I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 271 Qinzi’s plan

Chapter 271 Qinzi’s plan

Yoshizakigawa was once again pushed out of that world by Abe Chosai with the final ripple.

Qinzi didn't mean to harm herself and let herself come to this moment of Chang Ming to experience this life and death.

Indeed, the clone must arrive before the main body can go out. It's just that Sadako doesn't follow martial ethics and wants to stay there forever.

While coughing up blood, he looked at the policeman over there looking at him in fear.

Yoshizakigawa shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Call 120!"

This sentence made the police over there wake up from a dream. At this moment, those whose memories had not yet been mixed up recognized Yoshizakigawa as the ruthless man who had made such a scene and caused the chief to dismount. Naturally, they did not dare to act rashly at this moment. , after hearing his order, he could only call the hospital.

After Yoshizakigawa finished speaking, he had no strength to stand up. Although Abe Changsai had sent himself out of that world just now;

But he also seriously injured himself, and the strange iron pestle is still stuck in his chest;

That's right—

Tie Chu, who should obviously only exist in illusions, was brought out of that world by him.

At this moment, he finally had time to look at the iron pestle. He saw that the ordinary iron pestle was engraved with a devil-like relief, and at the end of the iron pestle, there was a hollow statue that he was very familiar with;

Holding a winding wooden stick and eyes like evil spirits - Yu Xiaojiao.

The moment he saw this portrait, Yoshizakigawa was sure that this iron pestle was definitely given to him by Abe Chosai who deliberately took this opportunity.

Maybe this iron pestle is the real magic weapon to deal with Sadako?
Thoughts flashed through his mind, probably because the police station and the hospital were close to each other. When he came to his senses, he had already been carried to the hospital bed by the doctor;

"My thinking is slow. Even if I am in this world, will I still be affected by Yamamura Sadako?"

While thinking, he endured the severe pain and grabbed the doctor's arm: "Send me back to Saitama, I want to treat the disease there!"

Then, he took out the special certificate given by Qinzi in his arms;

When the policeman who had been following him saw this, his expression changed drastically.

"Everything I have on me is reserved for me and is not allowed to be touched. Do you understand what I say?"

Yoshizakigawa asked.


The policeman bowed respectfully;
Then Yoshizakigawa nodded and fainted;
When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital, and the familiar smell of disinfectant filled the air;

Beside him, the iron pestle was placed there quietly.

He wanted to stand up, pick up the iron pestle, and look at it carefully, but his body was very weak at this time. He sighed, and then borrowed the power of the ghost. When Kuze Miyuki's power was conveyed to Yoshizakigawa through the contract, He found that all the pain in his body disappeared instantly, leaving only coldness and numbness;
At this moment, he sat up from where he was, but just when he was about to touch the black iron pestle, a cold and comfortable feeling came from his palm;

This feeling was not my own feeling, but the feeling of Kuze Miyuki who lent her power to me;

This iron pestle is from the underworld.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa was convinced of this. So, what was the purpose of Abe Changsai giving this thing to him?
Looking left and right, he finally saw a mark on the bottom of the iron pestle;
No, that's not a mark;
Someone's thumb was stained with blood and pressed on the bottom, forming a bloody fingerprint;
Something should be hidden on this fingerprint, Yoshizakikawa thought inexplicably in his heart. There was obviously no logic to prove it, but he thought of it as if someone suggested it.

His hand couldn't help but subconsciously touch the blood. The moment he touched it, countless scenes of the underworld flashed before his eyes;
Finally, it stopped at the back of a woman. She was holding a mirror in her left hand and a dark iron pestle in her right hand. Her body was covered in bruises, as if she was fighting something. Kotoko——

When he saw that mirror, no matter how stupid Yoshizakigawa was, he would naturally understand who left this thing behind.

"So, is this what you call faked death for me?"

She should have used some method to make Sadako think she was dead, so she brought her to that world——

But, she is really dead.

That finger print was the last mark she left.

After fighting the evil spirits in the underworld to the death, he finally pressed his mark on the magic wand as a last resort, and then sent Abe Changzhai, who had been hiding, to relay this thing to him.

It can be said that everything is in her calculation.

It was even within her prediction that Sadako would have additional aggressive intentions towards herself.

Therefore, Anbei Changzhai has been holding back, waiting until the critical moment to help himself, and handed this thing to himself.

And why should you give this thing to yourself?
——This is the only thing she brought back from Sadako's underworld that could really kill Sadako.

The means left behind by Yu Xiaojiao to suppress the evil spirits before and after.

Of course, this can only be used against the rear ghost, and the former ghost is the arrangement of Kotoko.

The so-called half a year is not actually half a year. The half year is just the information she released to confuse Sadako. In fact, if it is really fast, it only takes one month;

The reason why she wants to confuse Sadako is that she is afraid that her arrangement will be heard by her own copy, and after the copy is swallowed by Sadako, Sadako will understand her arrangement and escape.

If the timeline is extended and they happen to be causing trouble in the underworld, they can only focus on dealing with them in the underworld and ignore this for the time being.

"So, in fact, you have known for a long time that the real means of restraint are hidden in the underworld, and you told yourself that you have no means of restraint, and you even pretended to be a gambler to avoid being spotted by Sadako?"

An old friend, a benefactor who had saved his life countless times, just passed away silently, which made Yoshizakigawa feel a little upset.

But the key is that he can't feel sad, because this is Qinzi's own choice, and she knows that she will die inside.

At the beginning, she got the weapon to restrain Sadako, and she could still compete with it in the underworld. It can even be said that Sadako had no way to deal with her.

But later when she handed this thing to Anbei Changzhai——

What happened next did not appear in the memory of the imprint. After all, from here on, the magic wand was already held by Ampei Changzhai.

Abe Changsai obviously would not leave any information on it. His last sentence was to complete the mission. Only now did Yoshizakigawa understand what it meant.

The task he was talking about was to put this thing into his own hands.

The method of sealing Sadako with this wand is also very simple. Just poke it into her chest and seal it again.

(End of this chapter)

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