This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 318 Who wants to cook a dish now?

Chapter 318 Who wants to be the next dish?

Before, the surrounding holy kingdoms were indeed in a wait-and-see state.

After all, the war between the empire and the elves was quite strange.

Any serious person can see that there must be a deeper game behind this war, but for now, it is still a bit unclear.

Of course, this is a major matter that affects the life and death of the entire country, so you must clearly understand it before making a bet.

It's a pity that Wright didn't intend to give these people so much time.

After occupying these ten cities, he sent invitations to the surrounding holy kingdoms, inviting them to come and watch the ceremony.

This is forcing the other party to take sides.

Want to stay on the sidelines and wait until the situation stabilizes before placing your bets?

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Rosenna smiled slightly: "With His Majesty the Great Saint Sin here, I think Border City will prosper sooner or later.

"Your Majesty the Saint, our Saint Carloti Kingdom is willing to accept this condition. If you are willing, we can take all these sixteen cities!
I will send a magical message to our monarch right now, and the team can set off now! "

If you don't miss the opportunity, don't come back again. If you pass this village, there won't be this shop. "

The matter of the Rotten Egg made him involuntarily want to speed up the empire's conquest.

The representatives of the holy vassal states who were sitting in the negotiation suits looked at these fertile lands, and their eyes turned green.

Wright looked at the envoy who spoke: "What's your name?"

"My name is Rosenna, His Highness the Saint."

"You are very good. I allow you to choose three cities."

They have the right to manage these cities, but they have no actual ownership.

The person here who can come here as a messenger is definitely not a mediocre person.

Our San Carloti Empire is not too close to here, but the border city is more attractive.

Each party has its own jurisdiction, and matters requiring cooperation shall be negotiated by agreement between the two parties.

Border City has been destroyed. Although it is being rebuilt, it will take some time for it to develop and prosper again. "

"These cities need to be co-governed by the state and religion. In other words, the top decision-makers in the city will be changed from the city lord at the beginning to the city guard and the city shepherd.

After hearing what Wright said, most people were still very confused.

If you don't do it, others will. "

The invitations that Wright sent to these holy kingdoms were all very tight, to the extent that there was no time to hesitate at all and they had to go all out to get there.

Moreover, we also hope to reach long-term cooperation intentions with the Elf Empire!

Wright raised his hand and slowly opened the map.

"Ten cities, including six border cities on the border, you can choose by yourself."

And Wright's words gradually calmed down these people.

City Shou and City Mud, two decision-makers, two sets of governing teams. It's a good idea to restrict each other and promote each other, but who knows if there will be any trouble later?
Just as they were hesitating, one of the messengers stood up directly.


I have cities and I have land.

He didn't want these guys to weigh the pros and cons, nor did he want them to conduct boring tests anymore.

After all, for them, the new management model means that they need to be controlled by others.

Today you can ask your country to send garrison troops and administrative teams here, and then move into the selected city to start normal garrison and management.

Rosener immediately left his seat and ran to Wright's side. He stretched out his hand and rowed away three border cities.

I also ask His Highness Wright to help introduce you when the time comes! "

Taking advantage? If you don’t suffer a loss, you will make a profit! A tie would be enough to write an autobiography and ask troubadours to sing about it.

After listening to Rosenna's words, they suddenly understood.

After the war is over, the elves will usher in a rapid development.

"Thank you!"

In other words, the rapid development of elves has become a foregone conclusion. Whoever gets the Border City will have the upper hand and can ride on this fast-moving ride together.

"I can only give you two border cities. Now choose one from the remaining ten cities."

“But one thing is, these cities don’t get it for free.”

Wright knocked on the table: "If you are willing, you can come over and sign an agreement with me now.

I still say the same thing, it’s all about freedom to stay or go.

The specific division of power and government, as well as the updated basic structure of the city's leadership team, are all written in the instructions before you.

Yes, there is no free lunch in this world, let alone in the hands of this famous saint.

Wright looked at the envoy in surprise: "Don't you choose these ten fertile cities?

Rosenner felt a little regretful, but the two border cities were already a big piece of fat.

"Why, don't you want to?"

"How could it be possible, Your Majesty the Saint? This is a gift, and it is a territory given to you for free! We don't spend a single soldier to get it for free, so what else can we find fault with?"

Rosenner's words immediately made other members of the mission in the entire conference room wake up from their dreams.


This is free!

I am still thinking about whether it is a good deal or not, I am simply obsessed!
In a business that is sure to make a profit but not lose any money, the worst thing is not to make a profit.

Three of the sixteen cities were cut off at once, and the remaining thirteen cities were not enough even if everyone present had only one.

If you don't grab it by then, you will have to watch others eat meat, and you won't even be able to drink the soup.

When you go back, you have to be beaten by your own monarch?

The envoys rushed over immediately, not caring about anything decent or dishonorable, and pushed forward crazily.

"Your Highness! Please give us three cities!"

"Bah, who are you? You also want three? Your Highness! We only need one!"

"Your Highness, our empire is willing to send troops to help your Highness conquer this evil First Empire! Please give us a city!"

There was chaos in the conference room, and Wright waved his hand to force them to disperse.

"I have fully understood your desire for territory. But the problem now is to complete the defense of these cities as soon as possible.

Therefore, countries that are close to these cities will be allocated this city, only one city.

I hope you will send the mission as soon as possible. If it does not arrive after the scheduled time, it will be treated negatively.

Not only is there no meat to eat this time, but you won’t even have a place in the soup in the future.

Don’t be discouraged by other holy vassal states that are not on the wheel. There are still many cities and lands in the entire empire.

If you don’t catch this batch, the next batch will be better. "

Wright stretched out his hand and pulled the map longer, and the next target that the Elf Empire was preparing to attack was clearly marked on it. It was a long river that ran through the entire First Empire. These ten cities with fertile land were across the river from the city on the other side of the river.

