I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 267 Something is wrong

Chapter 267 Something is wrong

[Saitama Prefecture Radio: The government will carry out a month-long renovation of Central Park and will temporarily close it during this period. We apologize for the trouble caused to the residents of the city! 】

[NHK: The Prime Minister of Japan arrived in the United States at 10:00 a.m. on the 26th to discuss cooperation related information such as the Eurasian Economic Circle;]

[NHK: In order to enhance international cultural competitiveness, the country has launched relevant rectification activities in the cultural field for the first time, including but not limited to illegal religious, sacrificial and other activities in various places. 】

[Nippon TV: The mascot for the Winter Olympics on February 1998, is out! Inki, Nojo, Iaki, and Matsuki, regarding the inspiration for mascot design, please ask our reporter to interview Mr. Osaki...]

In the morning, Yoshizaki always turned on the news to see when the Japanese economy would collapse.

But there were a lot of news this morning, which made Yoshizakigawa feel a little strange, especially the third one, about the strict crackdown on illegal religions and sacrifices.

Previously, Kotoko Higa mentioned that there was a severe crackdown in the past, and that was because of the infiltration of the previous research association in the United States, coupled with the endless emergence of various cults. After that severe crackdown, the situation across the country was much better.

Later, she was still proud of the previous sweep and told herself that in the next hundred years, these sects would not be able to make any waves.

Why did the raids start again this time? Yoshizakigawa didn't hear any news about this matter.

Meanwhile, while Yoshizakigawa was deep in thought;
Kayako behind him weakly poked Yoshikawa on the back. Yoshikawa woke up from his daze, looked back at Kayako, with a smile on his face: "Let's go."

Yoshizakigawa was just afraid that Sadako would implant some not-so-good but hard-to-detect subconscious thoughts into the fake Higa Kotoko, causing Kotoko to do some bad things under unconscious judgment.

It's hard to deal with it. When he came back from there before, Yoshizakigawa thought that the matter here was over, and he didn't even intend to take care of Sadako's affairs... Sadako in the orphanage, in any case, is similar to an earthbound spirit. It exists and cannot be eliminated. Since it is in its own place, it is best not to disturb it.

"No, why would Kayako think so?"

The main reason is that Kotoko's recent behavior has been very abnormal, probably very abnormal. At this moment, a thought appeared in his mind involuntarily;
Qinzi, could it be fake?
When this doubtful thought appeared in my mind, it quickly grew like a tarsal maggot. I picked up the phone and wanted to call Qinzi;

But now that Kotoko is like this, either she was brainwashed by Sadako, or there is definitely some big move.

On the way, Kayako behind him suddenly said inexplicably: "Teacher...are you worried about something recently?"

Anyway, this is the thought of escaping in his mind now. Since he can't beat him, he will just ignore it.

Kayako shook his head, did not speak, but walked faster.

The two of them planned to walk as usual.

Yoshizaki River is as gentle as ever;
However, Kayako just whispered as if talking to himself: "A real teacher will not lie to me."

Yoshikawa didn't hear this sentence clearly, so he asked: "What did you say?"

Today is the celebration of Saitama University. Although they don't have to go to school as early as usual, because Kayako and the others want to open a cake shop, they have to go to school even earlier than before.

After all, there are existences like "doors" in this world that cannot be destroyed. So what if there is one more one that cannot be solved?

But he hesitated for a long time and didn't call out, because if the person on the other end was really fake, then there was actually no point in calling himself. After all, people who were split by Sadako's curse couldn't tell whether they were real or fake.

Of course, Yoshizakigawa wasn't because of this. After all, Qinzi didn't need to report anything to him.

They have been setting up since yesterday - after Mako came over to help move things, the three sisters later went to help Mako build the shop.

He scratched his head, wondering what the girl was thinking, and walked in silence.

Walking into the school, Yoshizakigawa returned to his office after leaving Kayako, preparing to read all the recent news, at least to understand what Qinzi wanted to do.

...At the same time, on Kayako's side;

She arrived at the third floor of the psychic club with a lot of worries. The teacher's situation reminded her of the first time;
The teacher at that time was very ferocious, but after one night, he turned into a gentle teacher. In Japan, there are also legends of soul-catching and resurrection. Kayako is very afraid of ghosts and believes that there must be ghosts in this world. .

At that time, the teacher seemed to have been taken away by a kind soul, but it didn't matter. As mentioned before, even if there was a monster with pus under the skin, Kayako wouldn't care.

Because he is good to himself.

But now the teacher has changed again. Although his memory, appearance, personality... nothing seems to have changed, he has changed again.

This is a mysterious feeling that cannot be explained or explained.

Maybe yesterday when the teacher came back for the first time, he didn't feel it for a while, but after spending the night together, Kayako noticed it.

The teacher may still be a teacher, but he has become... less selfless than before, like something has been added to a basin of water, and it is not as pure.

What happened to the teacher in Mako's classmate's town?
"Gaya Coco, come and help."

Mako over there shouted, Tomie stirred the cream with a look of disgust on his face.

Because the cream will melt if it is cooked too early, it needs to be stirred in the morning and then applied on the spot after being sold. This can also be used as a selling point.

Kayako was worried and went to help. Because they were busy with things, neither of them noticed that Kayako was not in high spirits.

After finishing the work, Kayako and Tomie carried the foam box and walked out. Tomie began to show off how exquisite the first cake he had made in his life was;
At this moment, Kayako suddenly said: "Classmate Fujiang, do you believe in ghosts and gods?"

Hearing Kayako's words, a trace of surprise appeared on Tomie's delicate little face. He didn't expect that she would ask such a question. Could it be that Yoshizakigawa was exposed?
I must find a way to help Yoshizakigawa hide his identity!
Thinking of this, Fu Jiang asked: "Gaya Coco, do you believe in those ethereal and invisible things?"

Hearing this, Kayako looked worried, and she said: "I feel... the teacher seems to be possessed by a demon. He... doesn't look like him anymore."

Because he believed in Fujiang more, Kayako said this.

Although there is a competitive relationship between Tomie and herself, there is no doubt that she also hopes that the teacher will be better in her heart.

Hearing this, Fujiang was stunned for a moment;
"How could it be, I didn't..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Kayako: "Have you not noticed that the teacher behaved very strangely after he came back yesterday?"

Speaking of yesterday, Tomie remembered the way Yoshizakigawa ran wildly yesterday and asked him to call his master Kotoko Higa. He seemed to have to deal with a very difficult matter at that time. After more than an hour, he Back again.

Embarrassed, I immediately found a bed and fell asleep. After that, I got up first in the morning. Later, because I wanted to finish making the cake as soon as possible, I arrived at school earlier.

During this period, she did not meet Yoshizaki River, so she did not notice anything unusual about Yoshizaki River.

Seeing Kayako's appearance at this moment, I don't think she would lie about this kind of thing. Kayako's respect for Yoshizaki River can be seen in her eyes, and she will never make a mistake in this kind of thing.

Could it be that something happened when we were dealing with that matter yesterday?
After all, I called Master Qinzi yesterday, but the call was not answered, and the direction shown when I first cast the spell——

That's Mako's hometown.

At this moment, Fu Jiang also recalled that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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