she influence Higa Kotoko through means?

The only thing I could do was look at Higa Kotoko, but Kotoko didn't answer the phone, and I didn't know if something was wrong or if something happened.

The moment he saw this scene, Yoshizaki Kawa knew that he could see himself.

The little loli in front of her still pretended not to see it and grabbed her collar: "I don't need your answer before I can attack you!"

The girl didn't make a sound, her eyes blurred, looking ahead, pretending not to see anything.

He stopped. The road was impassable.

It seems that in the original work, she has the same ability as Jianzi, but her ability is slightly inferior to Jianzi. She can only see harmless ordinary ghosts, but cannot see those powerful ghosts.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa's heart trembled, nothing could happen to Qinzi.

The shrine is too far away from here, and he has more than enough ambition but not enough energy.

At the same time, he felt that the looming sleepiness was quickly becoming sober. Yoshizaki knew that he would wake up in half an hour at most. Thinking of this, several locations where Higa Kotoko might appear appeared in his mind. Finally, Stop at Kotoko Higa's shrine.

With almost no hesitation, the powerful force in this "ghost-possessed" state made Yoshizakigawa shoot out like a cannonball, approaching the girl almost instantly;

Yulia, a second-year junior high school student.

When she felt her collar being lifted up, there was an obvious look of panic in her eyes, because as long as she was indifferent to the ghosts she had seen before, no matter how terrifying they were, they could not do anything to her, but this guy in front of her actually Can you do it directly to yourself?
"I... know a very powerful exorcist. If you dare to attack me, she will definitely not let you go!"

She was nervous and stammered her bluff, but Yoshizakigawa had no time to waste time with her because he had read the original work and naturally knew who her so-called exorcist was.

"You're talking about Yotsuya Miko, Jie Jie Jie, I'm not afraid of her!"

In the original work, because he was saved by Yotsuya Miko several times, he believed that Yotsuya Miko was a very powerful and cold exorcist. If he didn't obey his orders, he would be killed by him.

When she heard the standard smile of the bad guy in front of her, she froze on the spot and her face suddenly turned pale;

"Stop talking nonsense, help me take a taxi, or I will kill you!" This sentence seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. She was crying and waving, and her trembling body was enough to show the fear in her heart. .

After taking a taxi, she got on the bus first, and then Yoshizakigawa got on the bus based on this causal relationship.

Halfway through the road, Yoshizakigawa felt that he was about to wake up, and kept urging the front of him to hurry up. The little Loli was crying and urging the driver. The driver turned around repeatedly, wanting to call the police, but was afraid of unnecessary trouble, and seemed particularly entangled.

Soon the taxi stopped at the shrine;
When Yulia saw the shrine in front of her, she became even more frightened. This ghost dared to take a taxi to the shrine. It must be a very scary monster. If she had known better, she would not have looked at it.

She screamed in her heart, and just as she was about to leave, Yoshizakigawa grabbed her clothes;
"Follow me in."

Although Qinzi has inspiration and a strong ability to exorcise demons, she has no spiritual sense, so she cannot directly see the existence of ghosts.

That's why Yoshizakigawa needs little Loli as his translator, or as a "witness" for his appearance at the shrine, so that Kotoko Higa won't doubt him.

After all, without seeing it with her own eyes, it would be nonsense if she mistook herself for Sadako's method.

——Although this is indeed true.

When the latter heard what Yoshizakigawa said, he immediately thought that this evil ghost must want to take him as a hostage. He felt regretful that my life was at stake, but he gritted his teeth and walked inside step by step;

The next moment, when walking inside;
Looking at the scene in front of him, Yoshizakigawa was stunned for a moment, then immediately let go of the little Loli and rushed forward;

In the middle of the complex carvings, I saw Kotoko Higa holding a red dagger and stabbing her neck quickly;
But at that moment, although Yoshizakigawa could not touch the real object, he could still influence it. He grabbed the dagger. Although it was insignificant to Higa Kotoko, it was easily noticed by her;
"Is there a ghost?"

She opened her eyes and saw the little Loli standing there who was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground. Then she looked towards the nothingness in front of her.

There was a faint gaze watching me there;

She pondered for a moment, and then asked: "If you are Yoshizakigawa, blow out two candles."

The next moment, two sticks of white wax in front of him were extinguished;
"Wherever the notebook of grievances is now, if you think it's your home, blow out one candle. If you think it's my home, blow out two candles. If you think it's somewhere else, blow out three candles."

The three candles were extinguished instantly, and Higa Kotoko nodded, knowing that this was indeed the real Yoshizaki River.

"you are dead?"

"If you're not dead, blow out one of them. If you're dead, blow out two."

A candle went out, and Higa Kotoko lit it again with a lighter.

"I was coaxed by Sadako. She took away part of my soul and used that part of her words to make me doubt that I was the fake one. And she wanted me to commit suicide. I am ready to comply with her——"


A strong wind blew up, and the candle in front was blown out violently.

"You mean, what I did was wrong? Then it seems that you are indeed Yoshizakigawa. Let's go inside and talk."

Higa Kotoko asked her men to put the fainted little Loli back to safety, then picked up a candle, crossed the magic circle with bare feet, and walked deep into the shrine.

"Let's go and talk behind the door. The conversation there won't be stolen by Sadako."

The candle in Kotoko's hand was extinguished, which meant that Yoshizakigawa recognized this.

On the road, eight hundred ghosts and gods are carved on the murals, as vivid as if they were real, staring at people in the past.

"I was almost deceived before, but later through some methods, I confirmed my existence, but I also planned to die according to the situation. Of course, I was not a real death. I planned to use a fake soul to deceive Yamamura Sadao. Let her think I'm dead, and then see if we can find out her roots."

She stood in front of a dilapidated wooden door, and the candlelight illuminated her face somewhat fiercely;

"I have almost never had such a frustrating experience in my life. I was played with ridiculously like a doll, and I also believed like a clown that the person I was being played with was fake."

Qinzi can accept her own death and her own powerlessness, but she cannot accept that she is fooled like a clown.

The flames in front of her swayed, as if waiting for her next words;
"Yoshizakigawa, how about we have a big game?"

"Kill Yamamura Sadako and leave only Yamamura Mako. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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