This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 338 Use yourself to pay off the debt

Chapter 338 Use yourself to pay off the debt (please ask for monthly votes)
mushroom! It turned out to be a huge mushroom!

Tall and strong, colorful, shining in the sunlight.

But why mushrooms?

Not only Madam Corruption couldn't understand, but even Lilith couldn't understand why Wright did what he did.

"So...why mushrooms?"

Wright chuckled after hearing Lilith's inquiry: "Because mushrooms are life blooming in decay!
And compared to plants, it is more inclusive of the meaning of life and has greater plasticity!
And most importantly, we will become hunters. "

Lilith obviously didn't react: "Hunting, hunter? Who else do we want to hunt?"

"That's a lot."

Wright pointed to the sun in the sky: "Now that we have obtained the Divine Crown of the Sun King, it is estimated that the Life God System will not give up.

The Ancient Tree of Life and the World Tree are the foundation of the Life God System.

According to his description, you were not murdered by the Life God System at all. "

"How is this possible! How is this possible! Did I really go the wrong way? How could there be new life in the midst of decay! Did I make a mistake?

In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, King Lieyang brought the gods of the life system.

Killed the moon. "

Unfortunately, there seems to be an insurmountable gap between her and Wright at the conceptual level.

As for what happened later, King Lie Yang did not record it.

Mrs. Corruption was in a daze. She had been in a daze since she was killed and resurrected.

Wright looked at the Corrupt Madam who was being choked by him and smiled: "This is the truth behind the murder of the moon.

If they don't want to, they have to pay me the protection fee honestly! "

You are obviously the God King, but you have always been the one who is ignored.

After you were killed by the Life God System, the Gate of Truth found you and accepted you as an apostle, giving you other conceptual origins, which helped you become a new concept level.

Wright's eyes turned to Madam Corruption in the sky. At this moment, she was completely sluggish.

“Because the moon is not as dazzling as the sun, its status in the divine system is not as prestigious as the sun.

"There is no truth. There are a lot of fungi."

It is indescribable that it is indeed difficult to find a conceptual god to become one's apostle.

Wright's smiling face was full of murderous intent, and his eyes were full of contempt.

After all, very few concept gods would give up the possibility of continuing to advance for the sake of temporary power.

do you know?
In fact, after I obtained the Divine Crown of King Lieyang, I also obtained a large amount of memories and information preserved by King Lieyang.

Lilith was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then gave a thumbs up: "It has to be you."

After witnessing such an abnormal thing happening, her divinity had been shaken.

As time goes by, jealousy grows in your soul.

The 2.0 version of Sun King is to upgrade the ancient tree of life to fix the loopholes and gain control.

"It's not over yet."

"'re talking nonsense!"

In a flash, Wright led Lilith to Mrs. Corruption and grabbed her by the neck.

But looking at your appearance, I can probably guess a lot.

Mrs. Corruption grabbed Wright's arm with both hands, trying to corrode the other person's body with the power of corruption.

If they dare to attack us, I can make all the ancient trees of life in their pastoral world be swallowed by the mushroom of life!

impossible! I am an apostle of the Door of Truth! My heart and my actions are all the truth! "

"You didn't even understand your own concept, so you just came out to imitate others?
The former Moon Lady, the top rules god.

The Gate of Truth is really a good method. "

But if an almost perfect rule-level god is catalyzed into a concept-level god, the other party will definitely give up.

And because you were bewitched by the Door of Truth, you, Ms. Moon, went crazy.

In the food chain, we are already above the life system.

You began to kill people in the pantheon, and the gods of your lineage also fell into madness under your influence.

Her concept is corruption, but the divinity of life is her foundation.

My 3.0 directly ate the previous ancient tree of life and replaced it.

Although she is now the seventh apostle of the Gate of Truth, she was previously one of the two divine kings of the Life God System.

And because of the complete change of the system, there is no possibility for the gods in the life system to take it back!
In other words, as long as I want, I can make the life system lose all sources of faith.

Too much trouble!

But the mushroom of life I created can erode and devour the tree of life, even the world tree.

