This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 358 Create the most evil dragon!

Chapter 358 Create the most evil dragon!
For Wright's behavior, the impurities and waste produced in the purification process are not let go.

Lilith expressed understanding and Jenny expressed shock.

But Emily took it for granted.

Emily, realizing this, fell into deep self-doubt.

"A boy can be taught!"

Wright was very satisfied with Emily's transformation and turned to show off to Lilith.

"Look, let me tell you, I'm definitely not the only one who thinks this way!"

"I don't really agree with your approach of assimilating someone of the same kind when you don't have the same kind."

Lilith glanced at Emily: "But this is it, and this is the only way it can be."

Emily hugged Lilith and cried with tears in her eyes: "No, sister Lilith, don't give up on me!"

"If I had known, I would have chosen to go home by myself just now."

Why did you become a construction worker here? "

Wright couldn't help but punched his fist in protest: "What do you mean? Why do you think that if you think the same as me, you are no longer a human being!"

"Hey... Lilith, you can't continue like this."

After calculating the approximate location, Wright stopped on a flat ground.

"why me?"

Although the location was selected, unfortunately, the accompanying family members had already been arranged in the corresponding dungeon.

Lilith and the three of them looked at each other and finally decided: "Let's go with you. We've been here for such a long time anyway, so there's no shortage of time left."

Emily was about to cry but had no tears: "Even if you are an ordinary magician, you are still a guest in any empire or force!

Wright immediately left the Dark Dungeon with the three women and flew forward in a right-angle direction.

Emily pouted, and began to carve magic patterns on the ground with the dragon-slaying knife, and then activated magic to build a simple altar.

"That's what you said! The working class is supremely glorious! You can become the working class, so go ahead and have fun!"

Jenny stretched out her hand to help Emily up: "Why don't you come and believe in the great Goddess of Holy Light with me!
I believe that under Lord Aphra’s grace and teachings, you will be able to change your ways and be a new person! "

"OK then."

"It's good here..."

"Go! Build an altar in the center of the dungeon."

"You are a full-scale magician, so you can cultivate quickly."

In desperation, Wright took out the Dragon Slayer's Lament and threw it to Emily.

Or if you feel uncomfortable, you can go back early. "

Emily waved her hand and refused: "Forget it, I won't cause any trouble to Aphra."

Wright was very unhappy: "Hey, the main project has been completed. Do you want to stay here, or follow me to build the final defense project?

"There is no regret medicine in life. Besides, even if you go back, there will still be a lot of civil engineering projects waiting for you to do."

Wright took the dragon-slaying knife from her hand and thrust it into the altar.

"Hey, aren't you going to use magic mushrooms this time?"

"I can't help it. I don't have dragon-type magic mushrooms on hand, and the three specially cultivated magic mushrooms have been used up."

Wright grasped the handle of the knife tightly and grinned.

"But what we need here is not magic mushrooms, but knives!"

Amidst the buzzing sound, massive energy from the Dragon Realm surged out of the magic array.

Wright took the opportunity to throw several dungeon scrolls in together and shouted loudly.

"Haha, it's time for free whoring!"

I saw a huge city rising from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, its scale was comparable to the three main cities.

At the same time, three majestic strategic walls also rose from the ground and spread towards the three main cities. After connecting with the three main cities, it continued to rise, eventually filling the gaps between two of the three main cities.

Under the massive energy of the dragon world, Wright drew a large semicircle on the beach of the underworld, taking the four underground cities as points.

"Let's do it again! Three mushrooms gather together!!!"

Following Wright's roar, three hyphae of different colors rose up from the altar in the dungeon, intertwining with each other to form a huge polymer.

The impurities produced by the purification also poured out from the three-color polymer.

Seeing these indescribable impurities gathering together again, Lilith and others retreated one after another.

"What on earth is this thing?"

Unexpectedly, Wright also shook his head: "I don't know, it's hard to define. The reason why the Underworld Sea cannot digest the power of corruption is because of the existence of these impurities.

I think this is probably the residual poison of the wreckage of the world.

After all... Mrs. Corruption obtained these corrupting powers by knocking down the world.

Moreover, her original purpose was to make Ming Hai's great will incompatible and finally recognize her identity. "

Hearing this, Lilith stopped the two of them and retreated far away: "That kind of thing is very dangerous!
Perhaps, it is not something that can be created at the conceptual level, but something that is given by the indescribable Gate of Truth to achieve its purpose. "

"Whatever it is, it's mine now."

Wright chuckled and manipulated the magic circle in the dungeon, using these impurities as a basis to start summoning.

"The chaotic ones! The twisted ones! The sinking ones! Gather here in the name of the Dragon Clan!
Answer my call! Come to this world!
Reflect your final residual value! "

Under Wright's crazy spell, magic circles began to overlap and converge.

The impurities began to twist and transform, and finally slowly took shape under the control of the magic circle, turning into a ferocious and terrifying dragon.

Although its energy fluctuations are no different from those of an ordinary dragon, it exudes an ominous aura.

Lilith hid in the distance and looked at the other party carefully.

"This giant dragon...even if it has no fighting power, even if it runs to the enemy and explodes, it can cause unimaginable damage to the opponent!"

"Yes, and as the impurities continue to increase, more of these giant dragons will appear.

At that time, no matter who wants to attack our station, they will have to go through them first. "

Wright reached out and patted the dragon's scales: "I'm going to name them the most evil dragon clan!"

Lilith looked at Wright in horror: "You, you, you touched it? Aren't you afraid of being contaminated?"

"How could I be afraid of something like this?"

Wright spread his hand, and as expected, there was no change at all.

"My concept is emergence. Do you think there will be a lack of impurities when people gather together? If you are afraid of impurities, how can you control emergence?"

Wright jumped up to the city gate and waved his hand: "I am going to plant a big dark light mushroom here! If the area is enough, we will build a new city and a new strategic city wall.

Then continue to grow mushrooms, build cities again, grow mushrooms again, and build cities again!
It won't be long before we can conquer a huge territory here!

In short, plant the land first, expand when the land is not enough, and continue farming after the expansion is completed!

The cycle goes on and on! Forever! "

Lilith looked at Wright's back and couldn't help but gasped: "Why do I feel like you can really bring down the entire Hades Beach?
Is it an illusion? "

Wright chuckled and pointed forward: "Then the first step! Meet the enemy!"

Lilith and others were shocked, and they quickly jumped onto the city wall and looked in the direction of Wright's finger.

It was discovered that there were actually a large number of undead creatures swarming towards this side.

"what happened?"

"Monsters are attacking the city."

Wright carried the slaying dragon and said with a smile: "There is a lot of high-concentration energy surging here, and of course it will be extremely attractive.

Not to mention, someone wanted to take the opportunity to test it. "

(End of this chapter)

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