Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 288 Millerton: "I sneaked in!"

Chapter 288 Millerton: "I sneaked in!" (please vote)
Zhulan took back the fallen Menas with a faint smile on her face, convinced.

She took out the last elf ball, Xiaozhao took back the Black Tail Fish, and did not make any other action, but asked: "Do you want to continue? Or should it end like this? After all, my goal has been achieved."

Xiaozhao wanted to save some face for the opponent. There were so many people watching here. If the Sinnoh champion really lost to an unknown passerby like himself, it would definitely cause a serious psychological gap for others.

"How could that be? Of course we have to continue!"

Zhulan has been completely fired up. It doesn't matter whether she wins or loses. Rather, she hopes that she can lose after giving her best, so that she can see her own shortcomings and have more room for growth.

As the strongest trainer in the Sinnoh region, she couldn't find an opponent, causing her to lose her goals and reach a bottleneck for a long time. Due to identity issues, it was inconvenient to fight against champions from other regions outside of competitions. Besides, she wasn't that good. Much time.

Xiao Zhao respected this and sent Yueyue Xiong to play, but Zhulan did not let Biting Land Shark appear, but sent her Lucario.

Because Xiaozhao didn't have the ace Pokémon on the field, she wouldn't use it. It would be more fair to let other Pokémon come and feel the difference.

It can only be said that she was lucky enough not to bite the land shark. Just like the Blacktail Blackfish easily suppressed Menus, Yueyue Bear, who once controlled the earth slate, has a very strong suppression power on ground-type Pokémon.

Three minutes passed quickly, and the battle ended. Lucario was defeated by Moon Bear with a sudden attack, which also brought this unexpected battle to a complete end.


Xiaozhao nodded slightly. If you call Arceus's name here, the other party will be able to hear you and pay attention to you, but just ignore it. But if someone else calls you all day long, it's hard to tell.

In the final battle between Lucario and Moon Bear, she did not use Mega Evolution, and the opponent deliberately gave up several opportunities to allow her to attack. This is the sophistication of the world of Pokémon.

The three of them came together to a room in the villa used to receive guests. Zhulan glanced outside the door, closed the door, and murmured softly: "Although I believe they will not tell it, but the truth about the myths and legends , the fewer people know about it, the better, so as not to attract some taboos."

"Indeed it is."

He didn't discover this problem until now...

Others around her were also amazed. Xiao Zhao didn't care about what others thought of her. After the battle, she put her hands on her chest and took a breath. She hadn't fought so seriously in a long time.

Now that there is no one else here, Xiao Zhao no longer hides anything, and tells her reasons for challenging Zhu Lan and her own experience at the same time.

Xiaozhi clenched his fists and suppressed his excitement. He had already planned to find them for special training later, but before that... why did this girl look so similar to Xiaoguang! My sister?

"I should say this."

"So strong, whether it's Miss Zhulan or that girl who looks very similar to Xiaoguang!"

Xiaozhao took her hand back and said thank you to Zhulan. In addition to reconciling with the past, she also thanked her for taking care of Mingyou in the past. These cares were truly sincere and not deliberately disguised.

Xiaozhao nodded slightly, glanced at Mingyou, and asked him to follow. As for the other people present, they were very sensible and knew that it was better for them not to know some things, so as not to cause some trouble to themselves...

Everyone looked at such a result in disbelief. The Sinnoh champion Zhulan actually lost like this, even though it was just a simple 3v3...

"Sister Xiao Zhao, is she so strong..."

Zhulan smiled and was very grateful to have the opportunity to fight with such a trainer. In this battle, she did find that she had too many problems. She had not met a trainer of this level for too long, and she even had some problems. The level has dropped.

"Remember Wang Luo I mentioned, right?"

Danyu and Wuli felt the same in their hearts at this moment. No wonder they could become teachers of Blueberry Academy at such a young age. This is a true genius.

"Thank you."

Her expression returned to her usual state again, and there was no longer any barrier to Zhulan in her heart. She took the initiative to step forward, shake hands with Zhulan and thank her.

After shaking hands, Zhulan put her hands on her hips, took a breath, smiled, and said softly: "Is it convenient to talk alone now?"

"My ancestors, right?"


Xiaozhao nodded lightly, but clenched his fists inadvertently, and continued: "He is almost exactly the same as you, gentle and kind, good at taking care of younger generations, he is a very reliable and considerate big brother, he has given me a lot He also extended a helping hand to me when I was most lonely and helpless when I was separated from my relatives..."

"Ah, wait……"

The more Zhulan listened, the more confused she became. Wasn't Wangluo from more than a hundred years ago? And from these descriptions, it doesn’t sound like he’s a bad person, right?

"That's how I was deceived by him! Everything was fake. He was just using me the whole time, asking me to collect slates for him!"

Xiaozhao told all the things, and Wangluo wanted to control the Great Master of Sinnoh for the sake of the truth of the myth, and deceived and used her to help complete the impossible test.

