Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 292: The scene of a racing car accident and the Pokémon losing control

Chapter 292: The scene of a racing car accident and the Pokémon losing control (please vote for me)

Milerton parked quietly on the side of the road. With his size and cool metal appearance, he quickly attracted the attention of some trainers coming and going from the Pokémon Center.

After Ming You came back to his senses, he didn't bother to contact King Lei Guan and left directly with Milton to avoid any trouble caused by staying here.

He was not worried that Milerton would be captured, but that these people would piss off Milerton and drag the entire Ripple Town into the ground together. The seal of the underwater ruins had not yet been unlocked, and the end would come first...

Leaving the northern passage of Lianyi Town, you will see a long beach road and the endless sea. You can hear the sweet calls of long-winged gulls flying over the sea everywhere.

"That's almost it...it's so far away. I can't even see the end. I can just barely see some mountains and greenery."

Mingyou looked into the distance. This distance was indeed a long way away. Then he retracted his gaze and looked at Milton, who was sitting on his head by Meloetta.

"By the way, you jumped out without saying a word. It's very dangerous. I mean innocent people."


After spending a night, Milerton had already thought clearly. Since he has come to this era where digital life does not exist and he has been given a name, then it should live in the outside world like a normal Pokémon. !

Mingyu planned to visit the Giant's Cave before going to Longme Town. It was a famous dangerous place in the Hezhong area, but the scenery was unique and it was said to have been formed by meteorites that fell thousands of years ago.

In this era, almost everything it has never seen before, and only part of the information is retained in the brain database, so it wants to start from scratch to adapt to the life of this era.

However, to be on the safe side, Mingyou decided not to use the power of the full mode for the time being. After the firepower is fully turned on, the momentum will obviously change a lot and become violent, so this is fine...

Since Milton is currently in restricted mode, no one recognized him, and they didn't associate Milton with the game easter eggs that appeared in video game stores at all. The difference in appearance is quite big.

After getting permission, Mingyou carried it on Milerton's back, and then sat on it himself, letting Mingyou sit in his arms.

Seeing that its personality gradually transformed into a well-behaved "little kitten", Mingyou breathed a sigh of relief. Even though his whole body had been modified, the instinct of the motorcycle lizard deep in his genes still existed.

"Then let's go through this section first and head northwest!"



"Don't you understand? Well, okay, just pretend that you are a large purple motorcycle lizard and try to learn the living habits of the motorcycle lizard."


Milerton came forward and read it carefully. The written information was already familiar to it. Simply put, it was disguised as a motorcycle lizard, letting other people and Pokémon ride on it every day, and running around happily, as if There is no difficulty.

But it doesn't matter anymore!

Pulun tilted its head and looked at Milerton curiously. It always felt that the other person looked familiar. After all, the two sides had fought against each other in the online world, but it still did not completely remember it.

With that said, Mingyu took out his cell phone Rotom and opened the Pokémon Pokédex software. He found the detailed Pokédex information about Biker and handed it over.

Seeing that Milton officially joined the team and wanted to travel with them, they were very happy. After Meloetta introduced them, they all said hello.

However, this motorcycle lizard is too weak. The average maximum speed per hour is only 120km/h, and it usually starts at 1200km/h on roads without obstacles... Then try to limit the speed a little.

After understanding the meaning, Mingyou touched his chin and nodded gently: "I see, do you want to experience the life of a normal Pokémon from the first time? I understand, then just stay with us, there is no need to deliberately imitate They live their lives, but try to integrate into them, and you can learn it naturally."

It greeted Milton politely and asked if he could sit on his back.

After all, I had just begun to get acquainted with Milton, and although I had gained a good impression, it was only at the stage of getting along with him on a friendly basis, and did not reach the level of complete trust.

After sitting firmly and supporting himself, he took a breath and slowly adapted, muttering to himself: "Although I almost lost my life yesterday, after the speed limit today, there should be no big problem. Let's try to drive first." Let’s get acquainted with it for a while!”

Moreover, that kind of environment is very convenient for training Pokémon, and he also plans to simulate that kind of environment in his future ecological park to visit places.

After hearing the target location, Milerton asked him to take out his cell phone Rotom.


Mingyou took out his phone with doubts, and then a purple current shot out from Milton's body and connected to Rotom on the phone. At this moment, the map and location coordinates automatically popped up on the screen.

"Hey guys, there's also a navigation!"


How is this done?
He was a little curious. It was the same as the data cable. So Milton was actually a large mobile power bank that could charge mobile phones at any time?
This is the must-have Pokémon for home travel!

