Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 287 Xiaozhao vs. Zhulan, reconcile with the past

Chapter 287 Xiaozhao vs. Zhulan, reconcile with the past (please vote for me)

Faced with Xiaozhao's sudden challenge, Zhulan was stunned for a moment. Others were also extremely surprised and looked at her in confusion. Are they so anxious?

Mingyou pulled Mingyou and stood behind him. Although he didn't quite understand, he promised yesterday that he would not interfere and believed that Xiaozhao could handle this matter on his own.

After Zhulan came to her senses, she put her left hand on her right arm, touched her chin, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, and responded: "It's no problem if you challenge me. I also welcome you to ask me for advice, but I have a I want to ask you a question."

"Well, you ask!"

"That... is Wang Luo?"

Zhulan is more confused about this. The opponent does not want her to fight as a champion, but as a descendant of Wangluo. However, this is the first time she has heard of this name and the sayings of the ancient Sinnoh people.

Xiaozhao was briefly stunned by her question. She didn't expect that none of this history had been passed down, so she explained: "An ambitious and fanatical mythology scholar who is a direct descendant of the ancient Sinnoh people thousands of years ago. He is also Your ancestors used mythical Pokémon more than a hundred years ago and almost caused the world to disappear in the rift of time and space!"


Hearing these words, everyone who had not understood this period of history was shocked. Shali held the camera and froze on the spot, and Zhulan's face was also full of shock.

Xiaozhao looked at the front seriously and gently pulled her white headscarf. This headscarf was a very important item for her and she wore it most of the time. There were three pieces on it that overlapped each other and shone brightly when illuminated. circular pattern.

The moment the words fell, everyone's attention was attracted. Xiaozhao and Zhulan threw the strange ball and the elf ball at the same time.

Mingyou spread his hands, feeling helpless.

After taking a while to digest the information, her expression gradually became serious and she smiled: "It seems that you understand many mythological truths that I have been pursuing. I will accept the battle, but I hope that after the battle is over, you can Have a nice chat with me!”

Zhulan waved her hand and shouted, she still knew a rare Pokémon like Deer, which had normal + superpower attributes and was restrained by the Flower Rock Monster Ghost + Evil. This time, she had the advantage.

Hitting the vital point, the damage is very significant!
Zhulan also expressed appreciation for Xiaozhao's decisiveness: "It did take a few moments, but..."

"Then...the battle begins!"

Then he also stated that he had collected eight badges from the Hezhong area and would attend the Hezhong Alliance Higaki Conference in three months. Since it was still a long time, he came to participate at the invitation of Zhulan. Improve yourself in the Youth Cup.

"I have this plan too!"

"If you ask me, I don't know. It's better to wait for her to say it herself."

Then everyone came to the backyard battle site. Xiaozhi, who had not seen each other for a long time, took Pikachu with him, said hello to Mingyu, and introduced his new partners, Alice and Tiantong.

The two of them went to the battle site behind the villa one after another. Sha Li quickly approached Ming You, wanting to know what was going on.

Upon hearing the command, the Deer with antlers raised its big antlers and rushed forward at full speed against the evil waves of the Flower Rock Monster. Without giving the opponent a chance to react, it aimed a fierce blow at the keystone under its body.


A red light flashed, and the strange-horned deer and flower rock monster appeared on the field together, and the battle was about to begin!
"Evil wave!"

Zhulan observed her silently, and had noticed that the other person had a different temperament from the others, so she couldn't help but start to take it seriously, otherwise... she might lose this battle!
The villa housekeeper is responsible for refereeing the battle and walks to the middle. This battle is a three-on-three singles match. Other than that, there are not many restrictions. If either side loses all its Pokémon, it will be considered a defeat.

Xiaozhi listened to the teachings, and the Suzuran Conference was for the other party to help him train and analyze the opponents, so that he could finally defeat the legendary Pokémon and win. The experience of the older generation of trainers is very valuable as a reference!
Seeing that he understood, Mingyou stopped elaborating. Then he withdrew his thoughts and looked at the two people who were ready for the battle...

Mingyu deliberately reminded you not to think that in any area you travel, you must use the Pokémon you have captured in that area to fight, and forget about the bond with those Pokémon in the past.

Rather than staying in the backyard and retiring, they are more willing to go to the arena to fight with you. For example, if a certain player on the opposite side sends a cheating Lucario and lets the fire-breathing dragon come on, isn't it just a random fight?
"Anyway, remember what I said!"

"Then come on, don't insist on using the baby team to fight. When it's time to fight, use the Pokémon from the past to avoid any heavyweight jokes."

Facing the attack, Xiaozhao showed no intention of evading. She also waved her hand and shouted: "Super Corner Attack!"

She raised her arm, and the flower rock monster on the keystone was hit by the weird-horned deer. It immediately used the gas-like body made of purple energy to tightly wrap the weird-horned deer. Purple ghost fire ignited from its side, and the weird-horned deer couldn't help it. Avoid and get burned.

"it's over!"

