This Paladin is so despicable!.

Chapter 359 Man-made Disaster in Mingtan

Chapter 359 Man-made Disaster in Mingtan

"So many undead creatures!"

Emily looked at the undead monsters coming like a tide, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "I have only seen in books before, that tide of Warcraft that is enough to destroy a country.

How do you feel? It’s scarier here! "

"Undead creatures that can be born in the underworld, if thrown casually into the lower world, are terrifying existences that endanger one party."

Lilith answered her patiently: "At least, they are all disaster-level. The leader among them is likely to be natural disaster-level."

"Ah? What should we do then!"

Lilith looked at Wright with some worry: "Don't our three cities have to keep running?

If that were the case, wouldn't it always be full of energy and provoke attacks from a large number of undead creatures? "

Wright laughed loudly: "It's more than that.

After all, in addition to the strong power of the undead, there is also the power of corruption and filth.

In the underworld, there are not a few people who covet these energies!
When the time comes, everyone, big and small, will come to join in the fun. "

Emily shuddered: "What should we do? We can't stay here forever to guard against attacks from these guys, right?

To be honest, I still prefer our world over there. "

"Of course not!"

Wright gave her a surprised look: "What are you thinking? I don't want to stay here forever! It's dark and rancid here.

Who doesn’t like the elven empire, the seaside city, and the holy capital of the Holy Light Church?

Am I crazy that I stay here all this time, dealing with this shit? "

"Then...what should we do?"

Wright snapped his fingers, and the most evil dragon rose into the air, flew towards the wave of monsters, and began to breathe out dragon breath.

The powerful force and the extremely contagious dragon's breath blocked the wave of monsters on the spot.

"As you know, I just like to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

The reason why I spent so much energy, made so many preparations, and bought so much equipment.

Just for one thing!

That is, when I am not in Mingtan, this place can run smoothly.

Realize, Mingtan Underground City Cluster Fully Automatic System!
Defensive mode is of course also under consideration. "

Wright snapped his fingers, and a large number of dark-light magic mushrooms suddenly grew inside and outside the city wall, and began to spread at an extremely exaggerated speed, soon covering the bodies of the destroyed undead creatures on the ground.

Subsequently, these magic mushrooms quickly absorbed the remains of these undead creatures, and their size also became much larger.

The magic mushrooms in the city are constantly growing in size and starting to accumulate a lot of energy.

Wright picked up one of the magic mushrooms, put it in his hands and performed the magic modification.

Soon, a large mushroom capable of spraying spore shells appeared in Wright's hands.

Wright was very satisfied with his transformation and casually threw it on the city wall.

Strands of mycelium wrapped around the big spray mushroom. Emily and others took a closer look and found that these mycelium all came from the dark light magic mushrooms inside and outside the city.

With the injection of energy, the big mushroom began to fire wildly, and at the same time began to split and increase in value.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

They were lined up on the city wall, and they continued to reproduce and multiply through mycelium. In the blink of an eye, all the city walls were covered with giant mushrooms.

At this time, the Worst Dragon also received Wright's order and returned to the dungeon with fluttering wings, and the undead monsters that had been repulsed came back again!

However, this time, they faced batches of large spray mushrooms and crazy spore bombardment. The intensity of this blow is comparable to that of the most evil dragon just now.

Even if a monster is lucky enough to escape from the gunfire, it will be blown to pieces by the dark light magic mushrooms on the ground and become nutrients for other magic mushrooms.

After such a roar, the large wave of undead creatures disappeared completely.

The remains on the ground were quickly devoured.

All the nutritional energy obtained was transmitted back to the dungeon cluster through the mycelium and became a strategic reserve.

Lilith and the others were stunned, and they didn't recover for a long time.

"You... you are..."

Emily pointed to the big spray mushroom on the city wall, and couldn't think of a suitable adjective for a moment.

Jenny took a deep breath and said faintly: “How do I feel, after fighting for so long and firing so many cannons.

In the end, you made money instead?
That kind of intensive firepower should obviously consume a mountain of magic crystals, or even more!

She looked at the open space inside and outside the city. The dark light magic mushrooms were as huge as haystacks, and contained huge amounts of energy, which could be consumed in various ways.

"The more you fight, the more money you make!"

Wright said as if it was a matter of course: "That's right! Of course the more you fight, the more money you make! What's the difference between losing a war and losing it?"

Jenny's little face was full of shock: "So, making war fortune...Is this the way to make money?"

Lilith came over and gave Jenny a hand knife directly.

"Don't follow his logic! Do you want to become the second Emily?"

Emily looked desperate: "What should I do? I was thinking the same thing as Jenny just now! It's over, am I hopeless?"

While the three of them were noisy, they suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the direction of the altar.

They looked back and found that several spore blisters had grown in the place where the three demons gathered.

"Then...what is that?"

Wright glanced over and laughed.

"Well, that's part of the self-evolution system."



Wright patted the big spray mushroom next to him: "Magic mushrooms, of course they are living things. They are living things and they can think.

However, individuals with magic mushrooms have relatively low intelligence due to congenital reasons.

You can refer to the situation of the tree people. They need to grow for so many years before they can develop spiritual intelligence and self-awareness.

Not to mention, these little magic mushrooms.

However, I connected them with mycelium to form a new integrated thinking framework!
This way, they can think!

And as the number of people connected to the magic mushroom mycelium network increases, your thinking ability will continue to improve!
In order not to let this part of wisdom go to waste, in order to give full play to subjective initiative, and in order to squeeze out the remaining value to the last trace!
I gave them orders based on the enemies they encountered and the materials they absorbed.

Intelligently generate solutions and cultivate new magic mushroom varieties. "

Wright slowly spread his hands: "In this place of constant fighting, what kind of group will they evolve into?
I’m really looking forward to the future of magic mushrooms! "

The three girls couldn't help but shudder as they looked at the spore blisters that were about to mature.

"Is this... considered a catastrophe in Mingtan?"

"No, this is a man-made disaster caused by Mingtan."

(End of this chapter)

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