Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 286 Mingyou sets out for a trip and sees Xiaozhi again

Chapter 286 Mingyou sets out for a trip and sees Xiaozhi again (please give me your monthly ticket)
After driving away Bianco and others, Mingyou borrowed Zhulan's off-road vehicle from the villa housekeeper at noon that day, and took Xiaozhao to the port of Lianyi Town to pick up Danyu and Wuli siblings who were on vacation.

After arriving at the port, Mingyou received the news that the siblings were already on the ship, and began to wait.

"They'll be here in five minutes."

"Then just wait a moment. Do you have a driver's license? I didn't even know you could drive."

"Shh, keep your voice down..."

"...Be careful on the way back, don't get caught by Miss Junsha."

Xiaozhao raised her forehead and shook her head. She had known Mingyou for so long, and she always had a special feeling. She felt that the other person had a lot of stability and experience that a young man of this age group should have.

But she didn't plan to ask. Couples don't need to doubt their partner. If the other half is willing to talk, he will definitely tell her.

She was silent for a moment, changed the topic, turned her head and asked, "By the way, Sister Shali said before, will Miss Zhulan come back tomorrow?"

"Yes, the flight ticket tomorrow morning will arrive at about noon, but why do you ask?"

The two people got closer and closer as the atmosphere became increasingly ambiguous, but at this moment, Dan Yu's voice suddenly came, interrupting their actions instantly.

Mingyou became a little nervous and quickly persuaded: "Hey, don't..."



"I know, get in the car quickly..."

"Not now?"

Xiaozhao looked at the other party with extremely serious eyes. Mingyou opened his mouth slightly. After a few seconds of silence, he nodded slightly: "Okay, I see that you seem to have made up your mind. I'll wait until you decide tomorrow."


"But next time something like this happens, remember to tell me in advance and don't hold it in your heart. I will still discuss it with you if I have anything to do."

Xiaozhao shook his head slightly, his expression gradually became more serious, and continued: "But one thing, if there is any conflict between me and her tomorrow, I hope you will not interfere and let me solve it."

"Hey! What are you two doing!"

The two of them trembled and separated quickly. Xiaozhao tidied her hair shyly to calm herself down, while Mingyou looked away with an embarrassed look, looking at the two siblings who were not far away and looked at a loss.

"Okay, if you want to know, I will tell you everything, but I also want Miss Zhulan and the others to know about this matter."

"Don't think about it. Of course... I might have been jealous before we started dating, but I won't be now because I know what kind of person you are."

Wu Li began to pretend to look around at the scenery. Dan Yu quickly stepped forward, put his hand on the car door, looked into the car, and shouted with a red face: "I said you two... have no problem having sex in front of me. , but don’t teach Ali a bad lesson! He’s still young!”

"Don't you know me yet? If anything happens, I will tell you in detail tomorrow."

Mingyou also turned his head to look at her, lowered his voice and asked, "Are you still jealous..."

"Hmph! I obviously refused to admit that there was a relationship before, but now I'm having an affair in public. I really can't understand you two."

After saying that, Mingyou stretched out his hand, passed through the strands of hair on Xiang's shoulders, and gently hugged the neck of Xiaozhao, who was sitting in the passenger seat beside him. cater.

"Huh? Wait, what are you going to do?"

After a while, the siblings finally arrived at Zhulan's villa. Looking at such a large villa and courtyard, the two people who had never seen the world opened their mouths wide and froze on the spot, almost speechless.

"What a big house..."

"It's just a waste of land resources."

Mingyou still didn't forget to complain about this.

At this time, Dan Yu began to look around, took out a paper and pen from her bag, put it on her chest, and shouted excitedly: "Where's Miss Zhulan? I want an autograph!"

Wuli also took out the elf ball, and once again became submissive for a rare time: "I want to fight her and ask for advice, but I don't know if she will agree."

"She won't be back until tomorrow."

"OK then……"

The siblings were greatly disappointed. Dan Yu raised her head and looked at Xiao Guang who came out to greet her. She couldn't help but be stunned. She glanced at Xiao Zhao subconsciously, and suddenly her face was full of disbelief, and she shouted: "Is this your sister?"

"Do you each want to complain? We just have similar faces."

Xiaozhao smiled helplessly. After the introduction, he went to the restaurant to eat with everyone...

They had a great time having lunch. During the chat, Xiaoguang was very surprised when he heard that Kururi was the champion of Blueberry Academy and planned to participate in the Youth Cup.

Then she clasped her hands together and said with a smile: "I have a friend who is the champion of the Lily of the Valley Conference, and like you, he likes to play very much. You should have a lot in common."

"Then I'm looking forward to playing against him!"

When the battle was mentioned, Wuli's eyes instantly became serious. Mingyou picked up the last piece of small cake made by Tongcheng on the table, took a bite, and asked: "Are you talking about Xiaozhi? By the way, where is he now?"

"I'm traveling in the Hezhong area, and sister Zhulan sent me a message last night saying that she met Xiaozhi in Liyong City and will come together tomorrow to participate in the Youth Cup!"

"Eh? The villa is going to get lively."

Mingyou was a little surprised, watching Xiao Zhao quietly break off half of the cake in his hand. He hesitated to speak, so he had to eat the last bit of cake in one bite.

Then he looked at Xiaoguang again and asked: "Will everyone train together then? I feel like this will be a little inconvenient?"