Zhulan seized the opportunity and let the flower rock monster touch her face to release the wave of evil again. In the burned state, the strength of the strange-horned deer was halved, making it impossible to break free.

Generally speaking, this is indeed the case, but as the king of the Sly-Antlered Deer, even though he has lost the power of the stone slab, it is not so simple to realize the powerful spiritual power from the stone slab given by the Great Master of Sinnoh! The black beads on the roots of the antler's antler instantly released spiritual energy at this moment, exuding a strange brilliance and distorting the surrounding space. A powerful barrier covered its body and suddenly popped out, directly scattering the Huayan Monster's body. The keystone also flew out.


Zhulan was shocked, but she reacted quickly, allowing the flower rock monster to make the same move before being hit by the sly-horned deer barrier. Then the moment the keystone was hit, the shadow flying out from it hit the sly-horned deer. Tangled, both sides fell down at the same time.

At this moment, the scene was completely silent.

Everyone's expressions were extremely shocked, not at the fact that two Pokémon fell down at the same time, but at the fact that Xiao Zhao was able to suppress Zhulan!

"So strong..."

Compared to Xiaozhi and others who are not familiar with Xiaozhao, Danyu and his brother are the ones who can most intuitively feel that Xiaozhao's terrifying strength has been completely unknown to them after they have been together for so long.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg..."

Mingyou shook his head slightly. He knew about his Xiao Zhao's record. Mythical Pokémon are powerful, right?
When Giratina saw Xiao Zhao appear, he was scared away without looking back. Even the Great Lord of Sinnoh, who is at the apex of all myths, recognized him.

Even though Xiao Zhao's Pokémon have all lost the slate given by the Great Master of Sinnoh, they probably won't lose to anyone in a full-scale battle!
Zhulan took back the Huayan Monster and quickly reviewed it in her mind: "Without the Eye of Miracle, without seeing through, and relying only on strong spiritual power, you can break through attribute restraints like Wave Guide... I'm careless."

If she had known it earlier, she would not have been so reckless as to let the flower rock monster capture the strange-horned deer. From the opponent's point of view, this was no different from the strange-horned deer catching the flower rock monster.

Xiaozhao took out the second strange ball, looked forward, and said softly: "Although I am a descendant of Wangluo, my fighting style is completely different from him, so let me see more!"

"Exactly what I want!"

Both sides once again sent out Pokémon at the same time. Blackfish and Minas came on the stage together. The two water Pokémon met at this moment.

When Xiaozhi and the others took out their cell phones, Rotom, to read the illustrated book, the battle broke out again.

Zhulan was relatively cautious this time. This was the first time she saw the Black Tail Fish. Although she had seen it in the illustrated book, she didn't quite understand its fighting method.

Xiao Zhao still adopts strong offensive tactics. This is her fighting style. She is usually a gentle, generous and virtuous girl, but when fighting Pokémon, she will show her strong side!
The Dark Tail Blackfish swung its red tail covered in soul, and the figure of the Strange-Antlered Deer appeared at this moment. The grave sweeper carried the will of his companions and launched a fierce attack on Menas.

"If you can't dodge, fight back with hot water!"

Zhulan waved and shouted, while her eyes were full of fighting spirit. She did not lose her composure at all because of the disadvantage just now. She had been the champion for so long, and she had been longing to find such an opponent.

Mingyu is one, but the Pokémon is too weak, but Xiaozhao is different. Not only is he strong enough, but he himself is also very interesting to her!

Attacks from both sides hit at the same time, Menas was knocked to the ground by the tomb sweeper, and the Black Tail Fish was burned by the hot water.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zhao immediately changed his offensive and asked the Dark Tail Blackfish to switch to a special attack, releasing a shadow ball, which violently collided with Menus' water cannon in the air.

She could see that Zhulan seemed to have started fighting for answers to myths and legends at the beginning, and now began to enjoy the battle. The reason why she raised the challenge was because she wanted to see the opponent clearly.

The ancient Sinnoh people had a fanatical obsession with mythology, Wangluo was like this, and Zhulan was the same.

The usual Zhulan is almost exactly the same as before Wangluo's true nature was exposed, so she is very worried... worried that these people will trigger the events of a hundred years ago again in order to pursue the truth of the myth.

That's why she wanted to use this Pokémon battle to see if the other person was the kind of person who would do anything to pursue the truth of the myth.

At the same time, she also wanted to put an end to her grudges with the ancient Sinnoh people and reconcile with the past. Even if this world was not the world she had guarded, she must have wanted to see the world she once was. This scene.

She understands...

At this moment, the battle between Nether-Tail Blackfish and Menas also came to an end. Nether-Tail Blackfish used its strength to stare at Menas's water cannon, and used its powerful and huge body to hit the opponent with all its strength!

After all, Menas was still defeated. The "king" who was once in charge of the Water Drop Slate fell to the ground after trying his best.

The winner was decided, and everyone was amazed. It was Zhulan who lost the second Pokémon first...


(End of this chapter)

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