This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 337 The emergence of life and death!

Chapter 337 The emergence of life and death! (Please subscribe)
The petals of the Tree of Life fell with the wind, and the power of life rapidly declined and collapsed.

At this juncture, Madam Corruption used her own power to transform the life force that should have been transformed into the power of death into nutrients for corruption.

The rules of life and death were broken, and the smell of corruption filled the island in the center of the Lake of Life.

The Tree of Life itself is entangled with the world's laws of life, which is a flaw of the first generation of Tree of Life.

Because of this, the death of the Tree of Life means the collapse of the law of life in the entire world.

Such a world will be captured by the Underworld Sea and sucked into the Underworld Sea.

Once such a tragedy occurs, the entire world will be crushed by the whirlpool of the Underworld.

Needless to say about the creatures inside, death has become a major prerequisite.

The world will also turn into countless fragments, washed up by ocean currents on the underworld, and become part of billions of gravels.

And the rich power of corruption will be injected into the sea of ​​​​underworld.

In the end, corruption will coexist as part of the Underworld.

And the Gate of Truth cannot obtain the power of death!

If it cannot be digested, then this power will eventually be repelled by the underworld sea and eventually washed up on the underworld beach.

If the foreign matter that cannot be discharged is too large, the operation of the entire Hades Sea will collapse.

This proves that the method of corrupting Mrs. is feasible.

This makes the power of the Gate of Truth incomplete.

Although it is already indescribable, if you want to go further and become more powerful, you must find a way to steal more truths.

When the first few worlds fell into the underworld, the power of corruption could not be discharged.

That force of neither life nor death, even Minghai would suffer from indigestion.

In order to prevent Minghai from collapsing, Minghai's great will will choose to give in.

Lady Corruption will gain unprecedented power!
because! die! It is truth!

She had sunk several worlds before this. With the huge power of corruption, it was swallowed up by the underworld sea.

To be honest, there is already enough corruptive power accumulated in the Underworld. If we add this world to the mix, we will reach the critical point of interfering with the cycle of life and death.

And, she did well until she came into this world.

When it comes to death, it's obviously Mrs. Corruption who's doing it.

Ever since, it was like a gummy candy stuck in the underworld.

Success is just one step away.

If, if it gets to that point.

This is the real purpose of Mrs. Corruption.

But now, Wright was standing in front of her.

But in addition to the power of life, the power of corruption also contains the power of death.

He is too strong. He is also at the concept level, and he has the blessing of the Gate of Truth. He is no match at all.

Although on the surface it seems that the purification and healing of the Holy Light can restrain one's own corruption, the core reason is that the other party's concept [Emergence] is too strong to be unreasonable.

Even without the Holy Light, Mrs. Corruption knew that she was no match for the opponent.

Fortunately, his arrogance allowed him to complete this most important step!
"Hahaha, the world has fallen into the sea of ​​underworld! The gate of truth will go one step further! And I will also receive more gifts!

Wright! No matter how strong you are, you are only a conceptual level!
With your ability, you cannot compete with the indescribable power of the Indescribable One! "

Wright looked at her quietly and raised his eyelids for the last time: "Are you done laughing? If you are done laughing, it's my turn."

Mrs. Corruption dismissed it: "What can you do now? If I were you, I would quickly save the people I care about in this world and escape to other worlds!" Wright glanced at her, He took out the divine crown of King Lieyang from his arms.

"No need at all. Because the sun will still rise tomorrow as usual."

Wright's whole body was shaken, and the powerful emerging power was immediately injected into the Flame King's crown.

It turned into a ball of scorching flames, then rose into the sky, tearing through the night sky under the Corrupted Moon, and submerged into the sun.

The bright and hot sunshine shone on the world, and the strange blue moon suddenly lost its color.

"Okay, Lilith, you don't need to maintain it anymore."

"Phew, I'm exhausted."

When Lilith heard what Wright said, she immediately regained her physical form, and the area of ​​evil thoughts disappeared.

Looking at the Ancient Tree of Life that had turned into a puddle of mud, Lilith looked at Wright: "Isn't it too late to upgrade to the Ancient Tree of Life 2.0 you mentioned?"

"As I said, I have a brand new idea. Just skip 2.0 and let's run into the 3.0 stage."

Wright snapped his fingers: "Lilith, help me contain that corrupt lady. I have serious things to do."

"Okay. I have to do the physical work again. Can I do Pinocchio next time?"

"He wants to station in the fairy tale subspace. It is the most important private property in the Holy Light World. We cannot allow others to take advantage of it."

As Wright spoke, he strolled to the remains of the Ancient Tree of Life.

The thick and towering trees have disappeared, replaced by smelly mud.

If you look carefully, you can still find some wooden textures.

"It's really good and nutritious."

He looked back at Lilith and saw that she had begun to fight with Madam Corruption.

Because she suffered a big loss at the hands of Wright, Madam Corruption fought with injuries and was no longer a match for Lilith, so she could only struggle to support herself.

But she didn't panic at all. After all, the world was falling under the gravity of the underworld at this moment, and the law of life was completely collapsed.

The end of the world has arrived!

Victory will eventually belong to you!
The next moment, she saw Wright spreading his hands towards the mud.

"Mrs. Corruption, your understanding of corruption is too one-sided. Is corruption the only thing between life and death?
Is it such an unbearable and disgusting thing?
you are wrong.

Let you see what miracles can happen between life and death under the power of emergence! "

The power of emergence rushed out and poured into the decaying remains of the ancient tree of life along Wright's hand.

The tree mud that was originally rotten into a puddle actually began to gather under the influence of the force of emergence.

Wright stretched out his hand and pointed toward the sun in the sky, and countless divine patterns fell from the sky and were injected into the tree mud. They were the divine patterns used to upgrade the Tree of Life left by King Lieyang back then.

Now, the entire paragraph has been excerpted directly by Wright.

“Death is not necessarily the end, nor is life the beginning.

When life and death mix, miracles are also born! "

A buzzing sound.

A mass of unknown matter grew crazily and continued to grow. In the blink of an eye, it surpassed the ancient tree of life and turned into a behemoth!
At the same time, the law of life in the entire world was restored and strengthened under the design of King Lieyang!

And when Mrs. Corruption saw the new creation clearly, she fell into some kind of madness.

"This! This, this, this! This is actually a mushroom!"

(End of this chapter)

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