If you want to cross this long river, there are only a few bridges and canyons.

This river can be said to be the dividing line between the east and west of the empire. Like a knife, it split the entire First Empire into two.

At the same time, this is also a famous natural moat in the First Empire.

At the beginning, the First Empire faced many invasions from other countries. At one time, like today, more than half of the country was occupied.

But they relied on the obstruction of this long river and natural moat to hide in the rear and cultivate their health. In the end, they turned defeat into victory and took back the lost land.

Now, they have once again entered a life-and-death situation.

"As long as we capture this long river, we can march straight in and take the capital of the First Empire!
At that time, the First Empire will be destroyed!

But before that, I hope your country can declare war on the First Empire and send troops to their borders, forcing them to send a large number of soldiers to fight against you. "

The envoys patted their chests one by one and promised: "Don't worry, Your Highness, this little thing will be taken care of by us."

Wright was not surprised at all.

Thousands of people beat the broken drum.

In this case, even if Wright did not make this request, I believe that the Holy Kingdom behind this group of people would see the right time and declare war on the First Empire.

Take advantage of the fall of this behemoth and grab a piece of the pie.

Waiting for the Holy Light Church to give it to itself would require a dual-leader system. But if he knocked it down by himself, he would have actually swallowed it in his stomach.

"I'm just asking you to confront each other. Please don't attack."

Wright suddenly said: "The reason why you are asked to do this is to disperse the forces of the First Empire and minimize the casualties of human soldiers.

After all, even if the royal family of the First Empire went against the grain, the goddess did not want to see her people die innocently.

If you don’t understand, just look at what happened to the First Reich. "

What follows is obviously a naked warning.

Today he can play the First Empire like this, but tomorrow this misfortune can befall any country.

The First Empire was so powerful that it was played so badly, let alone himself.

It is simply wishful thinking to want to hold citizens hostage and threaten the Holy Light Church.

No country can afford the methods Wright has shown.

After all, who would have thought that he could make the elves obey his words, and that the elves, which had been weak for hundreds of years, suddenly have absolutely overwhelming combat power.

With this alien sword standing here, everyone must be obedient.

Fortunately, obedient children get candy.

"Okay, if nothing happens to you, please go back and pass the information to your respective masters."

Seeing that the envoys fell silent, Wright directly issued an order to expel them.

"I hope you can make the right choice."

"Don't worry, Lord Saint Sin, we will definitely convince His Majesty the King to follow the arrangements of the Holy Light Church."

The envoys hurriedly left the conference room and left the city at high speed.

To them, this division of the spoils is just an appetizer.

The truly prosperous cities of the First Empire were basically east of the Changhe River. Moreover, the various minerals, industries, and grain-producing cities of the First Empire were all in the eastern half.

Although there are fertile grasslands to the west of the Changhe River, relatively speaking, the eastern half is more fertile.

If this feast was delayed even half a step, we might not even be able to drink the soup.

Moreover, in addition to eating meat and drinking soup, there is another important thing in this war, and that is to express oneself.

Now, we have passed the stage of taking sides.

It would be better to say that the Holy Light Church moved so quickly that it had already finished its work without giving these countries a chance to take sides.

In this current situation, there is no point in taking sides. After all, everyone can see that the Holy Light Church will definitely win a crushing victory, just like an adult cleaning up a naughty child.

They didn't even take action personally, and the goddess didn't even show up.

Just by supporting the Elf Empire, the First Empire was defeated.

In this case, what each holy nation needs is to make a gesture of submission! Show yourself well!
Showing that he is a good and obedient child, he is definitely not the same as the rebellious brat like the First Empire.

This is more important than eating meat and drinking soup.

Otherwise, you will not be at the table, but on the dinner plate!
No one wants to be the next big thing, so make sure you show up.

Looking at the backs of the envoys riding away in the sunset, Emily pinched her waist and clicked her tongue in wonder.

"How do you think they will persuade their respective monarchs after they return?"

"If you can persuade me, do it. If you can't persuade me, I'll probably find a way to change the monarch."

Wright's expression was cold and his tone was even colder: "The so-called kings in these holy vassals are actually mostly political symbols.

Those who really hold the power are the royal family and high-ranking nobles.

If the king can represent most of everyone's interests, everyone will recognize him as the king. Even if there is some damage to interests, it is still within the acceptable range.

But what happened today was unacceptable to them.

Because I have made it clear that the things Holy Light Church does will not attack the working people.

If the management disobeys, the management will be replaced. It’s as simple as that.

The people are all the offspring of the goddess's true love and will be protected as much as possible.

And they ended up with Prince Michaelser.

So, if their king is disobedient, they will gather together and replace him with an obedient one. "

Emily nodded thoughtfully: "So, although you only killed the management of the First Empire, you made all the management of the Holy Kingdom meet your requirements.

In this way, it is equivalent to cleaning up all the holy kingdoms in disguise, but keeping the casualties to a minimum.

Right? "

"I hope... There is a saying in our hometown that we should do our best and obey fate. We must do the best we can.

No matter how the situation develops, we will have a clear conscience and will not regret it.

Emily, I hope you can become a person with a clear conscience. "

Emily tilted her head and blinked her innocent, clear eyes: "I have always had a clear conscience."

Wright looked at her and sighed: "She's so cute, she has no brain."

"If you want to praise, then praise well; if you want to scold, then scold well. I am very torn about saying such things!"

Wright laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed Emily's head: "Let's go back to the capital of the Elf Empire.

This time we are going to attack Tianqi, and the enemy's black magician group has already assembled on the other side of the river.

We must recruit the tree people from the Elf Empire into the army to quickly resolve the battle. "

(End of this chapter)

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