Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 290: Milton is your name, sailing towards a new future

Chapter 290: Milton is your name, sailing towards a new future (please vote)

Having just experienced a racing scene in which "people are running and souls are chasing", Mingyou knelt on the ground with an extremely uncomfortable expression. He wanted to vomit but couldn't. He even had the illusion that his soul had not caught up with him.

"Even if I am blasted into the sky by a swarm of meteors and killed by lightning... I will never sit on a Milton again! Absolutely!"

He clenched his fists and barely managed to stand up from the ground. The long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain. Rather than being tortured like this, it was better to kill him quickly.

However, Meloetta enjoyed it very much. After experiencing racing for the first time, the weak "girl" completely let go. There was no longer any fear of purple motorcycles in her beautiful green eyes.



Milton was also very happy to see Meloetta smile and no longer be afraid of him.

Mingyu stood up and looked at the two Pokémon interacting not far away. He waved Meloetta to come to him, and then looked at Milton.

At this point, he had no means to escape from the opponent's hands, but he thought back to what happened during these encounters with Milton.

Mingyou looked confused and didn't quite understand.

Different from other petite Future Paradox Pokémon, Milerton is very large. Even if it is only in a restricted form, it is still very intimidating under the cold gaze.

And now it’s the third time…


Its thoughts are still relatively simple, and it doesn't know what happened a few months ago...

After confirming its target, Mingyou frowned slightly: "If it's because of what happened in Niangguang City last time, we are just trying to save people..."

But last time in the online world of Nianguang City, it saw that iron warriors who only wanted to execute programmed instincts and let excellent humans ascend into digital beings actually had their own emotions and no longer clung to their own instincts. In order to cover everyone's evacuation, they fought against the invincible creature.

But the second time, Milerton followed the Internet and sneaked into Rotom on his mobile phone, and followed him all the way to the manor to stay in the video game store. He appeared as an "Easter Egg" every day, enlivening the atmosphere of the entire manor.

Meloetta didn't quite understand why Mingyu looked so solemn. Isn't this "purple motorcycle" very good? It also took everyone to play with it. Logically speaking, this should be a friend, right?

Milton's character showed obvious changes several times before and after, and except for the first time, his behavior at other times was unpredictable, and it was completely unclear what he was doing.


Milton yelled, interrupting Mingyou's words, and moved his head forward. Its purpose was simple, it just wanted to understand one thing.

Millarton responded…

The first time was in the online world. The appearance of Milton made Milton think that his territory had been invaded and the two sides were fighting. At that time, Milton showed the coldness and cruelty that a future paradox species should have.



Since arriving in this era accidentally, it has seen too many things that it has never seen in the distant future, especially things called "emotions".

Hearing Mingyou's question, Milerton returned to restricted mode and slowly walked forward.

After coaxing Meloetta to be happy, Milerton was about to get down to business. Its target had always been Mingyu, but this time the other party suddenly left for such a long time, so it deliberately intercepted and teleported to follow her.

"Understand...one thing?"

So Mingyou wanted to take this opportunity to ask clearly and the reason why the other party was targeting her. It couldn't be really for revenge, right? If you had this ability, you would have died eight hundred times if you attacked him while he was sleeping.

Not just Iron Warriors... but also those Pokémon who knew they were outmatched but still fought against it and covered the evacuation of others!

Milerton didn't understand them, but after observing it, it saw Mingyou, and finally understood that all the reasons were due to this human being.

So it specially sneaked in and wanted to observe, but after seeing more such Pokémon in the manor, it became more and more interested in knowing how to obtain this thing that it never had!

and so……


Tell me quickly!

Milton raised his metal claw and put it on Mingyou's shoulder. His momentum suddenly became strong and he almost sent Mingyou away on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Meloetta angrily accused the other party of not hitting his friends.

"it's okay no problem……"

Mingyou felt the weight on his shoulders and the terrifying aura in front of him, and waved his hand. Now that he knew what Milton wanted after targeting him, everything was easy to explain.

He coughed twice, forced out a smile, and said, "But it may be too late for you to come to me now for this kind of thing. You have already acquired your own emotions, so I can't help you."


Milton was slightly stunned. Mingyou glanced at Meloetta and continued: "When you act not out of orders but through your own thoughts, it means that you already have your own emotions."