For so many years, she had only one thought in her mind, and that was to seek revenge from the Life God System. Unknowingly, he has done a lot for the Gate of Truth.

But after listening to Wright's words just now, she seemed to recall many things.

The moon went crazy and the sun killed her.

The dead moon fell into endless darkness, but a door opened for her.

From then on, the blue and black moon, representing corruption, was born.

For the truth, she is willing to do anything!
For the truth! For the truth! ! !
The confusion on Mrs. Corruption's face disappeared, replaced by endless madness.

Her breath continued to expand, as if she wanted to break free from Wright's grasp.

"Do you think you still have a chance to win?"

Wright's voice was not loud, and it seemed as if he was speaking to Mrs. Corruption, but at the same time it seemed that he was not speaking to her.

"Do you think the reason why I kept choking your neck just now was because it was fun?"

While speaking, Wright actually took the initiative to let go of his hand.

And from the pinch mark on Mrs. Corruption's neck, countless hyphae actually emerged, wrapping her up in a blink of an eye.

Mrs. Corruption was horrified. She kept activating the power of corruption, but this only made the mycelium thicker, denser and stronger!

"Then it's time for you to pay off your debt!"

Wright smiled sinisterly and said: "You have caused so much trouble to this world and made me work so hard and hard for so long. I have to settle the labor fees, right?

First, strip away death! "

With a snap of Wright's fingers, a white mushroom sprouted from Mrs. Corruption's back.

This mushroom grows in the wind and becomes as big as a washbasin in an instant.

I saw that its whole body was as white as bones, with bloodshot streaks looming on it. Just one look at it feels like a thorn in the back, like a thorn in the throat, and it's as chilling as looking directly at death.

As this mushroom continued to grow and grow, the divinity in Mrs. Corruption was also completely removed.

She let out a shrill wail and endured endless pain.

However, Wright's eyes were extremely cold. It was this crazy woman in front of him who had sunk several worlds.

The life in it died instantly, and the world turned into gravel on the beach of the underworld.

Compared with the crime she committed, this punishment was nothing. Finally, the white mushroom grew into a human form, turning into a lady dressed in a snow-white princess dress and a wide-brimmed hat.

"Very good, from now on you will be the god in charge of death in the Holy Light Divine Court, Mrs. Baigu."

Mrs. Baigu bowed and saluted, then held up her little mushroom-like parasol and floated towards the divine court.

"You! What did you do to me?"

Mrs. Corruption gritted her teeth and stared at Wright angrily.

"As you can see, you have committed too many sins, and you need to use everything you have to make up for it! Bite your teeth, this is only a small part.

You, and the Door of Truth, owe the world a lot! "

Wright snapped his fingers at her again: "Then, for the second part, the depravity needs to be stripped away."

Mrs. Corruption let out a scream, and a mushroom grew on her body again, growing crazily.

This mushroom is dark and dry, more like a Ganoderma lucidum painted with black paint than a mushroom.

It also grew in size rapidly, and finally grew into a human shape.

It was a king wearing a crown, with a shriveled body, shrouded in dark spore smoke.

Wright was very satisfied with this: "Very good, from now on, you are a member of the Holy Light Court, the deity in charge of the fallen.

Just call him, Fallen Fungi Master. "

With the separation of [Death] and [Depravity], Mrs. Corruption has undergone tremendous changes at this time.

She seems to have regained some of the previous lineup of Ms. Moon, but her mind is still a little unclear.

Wright wasn't too interested in this and snapped his fingers at her again.

"Finally, peel off the dirt!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Madam Corruption let out another shrill scream, and pustules poured out of her body one after another, and finally pieced together.

They fused and devoured each other, and finally turned into something like a sarcoid.

Even Lilith couldn't help but frown a little.

"Is this... a mushroom?"

"No... that's too much. More like a ball of fungus."

In the end, Wright couldn't stand it anymore, so he raised his hand, causing the mycelium on Mrs. Corruption's body to quickly gather, covering the tumor with a layer of fungi, and then he could barely see it.