Xiaoguang nodded slightly. She had some ideas about going to other places for training, but there are too many players here to participate in the Youth Cup. Everyone will be opponents by then. It is really not good to train together. What tactics and configuration are there? All exposed.

After hearing this conversation, Dan Yu crossed his arms and said with a smile: "It's fine if we separate and make our own arrangements. Anyway, there's still half a month left."

"Well, I feel the same way."

Mingyou nodded lightly and looked at Xiaozhao: "Let's go together then. I feel like you are always avoiding us quietly during training these days." "No, you can go alone."


"Give me some personal space, and don't forget, you are also my opponent!"

Xiaozhao ate the cake in her hand and looked at him with a smile, her eyes full of seriousness. She was a trainer. If she could meet Mingyu on the field, she must take it seriously as a sideshow to enjoy daily life!

"This...that's okay."

Mingyou was a little regretful. Originally, he wanted to leave Ripple Town with the bad guys and go on a trip to the wild like those trainers.

But there is no way, he can understand the other party.

So this time, you are the only one left. In that case, let’s go on a journey with Chun Chu and the others. After being in this world for so long, we must experience it once!

Takumi raised his hands in approval, and Riolu and the others were also looking forward to it. What kind of encounters would they have if they went on a trip? It must be very exciting!

After learning about it, Xiaozhao was a little surprised: "Going on a trip? Don't forget that Team Rocket is still watching you!"

"Team Rocket?"

Danyu and Wuli didn't know about this, and after learning the whole story, they were very worried about Mingyou.

Faced with everyone's worries and incomprehension, Mingyou shook his head gently and responded with a smile: "I have my own sense of discretion. Anyway, it only takes half a month at most."

But there was one thing Mingyou didn't say. The reason why he wanted to leave here temporarily was because he didn't want to cause trouble to everyone.

He was being targeted by both Team Rocket and the guardian of the underwater ruins. These two things had nothing to do with anyone else. He didn't want to involve everyone, so he went out to avoid the limelight.

Of course, he didn't think that he could go out arrogantly with his wife around, so he planned to contact the manor before setting off and send two thugs to the Hezhong area for a business trip.

Then he looked at Meloetta and asked: "Then do you want to follow me? Or stay here. It will be safer if you stay here."


No, I will follow you!
"OK then!"


Seeing that he was good at making decisions and arranging things, Xiaozhao held his head and shook his head. He felt that it would be better to follow him alone, at least he would have someone to take care of him.

But she could also understand the other party. Now she had guessed Mingyou's true thoughts. Although she was worried, the other party would not be so stupid to take risks.

After a moment of silence, she looked at Mingyou and Chunchun and said, "Then you must pay attention to safety. If Mingyou does something stupid, you must also hold him back and beat him. It's mine!"


Don't worry, leave it to me!
Riolu responded seriously.

Refers to the matter of beating Mingyu...

After making such arrangements, everyone naturally said nothing. After lunch, they began to help Danyu and Wuli sister and brother tidy up the room. Finally, they waited until the holiday and had a good rest first.

Time soon came to noon the next day. After receiving the news that Zhulan had arrived at the airport, the housekeeper drove to the airport to pick her up.

Mingyou and the others were preparing to welcome him at the villa. Danyu and Wuli were looking forward to seeing Zhulan. Xiaoguang was holding Pogaman in his arms, looking forward to seeing Xiaozhi again.

Time passed little by little, and as the off-road vehicle gradually appeared in sight, everyone's expressions changed in different ways.

Until the car slowly stopped at the door of the villa, Danyu almost couldn't breathe and passed out from excitement as she looked at Zhulan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, dressed in casual clothes and talking to a few people in the back row.

It’s me! It’s me!

"Sister Zhulan!"

Xiaoguang walked forward first and said hello to Zhulan, and the boy sitting in the back row with Pikachu shouted excitedly after hearing the familiar voice: "Xiaoguang!? "


Seeing their surprised expressions, Xiaoguang laughed with great satisfaction: "Hehe~ This is the expression, isn't it surprising~"


"Xiaoguang, why are you here!"

Ash and Pikachu got out of the car, followed by two people, a green-haired boy who behaved very elegantly, and a lively girl with a tooth.

Apparently, the three of them were traveling together in the Unova area now, and this time they came here together.

Seeing them reunited, Zhulan opened the car door and stepped out, smiled, and when she was about to say something, she instantly felt an unusual gaze from the crowd, and she couldn't help but become interested.

She looked up at Xiao Zhao who was sizing her up, nodded gently, twirled her chin with her fingers, and said hello with a smile: "You are Xiao Zhao, you are indeed Xiao Guang. It's the first time we meet~"

"Well, first meeting!"

Xiaozhao responded politely, but when she saw Zhulan's face that was very familiar and annoying to her, she still controlled her emotions.

Knowing that the other person is not the person who deceived her in the past, but the other person's descendant, the grudge is over, but that is only for this world, and she who comes from other worlds has not reconciled with the other person.

Especially when she saw Mingyou's innocent look when she trusted Zhulan so much, it made her see how she had trusted others in the past, and was deceived and betrayed in the end!

and so……

Xiaozhao walked forward and came to a short distance in front of Zhulan before stopping. He looked at the other person with a serious expression and told his purpose.

"Can you have a battle with me, not as a champion, but as an ancient Sinnoh person...that is, as a descendant of Wangluo?"


(End of this chapter)

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