Although Wangluo was severely beaten by her in the end when she learned the truth, and his whereabouts were unknown, she did not have much favorable impressions of the ancient Sinnoh people, especially since Zhulan and Wangluo looked almost exactly the same.

Mentioning this, she apologized to Zhulan, because Mingyou trusted the other party too much, which reminded her of her past experience, and she even doubted whether Zhulan had any purpose in approaching Mingyou.

"Imagination is beyond ordinary people!"

After Mingyou learned about the matter, he complained in his heart, but it was understandable. After all, Xiaozhao had had such a heavy experience. If he didn't have a PTSD attack when he saw Zhulan, he had strong mental endurance.

"It's like this..." Zhulan nodded lightly. If everything is true, then she can understand it, and these are the mistakes made by her ancestors. If she really wants to apologize, it should be from her descendants. That's right.

Unexpectedly, so many things happened in the Xicui area more than a hundred years ago. This period of history has been obscured. I am afraid it is because I am worried that the truth of the myths and legends will be known to too many people, and more people like Wangluo will appear, right?
But there is still this thing...

She looked at Xiao Zhao and asked very curiously: "Are you from ancient times?"

"No, I'm not even from this world, but from other worlds..."

Xiaozhao revealed his identity, and Zhulan, who had finally digested the truth, was stunned again. Did she come from a parallel world with the same history?
"Wait, that is to say, your world also existed in our world in the past?"

"Yes, but she seemed to have passed away unexpectedly when she was still very young, and to be precise, Xiaoguang is still a descendant of another me in this world."

"Oh my God……"

Zhulan put her hand on her head. No wonder the two looked so similar. The case was solved. After all, everyone in the Pokémon world gave birth to a child with an Immutable Stone.

Mingyou is more concerned about another issue. Xiaoguang is the descendant of Xiaozhao more than a hundred years later. So in the other world that Xiaozhao left, will there be no Xiaoguang in the world a hundred years later?
Also, if I marry Xiaozhao and have children in the future, will another Xiaoguang be born after waiting for a hundred years?
"It's bad. I don't have enough brain capacity to think about these issues. It's too complicated..."


Xiaozhao glanced at Mingyou who was patting his head in confusion. At this time, Zhulan, who had finally digested all the information, completely accepted these things. The fact that the other party was willing to tell her showed that he also trusted her.

"I will be responsible for keeping these things confidential, but now you have aroused my curiosity. If possible, can you tell me something about the Xicui area to the best of your ability?"

"no problem!"

Xiaozhao is happy to talk to each other about these things and tell the correct history to mythologists.

Mingyou already knows what they are going to say next, and it is not convenient to stay here any longer: "Then you guys chat slowly, I'll go out first."

With that said, he was about to leave, but Zhulan called out to him: "Don't go too far. Regarding Meloetta, I have something to tell you later."

"no problem."

Mingyou nodded and walked out of the door.

Xiaozhao's matter ended like this, and there would probably be no follow-up. When he heard about Wangluo's matter, he was quite angry, but after all, it was over, and he couldn't help.

So now, instead of continuing to think about these things and make good arrangements for his trip, he planned to have a good rest tonight and set off tomorrow, so he took out his cell phone Rotom and contacted King Lei Guan...

"Hello? Nang, talk!"

"...Boss, how is business lately?"

"It's the boss!"

After hearing Mingyou's voice clearly, Lei Guanwang quickly became honest and responded: "Business is quite good, and the studio has been built. How about coming over to visit some other time?"

"We'll talk about it when I get back. Go ask Latias and the others if they have time and come over to help. Something happened here and I want to find some thugs."

"Boss, wait a minute~"

After a moment, Lei Guanwang replied: "Well... how should I put it, they are all very busy, and only Xiong Da is willing to go over and help."

"Okay, Heyue's Poke Ball is in the villa. You can go to the Pokémon Center in Emerald Town to find the teleportation device and teleport it to me."

"no problem!"

"One more thing. Starting from tomorrow, video game stores will cut off power 23 hours a day except weekends, and they will be equipped with anti-addiction systems."

"It's an order..."

Seeing the message from King Lei Guan, Mingyou shook his head helplessly and went to prepare to pick up Heyue first.

There is a simple transmission device in the villa. You can use the data cable to connect the mobile phone Rotom through the Internet. The times are developing rapidly.

After receiving the transmission message, he directly chose to receive it. However, as time passed, the screen of his mobile phone showed that the transmission was successful, but the elf ball did not appear on the transmission device.

"What's going on? Is it broken?"

Mingyou was shocked, thinking that there was a malfunction in the transmission device, and planned to call the housekeeper to come and take a look, in case there would be trouble if He Yue was sent elsewhere.

But at this moment, on his cell phone Rotom, there suddenly appeared a Q-version purple figure, surfing from the right to the left on the waves in floating mode, and then disappeared.

(Experience +3)



(End of this chapter)

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