Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 307 The competition begins, giving the city people some Mingyou shock

Chapter 307 The competition begins, giving the city people some Mingyou shock (please vote for me)

They stayed at the door of the cake shop until about four o'clock in the afternoon. After Sha Liyou left in advance, Danyu and Wuli also expressed that they wanted to visit the competition venue. In a blink of an eye, only Mingyou and Xiaozhao were left.

"Let's go. Let's put our backpacks in the hotel first, and then go to the competition venue to have a look."

She agreed to Mingyou's suggestion of living together without much hesitation. The two were in a relationship, so they could have let go of their reserve a long time ago, not to mention that they had never lived together before.

Then she noticed that Milton was being chased by a vine snake because he was eating cake. She became interested again and asked expectantly.

"By the way, can I ride it?"

“You have to give it a sandwich to ride.”

"Haha, you have a pretty cute personality~"


Mingyou hesitated to speak, recalling that Milton was chasing and fighting Milton in the online world, and that he had confronted Zekrom some time ago and caused a blackout across the entire United States. It couldn't be called cute, could it?

When Mingyou got into the car and sat in the back seat, Mingyou was about to get in. Suddenly the engine roared, and Xiaozhao riding Milton turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared from the street in an instant. Mingyou kept his hand outstretched and froze in place.

How can a boyfriend be more interested in racing...

In the evening, many tourists and trainers participating in competitions came and went in the hotel lobby.

Xiaozhao didn't say anything more on this matter, but put his hands behind his back, with a trace of suspicion on his face, and looked at Mingyou with a more dangerous look: "But why do I feel that you came prepared? You obviously came here I was rejected every time..."

Xiaozhao took the elevator upstairs with Mingyou with a face full of embarrassment, and explained with an embarrassed smile: "Haha, um... I thought you were already sitting on it, but I didn't expect it was Tongtun holding me."


"Yeah, but two beds."

The two walked into the hotel room. It was a luxurious suite with a living room. The space was quite large, but it was 19998 a night. The main reason was that it was close to the competition venue and allowed Milton to have enough space to move around. Otherwise, Mingyou wouldn't be able to Live in this last room at a high price.

I listen to whoever gives me the sandwich.

"I didn't get in the car..."

"OK then."

Mingyou finally realized that when he went to do something without asking Xiaozhao, the other party felt that he was left behind. It was really uncomfortable.

He murmured softly and came to his senses, ran out two steps, looked at the direction of the disappeared figure, opened his hands and shouted: "I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Mingyou smiled awkwardly, knowing that what Xiaozhao was talking about was that the other party invited her to spend the night the night before he left for the trip.

Xiaozhao walked in and took a look around. She was quite satisfied with the environment in the room. She put her backpack on the sofa, turned around and asked, "Is there only one bedroom?"

Zhanyifa looked at it and shook his head.

"Then was then, and the present is now."

"Just give it a try!"

I should say handsome!
After a while, Xiao Zhao bought a few bags of instant sandwiches from the cake shop and fed them, and successfully sat on Milton. His face was full of curiosity. It was completely different from riding a stag with antlers. It really felt like he was riding a bicycle.


"It's okay, I deserve it..."

After hearing the answer, Xiaozhao stopped worrying about it. She sighed softly, showing a hint of helplessness, and returned to her usual gentle and generous look, and said, "Okay, let's make things clear tonight."

"I'll tell you everything."

"Hmm... By the way, I heard from Sister Shali that you are being followed by the international police? Doesn't it matter?"

"It's okay, they are just protecting me."

"You really can't stop!"

Xiaozhao crossed his arms and shook his head slightly. After looking at the time, he felt that it was almost time.

"Let's go and walk around the competition venue. There should be fewer people at this point."

"Well, don't leave me behind again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen!"

For a moment, Mingyou stood alone at the door of the hotel, looking at Xiaozhao riding Milton, taking Punpun and the others away, and hesitated to speak...

The Youth Cup competition venue is located in the center of Congmu Town. It was renovated and built using the venue of a previous league conference. It has expanded the area and can accommodate many more spectators than a normal conference.

In the evening, there are still many tourists here to watch and take photos and check in. Since the opening ceremony is tomorrow, the final safety hazard inspection is still being carried out internally, so tourists are temporarily prohibited from entering.

"Wow, it's really big!"

Xiaozhao picked up the Yangtuo mobile phone and curiously took pictures. It had been her first time to come to such a formal competition venue after being in this world for so long. Mingyu has been to the Suzuran Tournament, but there is a clear difference between a regional tournament and a world-level competition like this.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The former is a large-scale competition in a region and even affects the replacement of champions. The latter is just a global entertainment competition and will not affect anything. But in terms of gold content, the latter is definitely more. After all, you can see There is reason in numbers.