Finally, the meat ball also turned into a human form, but it looked like a toad that had become a spirit.

Although it is ugly, in terms of divine power fluctuation, it is even much higher than Mrs. White Mushroom and the fallen fungus master.

"Very good, from today on, you are the God in charge of filth in the Holy Light Palace. I give you the name...

Tsk, it’s really not easy to get up.

I’ll call you, Dirty Mushroom King! "


The Dirty Mushroom King was very happy. He jumped into the sky and disappeared from Wright's sight.

"Here I go...are you really a toad?"

"You created it yourself, don't you know?"

Wright shook his head: "I only controlled the occurrence of emergence, but did not interfere with the results of emergence.

Therefore, every result is a miracle, not created by me. "

Lilith nodded as if she understood: "But... you gave the divine court three gods at once, and they are [Death], [Depravity] and [Purity].

That's the Holy Light Court. Are you sure Joanna won't pull your ears when the time comes? "

"Ahem, I am also helping them grow the Divine Court. Besides, the Divine Court cannot just find gods who represent good images to join!
Those evil and unpopular laws also need to be managed by controllers.

If there are people who water the flowers, there must also be people who clean the toilets, right?
I am also doing this to make up for the uneven quality of the gods within the Divine Court! "

Lilith was obviously not very interested in this, and she pointed at the dying Lady Corruption.

"Then what to do with the rest?"

Wright also looked at Mrs. Corruption. As death, filth, and corruption were stripped away, Mrs. Corruption had transformed back into Lady Moon.

It's a pity that things have changed and she has reached her deathbed.

"Are you ready to hit the road?"

Mrs. Corruption was dying. She looked at Wright and suddenly laughed: "The Gate of Truth will not let you go."

"Do you have too high expectations for your position? You are just..."

"Where does the divinity of the law of the God of Light come from? Do you think the sage of reason is qualified to obtain it?"

Wright's hands froze in place, and the murderous intent in his eyes grew stronger.

Wright always found this strange at the time, but until now he has not found the source of the divinity of this part of the law.

If, if given by the Gate of Truth, it would make sense.

Because the time of the death of the Sage of the Sky was during the siege of the Tower of Truth a hundred years ago, the time when the Sage of Reason turned into a wreck after his death, and when the Sage of Wisdom faked his death and went into the background.

If the Sage of the Sky was contacted by Madam Corruption after his death, then the Tower of Truth in this world would actually be connected to the Gate of Truth.

It's just that the sage of wisdom and the sage of reason don't know.

With the power of the Gate of Truth, it is not impossible to give the divinity of the law without disturbing the other party, and complete one's layout with the help of the sage of reason!
Thinking of this, Wright's face became a little ugly.

Mrs. Corruption smiled wantonly: "And she! Malicious devil, I feel the smell of blasphemy from your concept.

You are also the target of the Door of Truth hunt!

For law and blasphemy, like death, are concepts that the gates of truth long for.

He will come to you eventually! "

"Hmph, just come. Do you think I'm afraid of it?"

Wright looked at the other party and smiled disdainfully: "So what if it's indescribable, what if it's a meme? If it really wants to die, I don't mind giving him a step!
However, you will never see that day.

Here, dissipate! "

With a snap of Wright's fingers, the hyphae on Mrs. Corruption's body grew rapidly, turning into a huge fungus mass amid her desperate shouts and screams.

As Wright clenched his hand tightly, the fungus group continued to shrink, and finally became the size of a fist.

Then Wright took out the Divine Crown of the Sun King again, and compared the appearance of the Divine Crown, he shaped the fungi into the shape of a crown.

The bright moonlight emanates from the crown, making it look particularly beautiful and lovely.

Wright looked at the crown while chatting with Lilith.

"It is said that after the death of Lady Moon, King Lieyang took sole power and became more and more arrogant. This divine crown was made at that time, symbolizing his unique status and divine power.

But how could there be only the sun in the world?
Then, how boring it must be. "

Lilith chuckled: "What...are you going to do?"

"Don't we have two goddesses of life?"

(End of this chapter)

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