After determining the coordinates of the location, Milton slowly floated up, contracted and folded his limbs, and rolled up his long tail to form a wheel shape. At this moment, the airbag on his neck shone at the same time, and the purple electric current began to flow rapidly, turning into a moving wheel. model!

"Hmm!" So cool!
Everyone was dumbfounded.

Mingyou grabbed the car armrests on both sides of Milton and shouted: "Hold on tight, don't fall. This is not a deer with antlers and there will be protective measures!"



Meloetta sat on Milton's head and started counting down with excitement. When the last sound fell, the engine roared and Milton turned into a purple light and drove forward on the beach road.

It was like a flash of lightning piercing the coastline. Before the wild Pokémon and trainers on the road could react, it had disappeared with everyone, leaving only a long trace on the beach.

Feeling the speed, Meloetta changed her sitting position and sat sideways on Milton's head like a lady, holding her hands together and placing them on her chest.

The long light green hair flutters in the wind, and following the rhythm of the wind, colorful notes emerge around it, playing a beautiful melody.

La ~ la la la ~ la la ~ la la la ~

Listening to music while riding a motorcycle, running along the sunlit coastline, Meloetta's singing controlled his emotions, making Milton, who originally only knew how to move forward, feel slightly dazed.

It's not that it has never listened to music, but this is the first time that it can arouse its emotions and produce favorite emotions like this!
sounds amazing……

Because this is a new song Meloetta composed specifically for Milton after hearing the word "future" after racing yesterday.

After seeing that Milton liked it, it was also very happy, which gave Mingyu a different experience.

A triathlon of sea, land and air, you can run in any environment, fully intelligent connected navigation, with Meloetta and in-car music!

can only say! Perfect!

"No...look in front! Look in front!"

Mingyou, who suddenly came back to his senses, found that Milton was fascinated by the song and had completely strayed from the direction. He couldn't control it at all and could only watch as he rushed straight towards the distant mountain wall at a speed of 120km/h.



The ground seemed to shake violently. The mountain wall that was violently hit could not withstand the force of Milton and was smashed into pieces, burying them until a trainer who witnessed this scene called the police.

In the afternoon, at the Pokémon Center near the Giant's Cave, Mingyu was bandaged and sitting on the sofa helplessly, accepting a doll to change his dressing.

"Even if I am blasted into the sky by a swarm of meteors and killed by lightning... I will never sit on a Milton again! Absolutely!"

He continued to speak words that were somewhat familiar to him. Miss Junsha, who was responsible for sending him here for treatment, handed him back his ID card, folded his hands and accused him: "He is a public figure after all. He doesn't know how to drive." Standard, do your relatives cry twice?"

"That was just a small accident..."

"Stop making excuses. The Hezhu region is not the Padia region. The terrain here is very dangerous in many places. It is not your responsibility to let the motorcycle lizards run around without considering the geographical environment!"


Mingyou couldn't refute.

Miss Junsha stopped accusing him. She held up her hat with her hand and said in a slightly tired tone: "When I received the alarm, I thought it was your motorcycle lizard that was going crazy and out of control and took you up the mountain. If you hit me, you’ll end up messing around on your own, so don’t do it again next time!”


Hearing the key points in the other party's words, Mingyou asked curiously: "The Pokémon lost control? What happened? Is it serious?"

"That's right..."

Miss Junsha sighed softly, glanced at the Pokémon Center where there were few people, and continued: "Since almost two months ago, Pokémon have often gone out of control in the Giant's Cave and surrounding areas, not only wild Pokémon. Pokémon, even those with trainers, even attacked their own trainers, causing many injuries."


"Our police have also issued a notice asking recent trainers and tourists not to approach the Giant's Cave at will. However, it is their freedom to come or not, and we have no right to stop it. After all, this is a Hezhong area that advocates freedom. .”

After saying this, Miss Junsha said goodbye to him and left the Pokémon Center. Before leaving, she persuaded him that if nothing happened, it would be better to leave here as soon as possible. Going forward is the Giant's Cave.

Seeing her leaving, Mingyou glanced at Tongchen and the others who were staying not far away from Milerton. He didn't expect such an incident to happen in the Giant's Cave, but the incident of Pokémon losing control shouldn't affect him, right?
He thought with luck like this, and gently pinched the bandaged wound on his arm with his hand. His body suddenly trembled and he took a breath: "Hiss! It hurts, it hurts... I'll never race again!"


(End of this chapter)

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