The two of them walked around the playing field and were almost familiar with the surrounding environment. At this time, Xiao Zhao suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some people nearby, monitoring the place.

"It's very uncomfortable. This feeling..."

"I don't even bother to care about them."

"So what exactly did you commit? Let's talk about it now."


Mingyou didn't worry too much anymore. He and Xiaozhao walked back to the hotel from the less crowded street and briefly talked about what happened in the past few days.

Whether it's about Milerton, N and Zekrom, or Team Plasma...

After listening and digesting the information, Xiaozhao's expression turned slightly serious. She couldn't let this matter go unchecked. If it hadn't been for Daxuanla, Mingyu would have become "Mingyu-chan" now, and there would be no chance of seeing her again.

I originally thought it was not a particularly dangerous matter, but now it must be treated strictly!
"No matter where you go from now on, I will follow you. Don't find me annoying. I just don't want you to face those guys alone. Life... is really short. Do you understand?"

Xiaozhao stopped, put her hands on Mingyou's shoulders, and stared at him. She really didn't want to see her important people encounter this.

Mingyou was silent for a moment and hugged her into his arms. He didn't say anything perfunctorily. A simple action told the other party his answer.

He is also a stubborn guy at heart. Like Xiao Zhao, he likes to take care of others instead of being taken care of by others, so he really doesn't want to rely on others all the time.

Xiaozhao hugged him tightly, understood what he meant, pursed her lips, and said softly: "This matter... I will treat it as nothing happened for the time being, and we will talk about the rest after the game is over. "

"Well, thanks for understanding."

"Just stop saying thank you as a family, idiot."


Just as the two were hugging each other ambiguously, a familiar voice suddenly came from a food stall not far away that was temporarily opened by an outsider.

"This way, this way!"


Xun Sheng looked around and saw Sha Li smiling and waving in this direction, and there were quite a lot of spectators in the food stall. Not only Dan Yu and his brother were there, but Xiao Guang and Xiao Zhi were also there. It seemed that they had been watching the fun just now. .


The two of them quickly blushed and separated, but everyone understood it tacitly. Sha Li waved her hands and shouted: "I originally wanted to ask you to come to dinner together, but I didn't expect to be so bold. Doing such a thing on the street at night, I don't know. Are there a lot of singles here? As compensation, the food stall boss will treat us tonight!"

"They all caught me and fucked me, right?"

Mingyou cursed, "Is it easy for me to make a few bucks after working so hard?"

Xiao Zhao on the side smiled, took his arm and walked towards them together. In the midst of laughter, the "banquet" before the game ended.

The next morning came, and the opening ceremony of the Youth Cup came as scheduled. Mingyou and Xiaozhao, who had been speechless all night last night and fell asleep early in the morning, went to the competition site on time after sorting themselves out.

Unlike the more ceremonial opening ceremony like the regional conference, the opening of the Youth Cup only has a simple speech by the host. After the subsequent exhibition match, the competition grouping officially begins.

However, the popularity of the competition is very high online. Many popular anchors provide online commentary. Official or unofficial betting and voting activities are also in full swing. Many viewers also have players they support.

"It's a little more lively than expected."

Xiaozhao was sitting in the audience, looking curiously at the surrounding audience who were looking forward to the exhibition match. Although there was no ceremonial torch lighting at the opening ceremony, the exhibition match of champion Zhulan really made everyone look forward to it.

Mingyou sat aside, hugging Mingyou, and looked down with Meloetta and the others. They saw a dragon shadow swooping down from the sky with the voice of the host's introduction. Zhulan, who had put on a dress, was enthusiastically greeted by the audience. appeared on the field amidst cheers.

On the opposite side, there was also a burst of special effects full of splendor and nobility. Like a princess who had just woken up, Cattleya showed nobility in every move she made, slowly falling from the air on a ribbon as thin as silkworm wings.

At the moment when the audience's expectations were completely ignited, the battle between the two sides was about to begin. The exhibition match was not about winning or losing, but more about enhancing the atmosphere and stimulating the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the audience.

In the end, the exhibition match ended with a draw between the two players, which also announced the official start of the Youth Cup. All the spectators and players participating in the game looked at the big screen above the venue, nervous and looking forward to it.

Next will be the first round of knockout groups. The audience is looking forward to the favorites to meet in the knockout round, and the players are looking forward to fighting stronger opponents in the game.

Mingyou is looking forward to teaching the little black guys a hard lesson and giving him a bit of a shock as he goes to the big dogs in the north!

Finally, when the flashing screen stopped, the entire competition site fell into silence, nervously watching the grouping of players on the big screen.

Mingyou saw himself at a glance and smiled. His own game had finally arrived!


(End of this chapter)

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