Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 291: Get on the cool purple motorcycle and embark on a journey

Chapter 291: Get on the cool purple motorcycle and embark on a journey (please vote for me)

After the dinner for Xiaozhi, Zhulan and the others, Mingyou had to explain clearly to Xiaozhao because of the accident in the afternoon.

So he avoided other people, came to the balcony on the second floor, and told the other party everything.

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

"Why are you busier than I was at saving the world? Could it be that you are the protagonist?"

Xiaozhao put his hand on Mingyou's shoulder, took a breath, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the other person: "Then what's next? How about you let me go to the online world to chat with Milton, I haven't seen him yet. This Pokémon, Meloetta told me, can race cars?"

"You just want to experience drag racing, right?"

"Haha, you saw through it~"

Xiaozhao smiled playfully. In fact, experiencing drag racing is one thing. It was also true that she wanted to meet Milerton. As a trainer who loves Pokémon, of course she is full of expectations for such Pokémon that she has never seen before.

After standing for a while, he called Meloetta to go find Zhulan, and roughly guessed what the other party wanted to say to him.

Arriving at the backyard of the villa, he walked across the battlefield to a small European-style pavilion on the other side, where Zhulan was sitting alone.

Let’s talk about chatting later!

"She originally came to see you after chatting with me. Who would have thought that you would run into your cell phone? There were too many people at dinner just now, and it was not convenient for her to talk."

The sea breeze gently blew her golden hair. She was wearing a coat, sipping delicious black tea, and concentrating on the book in her hand.

Now that the other party had exposed it, Xiaozhao's face turned red, and he put his hands behind his back and said it bluntly. He looked away and asked hesitantly: "Tonight... do you want to come to my room to spend the night?"

But putting these things aside, she believed that Mingyou could handle it well, so she said no more, but mentioned another thing: "Miss Zhulan asked me to tell you that you and Meloetta will go find her later."

"Why can't we see each other? Can I have a video chat with Rotom on my mobile phone?"

Xiaozhao bit her lip lightly, couldn't help but pinched his face hard, and then left without looking back. She was really angry at the other person.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me..."

Mingyou saw that she seemed to have something to say to him, but it was difficult to say it.

Xiaozhao waved his hands in a panic: "Don't get me wrong! I didn't mean to do anything with you... I just wanted to talk to you more tonight. After all, I won't be able to see you for the next half month."

Mingyou rubbed his face and smiled helplessly. It wasn't that he didn't want to chat, it was just that he was too tired from racing today and really wanted to rest early.

"You...idiot! Slowpoke!"

"Well, it's all done."

"be careful on the road."

It’s rare for me to put aside my reserve and look for you. It’s useless for you to give me a chance! You are just chatting with me, are you afraid that I will eat you?

Mingyou realized it later and widened his eyes.

Xiaozhao explained a little, then remained silent for a while, and asked softly: "You are leaving tomorrow morning, right? Have your luggage been packed?"

"I see."

"Oh ah?"

Mingyou walked up, said hello with a smile, and said, "This place is really nice. It's quite relaxing to sit here, drink tea and read a book."

"I prefer this."

Zhulan put the bookmark and closed the book. She smiled slightly and looked up at Meloetta. Then she shifted her gaze and landed on Mingyou: "I didn't expect that Meloetta was kidnapped by you. .”

"After all, we can't just sit back and watch."

"You are still the same. Are the bears you took away on the peat island okay now?"

"Living comfortably in the manor has helped me a lot. I have to thank them."

"I can rest assured that."

After a brief chat, Zhulan got into the topic and asked, "Did those people come to find you yesterday? Why didn't you let them take Meloetta away?"


Meloetta was a little confused. She didn't know about this yet. Mingyou sat opposite Zhulan. After a moment of silence, she responded softly: "To be honest, I hate those people. Outsiders look down on me, but I protect myself." Sorry, Meloetta, don’t you have to rely on me in the end? Even if I don’t do anything, I’m just being nice.”

Hearing this, Zhulan took a sip of black tea. The housekeeper had already told her these things, but she didn't expect that what Mingyou cared about was even more special.

"Are you an outsider? The less capable people are, the more they like to shout."

Zhulan put down the tea cup and continued: "You don't have to worry about these people. I talked with Xia Ka alone. He also hates this group of people. He wanted to take Meloetta to Shuanglong City to take care of him a long time ago. , it’s just those people who don’t agree.”


"Well, I know you have some conflicts with his grandson Du Ruo, but he is completely trustworthy. If you have the strength to protect Meloetta, he will not object. Maybe he also hopes that you can take Meloye with you. Tower leaves.”

Zhulan gave a brief explanation and mentioned Alice who was currently living in the villa. She was a student of Xia Ka and was bullied by Du Ruo since she was a child.

