I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 272 Crushing the Heart

Chapter 272 Crushing the Heart
But then Yoshizakigawa thought again, if Kotoko really died, then according to the contract with the gate, she must return to the gate after her death. If she does not return to the gate, the gate will riot.

But when I went to the shrine before, there was nothing unusual about the shrine and its keeper.

The more he thought about it, the calmer Yoshizakigawa became;

Kotoko is very lucky and it is impossible for her to die so easily. The most likely scenario now is that she is still dealing with Sadako in the underworld.

Well, there is no time for me to think too much now. I must seal this scourge quickly. With every extra minute, the probability of something happening to Kotoko will increase.

Thinking of this, Yoshizakigawa didn't care that the bandages wrapped around his body had begun to bleed, and he forced himself to drive Kuze Miyuki, stimulated his potential, and walked out quickly;
When the doctor who was about to come over to deal with the anesthesia saw this scene, he was so scared that his face turned pale. In his medical career, he had never seen such an outrageous situation. He had just finished a debridement operation and the anesthetic had not even worn off, but this patient ran away faster than him.

Seeing that he could not catch up, he could only go back and lean against the wall and sigh.

On the other side, Yoshizakigawa went out and robbed a car, threw a handful of money to him, and drove away.

He wants to put an end to it all with his own hands!
It's not just because of Kotoko Higa, he is also fed up with the strange abilities of this incredible Sadako. Since he can't defeat her with any conspiracy or trickery, he might as well just kill her!
Of course, Sadako and Mako are two ghosts, one is the Zendo ghost and the other is the Myodo ghost.

This magic weapon was left by Yi Xiaojiao to deal with Miao Tong Ghost, while the formations across the country were used to deal with Shan Tong Ghost.

Just like the red ghost and green ghost in the previous life, the arrow that can kill the red ghost cannot kill the green ghost, and the arrow that kills the green ghost cannot kill the red ghost.

However, good and wonderful have already been defined before.

Yoshizakigawa believes in Kotoko's speculation and his own intuition that the evil ghost in Changming Town must be the Myodo ghost.

After all, the iron pestle in Kotoko's hand can temporarily suppress the latter, so there is no doubt about this.

Because of the suppression of Kuze Miyuki, his body was bleeding, but he did not feel any pain. Yoshizakigawa looked at the dark clouds that had covered the sky without knowing when, and felt a little depressed;

It was not formed naturally, but was composed of unimaginable evil spirits and resentment. The entire sky seemed to be divided by a boundary line. The sky above Changming was covered with dark clouds;

Because he was currently possessed by a ghost, the world he saw was only gray and black. The normal sky was white in his eyes, while in front of him, it was as dark as ink.

When he drove across a certain boundary, the whole world first stopped, and then the car made an uneasy creaking sound, and the roof seemed to be scratched by nails.

next moment--


It was like something heavy fell from the sky, hitting the roof of the car heavily, and rolling several times. When Yoshizaki Chuan subconsciously braked, the round thing on the roof instantly rolled to the back of the car. He subconsciously looked in the rearview mirror, and when he saw clearly what was rolling behind him, his expression changed slightly;
Behind him, the tumbling figure looked exactly like Higa Kotoko!
No, that figure is Higa Kotoko!
Because he is possessed by a ghost, although his eyes can only see the three simple colors of black, white and gray, his perception of outlines and familiarity with auras are far beyond that of ordinary people, and he ignores darkness.

After the figure hit the roof of the car, it fell heavily to the ground, with blood all over the road;

Yoshizakigawa only thought for a moment before deciding—

Keep going! "This is all an illusion. Even if it's the real Higa Kotoko, she will never let herself stop!"

Yoshizakigawa didn't know what would happen when he parked the car, but something would definitely happen. This was a test, and only by breaking through these barriers could he truly kill Sadako.

So, not only did he not slow down at all, he even stepped on the accelerator faster;

At some point, thick white fog spread all around. Yoshizaki River could only see the front, not the back. Even the road ahead became blurry.

All kinds of delusions arise involuntarily from the bottom of my heart. For example, if there is a dead end ahead and there are other cars on the side of the road, should I drive slower?
But he suddenly realized that it was Sadako who was the one doing the hard work.

Maybe she felt something and realized the danger, so this happened? Thinking of this, Yoshizaki Chuan's heart tightened. There will definitely be more storms coming next to try to stop him, but if that's all;

Well, that's all!
These can stop me? What a joke!
Having lived two lives and experienced many ups and downs, his mind is so strong, how could such a small thing stop him?
The next moment, the clouds parted and the blue sky appeared. After driving out of the thick fog, the road ahead suddenly became clear. However, what came into Yoshizaki River's sight was not a modern city, but a gray and black world with broken walls and ruins everywhere.

The underworld

This word suddenly appeared in his mind, and he found the orphanage according to his memory;

The strange thing is that it seems that Sadako has exhausted all her means along the way, and there are no more obstacles during this period?
Something is wrong. This is very wrong!

However, Yoshizakigawa didn't know what was wrong for the time being. He just felt that it was too smooth here. But if he wanted to explain it, he could explain it. This was the path opened up by Kotoko, and his soul was quite special, so Yamamura Sadako couldn't control himself?
It seems that this is the only explanation. Besides, the arrow has been put on the string and has to be shot. I don't have time to think about it.

With this in mind, he got out of the car;

Then he walked quickly towards the ruins. The ruins were strangely quiet, and there was no sign of Sadako. The journey was still surprisingly smooth.
Yoshizakigawa soon saw the figure in white;
The figure lay quietly behind the white candle, with a shriveled body, as if completely dead. But when he saw that figure did not resist, Yoshizakigawa's brain seemed to be struck by a bolt of lightning;
No, this is totally wrong.

He raised the dark iron rod, and just as he was hesitating, the mummy on the ground suddenly grabbed his hand. Almost instantly, countless hands seemed to reach out to him in the darkness. Yoshizaki felt a chill on his back. At this moment, he had no chance to think at all. Without any hesitation, he thrust the iron rod into the chest of the skinny corpse in front of him.
Along with the sound of flesh being torn apart, a burst of evil laughter continued to come from the front;

"You've been fooled."

The voice, though coming from a female body, was a male voice.

At this moment, Yoshizaki Chuan, who was standing there in a daze, seemed to understand: "Are you a Zendo ghost?"

However, the voice did not answer, and the next moment, he felt a pain in his chest;
He looked down in disbelief, only to see a sharp claw that had broken through his skin from behind and grabbed his heart out.



The heart was easily crushed like a balloon;

(End of this chapter)

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