What he was talking about was, of course, the racing incident that Milton took to make Meloetta happy, and the "Easter Eggs" he used to tease Chirulian and the others at the manor, or rather... when Milton began to think about this issue At that time, you have already acquired the emotion.

So he can't help, that's the truth.

Millarton stayed on the spot and let go of his hands. His expression, as cold as a cat, was now full of confusion. He already had emotions? Really?
"of course it's true!"

Mingyou responded in a serious tone.

Meloetta also stepped forward, stretched out her hand and patted Milton on the head.


You can no longer hit your friends. If you are in a bad mood, I can sing to you!

Meloetta said aloud, she quite likes the other person, likes the other person to drive her in a car, and really wants to experience it again, and how exciting it would be to sing at such a fast speed. But it suddenly realized something, it didn't know the other person's name, and it had never seen this Pokémon before.


Meloetta curiously asked the other person's name.

Milton was stunned for a moment before responding.


It itself has no name. In the era it originally lived in, it only had a "number." No matter whether humans who have become digital beings or those mechanized Pokémon, there is only one number left to refer to it.

Such a thing as a name no longer exists, MR-1008 is its exclusive number!


Meloetta tilted her head. What kind of strange name is this? Is it more like a number?
Mingyou touched his chin and pondered for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party didn't even have a name. Speaking of which, Iron Warrior and Iron Thorn didn't seem to have one either. As long as he called him that, the two Pokémon naturally adapted to it.

What kind of future is this?

He didn't want to call a Pokémon like a product, so he coughed lightly, smiled, and said: "In that case, you come from the future and you are a riding Pokémon, so just merge the two into one." , just call you Milton!"


This name sounds nice~

Meloetta jumped lightly in mid-air and clapped gently. After hearing the word "future", it even had new creative inspiration.


Milton froze on the spot, his eyes filled with shock as the OLED dot matrix flashed.

This is...my name?
Like other Pokémon, have their own names instead of numbers?
"Yes, that's your name!"

Mingyu responded seriously, and then continued: "Acquiring emotions means that you are no longer a cold and cruel object, but a Pokémon that truly lives in this era!"


Millarton lowered his head and looked at Mingyou in front of him, and it was down for a while. From the moment it was born, that number has been with it for countless years, and it has always thought that it was like this.

but now……

Has the future been changed?

Maybe it needs some time to accept this information. Even as the most advanced technology in the distant future, it has never experienced these things.

Seeing that it was stunned as if there was a "bug" because it had a name, Mingyu was about to continue saying something when a data storm suddenly struck, and he and Meloetta were swept into the sky...

At the same time, in Mingyou's room in the villa, the luggage has been packed and placed, and Xiaozhao is looking for someone here with the cell phone Rotom he picked up before.

"It's strange. He's not the kind of person who throws things around. Why did he lose such an important personal item like his mobile phone and no one can find it... huh?"

She heard some strange noise, which seemed to come from the Rotom phone, so she picked it up and looked at it curiously. Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed, accompanied by two screams.




Xiaozhao held the phone and looked at the two figures jumping out of the phone with surprise...


Mingyu hugged Meloetta and fell down. Milton threw them out without saying a word. He was caught off guard.

"Oh...are you okay?"


"It's okay."

Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief, put one hand on the ground, and was about to get up, but he was a little confused, why it didn't hurt at all when he fell.

There's even a little...

"Where are you putting your hands? Get up!"

"Feel sorry!"

Mingyou quickly stood up and stood aside.

Xiaozhao blushed and covered her chest. She almost slapped him away, but she still calmed down and threw the cell phone Rotom over. She yelled with resentful eyes: "Explain it to me later!"

With that said, she turned and left the room, leaving only Mingyu, who thought she was unlucky, and Meloetta, who didn't understand what happened, standing there.

"Oh...you really can't blame me."

He sighed softly, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there was an extremely familiar blue card spinning in front of him.

[Millerton (lv1): After using it on the grape tree, the type is changed to the millet grape tree. After eating the millet grapes produced, the Pokémon will gain a power-boosting effect from the future]

Reaching out to take it, Mingyou smiled calmly, put the card away, and said to Meloetta: "If you have time, let's talk to it more!"



(End of this chapter)

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