But putting these digressions aside for now, she glanced around, as if she was wary of something, then withdrew her gaze and said, "What I want to say next is the key point!"


Mingyou sat upright, and the atmosphere became serious. Zhulan crossed her arms and said seriously: "As for the current Hezhong area, there is a gang called Team Plasma. You need to pay attention to it!"

"Team Plasma..."

"Well, the origins of these people are unknown, and they are secretly conducting religious activities to liberate Pokémon in the United Kingdom in the name of the long-dead United Kingdom. It seems that many descendants of the United Kingdom have joined in. They include..."

Zhulan did not say it directly, but Mingyu already knew that among the guardians of the underwater ruins protecting Meloetta, there were members of Team Plasma.

Since Zhulan said this, Xia Ka must also know it, but it is not convenient to deal with it, so she hopes that she can protect Meloetta.

Mingyou was silent for a moment and continued to ask: "Is there any other information?"

Zhulan shook her head slightly: "This organization is quite hidden, and the police don't have many clues. In short, you should pay more attention."


"There's one more thing!"

With that said, Zhulan took out her cell phone Rotom and sent a photo. After Mingyou received it, she clicked on it and saw that the content of the photo was of a person he was familiar with, and it should have been captured by surveillance.

At this time, Zhulan continued: "He was the man who suddenly broke in and interrupted our fight when we were playing in the backyard. The man who called himself N, because he was more concerned, he went to investigate."

"The results of it?"

"It turns out that we really don't know until we investigate... He is the leader of Team Plasma and is currently wanted by the police in the Hezhong area."


Mingyou looked down at the photo of "N" on his phone and hesitated to speak. He still remembered that the last time he saw him was when he was buying a harmonica in Lianyi Town. Why was he wanted now?

I’m in despair, brother!

After a moment of silence, he remembered his agreement with N, looked up at Zhulan, and said, "I feel like he's not such a bad person, right?"

"It's hard to say. After all, I don't know him well. I can't judge people by their superficial appearance. Just like Xiaozhao, she was deceived by the disguise of my ancestor."

"makes sense……"

Mingyou nodded lightly and didn't say anything more. If he could meet N next time, let's have a good chat with him.

There was nothing else to say. After a brief chat, Mingyu left with Meloetta, planning to go back and rest early.


After listening to the conversation between the two of them just now, Meloetta now feels more and more that she is constantly causing trouble to everyone. Sure enough... it would be better for it to leave?
"What are you thinking about!"

Mingyou held it in her arms, stroked its head gently, and said with a smile: "We are here, and what if Milerton wants to attack me again? You said you would sing to it."


Meloetta pursed her lips and nodded vigorously. She couldn't cause trouble to everyone, so let's help everyone before causing trouble!

"Well, let's go to bed early tonight."


There was no conversation all night, and no one else knew about Milton. The next morning, after breakfast, Mingyou packed his luggage and was about to set off. They were all looking forward to this trip.

Knowing that he was leaving, everyone went out to say goodbye and agreed to see him again at the Youth Cup.

Xiaozhao helped Mingyou straighten the wrinkles on his clothes, patted her shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "I've said everything that needs to be said, so as not to annoy me if you remind me again, what happened last night... just don't Take it to heart and remember to contact me when you have time.”

"I thought you were angry."

"Don't you think I can see that you're pretending to be stupid?"

Xiaozhao replied angrily, it was all over anyway, so he stood on tiptoes, hugged Mingyou tightly, and whispered in his ear: "Take good care of Meloetta and the others. If you get into trouble, remember to contact them as soon as possible. No matter where I am, I will go there!"

"I will!"

After saying goodbye to everyone, the housekeeper of the villa drove Mingyu to the Pokémon Center in the town, and then he was left alone with Mingyu and the others.

First trip…

Mingyu stood at the entrance of the Pokémon Center, glanced north, and then walked all the way north to Gome Town, where the Youth Cup was held. It would take at least a week to get there by normal walking.

But before that, he had to tell King Lei Guan to send He Yue over.

Just when such an idea appeared in his mind, his cell phone Rotom suddenly rang. When he took it out of his pocket, a dazzling light flashed!
And then, I saw a cool purple motorcycle parked quietly on the side of the road, as if saying that I wanted to follow this trip.


Meloetta was extremely surprised. This time it was not on her mobile phone, but in the real world. So, will she be able to race on Milton later?

Watching it excitedly explain to its companions the exhilarating feeling of racing on a Milton, attracting everyone's interest, Mingyou's expression gradually became silent.

Here is a cool and futuristic motorcycle that can take you around Hezhong and every corner of the world.

So do you choose to spend at least five days and continue walking to Longmu Town, or get on a motorcycle and take everyone for a fun ride?
"Boom! Boom hard!"


(End of this chapter)

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