I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 268 Celebration

Chapter 268 Celebration (first update)
Until this moment, Tomie Kawakami realized that the place he went to after sleeping in Yoshizakigawa was the hometown of Mako Yamamura.

And it was ringing... It was a city that was so familiar to me before, but yesterday I seemed to be in a daze, and I just didn't think of this place.

Because of Higa Kotoko, Kawakami Tomie naturally always thought that Yoshizakigawa was an exorcist master who was hiding in the city, and could also infer that his visit to Chang Ming must be related to exorcism.

If after returning from the exorcism, he became "like a changed person" as Kayako said, then the problem would be obvious, and it would appear in Changming Town, the hometown of Yamamura Mako.

After thinking about this, Tomie immediately thought of his master, Kotoko Higa... If it was a weird thing that even Yoshizakigawa couldn't handle, he wouldn't be able to handle it with his own ability, and he couldn't even see it. There is no clue ability.

When Fujiang thought of this, Fujiang comforted Kayako and said, "It's okay. Maybe he is a little tired these days. After all, he runs here and there every day, so he feels different in your place."

"Is that so?"

Kayako was a little hesitant about Tomie's words. Although it seemed to make sense, it still felt like something was wrong.

Because there were times when the teacher was tired before. He was different then and now.
However, at this moment, Kayako suddenly thought of the exorcist named Qinzi. If the teacher was really contaminated with something unclean, then...

——Can I ask her for help?

Tomie knew this even more. She even knew that the necklace Yoshizakigawa gave to Teacher Saito was actually to protect the latter.

With different ideas, I put my things on the shop set up for the celebration. On my way back, I happened to see Mr. Asuka Saito walking from a distance with a bouquet of flowers in his arms;

An exorcist master who lives in hiding in the city discovers that his colleagues are haunted by evil spirits, so giving him something like this is not the most common routine in the stories he has read.

Not to mention whether we can find a solution, at least we can find a solution if we know the cause.

But then I suddenly thought that the teacher's own soul might have been taken away by an external ghost in the first place. He might have hidden it from the exorcist before. If he told Qinzi about this, what if the teacher's identity was found out? ?
This kind of thing is naturally beyond the reach of Kayako.

Tomie was thinking about finding Kotoko Higa, and Kayako was thinking about going to Mako's town to find out.

Because under the enlightenment of Yamamura Mako, the misunderstanding with Teacher Saito Asuka had been resolved, Kayako naturally understood that the previous relationship between the teacher and Teacher Saito Asuka was not the relationship he imagined.

But he also secretly came up with the idea that if there was really a problem, it must come from Mako's town;
Then should you go to that place and find out what happened to the teacher?

So she was a little nervous, hoping that what Fu Jiang said was true, but she was worried that there was something wrong with the teacher, and she didn't know how to solve it.

In the past, because the teacher gave me pocket money and I never used it, the bus tickets were not a problem. The key was how to get some time from the teacher.

The remaining grudge in their hearts naturally dissipated, so when they saw Mr. Saito, they even said hello;

Saito Asuka, who knew Kayako's poor life experience and treated him like his own child, felt a little relieved when he saw the child moving things with Tomie;
At this time, Tomie looked at the flowers in Saito Asuka's hand and asked curiously: "Teacher Asuka, what is this?"

When hearing Tomie's words, Saito Asuka sighed slightly: "This is for the principal. Previously, the principal worked too hard and stayed in the hospital. Later, for some reason, he got seriously ill again and will have surgery tonight. , but for this celebration, he came out of the hospital and decided to participate, so everyone bought flowers for him. "The principal's condition is very bad. The surgery required a craniotomy. Saito Asuka didn't know that the principal was corrupt. In her eyes, the principal worked hard and was a pretty good leader.

After all, Saitama University was founded by him.

It was originally just a small hospitalization, but who would have thought... craniotomy, even with current medical technology, is a very slim hope.

The disease comes like a mountain...

"By the way, your teacher Yoshizakigawa may be getting promoted."

Saito Asuka didn't want to talk about those topics of farewell to life and death, so he brought the topic to Yoshizakigawa: "The principal recommended your teacher to the joint committee to become the deputy school secretary and secretary. The committee passed the decision, and it only needs to go through the Integrity Committee and After passing the background check, he can be promoted to vice principal."

Hearing this, Kayako subconsciously asked: "Does the teacher still teach us?"

Hearing Kayako's question, Saito Asuka comforted: "He will definitely take you to graduation."

After talking and chatting for a while, Saito Asuka left in a hurry.

After bidding farewell to Gayo and the others, she first placed flowers behind the podium, and soon, the celebration was held on time.

Saito Asuka glanced at the audience, but did not see Yoshizakigawa's figure. It was such a big occasion, and this guy was about to serve as the vice principal. Why didn't he come out to brush his eyes?
At least let everyone know about you!

But helplessly, the shaved headmaster insisted on saying a few words, and then was carried down. Behind the scenes, Saito Asuka gave him the flowers, but was a little surprised to find that there were flowers on the headmaster's bald head and neck. Each drew a "talisman".

The spell was like a chain, locking his brain inside.

The principal smiled and took the flowers. When he saw Saito Asuka's surprised look, he smiled: "Mr. Saito, are you curious about the talisman on my body? It was drawn by an exorcist. The feudal superstition in the family makes it so... You are laughing."

Of course, this was not just feudal superstition, because after drawing the talisman on himself, the exorcist completely disappeared.

And that person's family is said to be the descendant of the great Onmyoji Abe Seimei, and when he drew the talisman, he also felt a burning sensation.

Perhaps it was because his critical illness made him less materialistic. He actually believed in it, and even had doubts about the rumored curse.

A long time ago, when I went to Changming to investigate, I heard a scary story about the "midnight ring". When you know a certain name and receive a call at midnight, it will cause a curse.

It was after he returned from Changming's inspection and decided on the poverty alleviation list that he felt that his health was deteriorating.

Later, I learned that there was a tumor in my brain and I would not survive more than seven days.

(End of this chapter)

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