Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 308 This is our overachieving sister Zhenyifa

Chapter 308 This is our overachieving sister Zhenyifa (please vote for me)
The grouping is over, and the players who need to participate in the next competition have to prepare. The knockout round will start in 20 minutes. Failure to show up will automatically count as a forfeit.

Mingyou and Xiaozhao separated and went to prepare separately. Tongchun, who did not need to participate in the competition, continued to sit in the audience, staying with Danyu and the others.

While waiting for the game to start, Dan Yu hugged her and began to complain: "Damn it...I am actually the last one in the afternoon. By then, the audience will be gone. Who can see my highlight performance? There is no Youth Cup." All-out battle, right?”

"No, after all, it is a competition for young people. New trainers who have not yet conquered 6 Pokémon must be considered, so even the regional knockout rounds are 1v1 singles."

Wuli explained in a low voice that he had thoroughly studied the rules of the game. The first elimination round was somewhat similar to the Royal Battle in the Alola region. Eight people competed on the same stage, and the winner advanced to the official match.

At the beginning of the official competition, the number of Pokémon that can participate in the battle increased to two. At the beginning of the quarter-finals, it was three, and in the finals, it was four.

Although they are all singles, they are not easy at all. The mainstream of Blueberry Academy is doubles, and the Youth Cup is also a test for them.

At the same time, Zhulan and Cattleya, who had just finished the exhibition match, were already sitting on the rostrum, preparing to watch the game together with Adek, the champion of the Hezhong region.

"Miss Zhulan is really handsome."

Adek crossed his arms and greeted like an unruly uncle.


As he spoke, Adek looked at the field below, and Zhulan also looked immediately, landing on Mingyou who appeared with seven other contestants...

"Kids, this isn't funny."

When he was thinking about this, he suddenly felt many eyes falling on him. He took back his thoughts and looked up. He saw that the other players who were fighting with him were all staring at him.

He was stunned for a moment, took half a step back, and asked with a hint of panic in his tone: "I'm here to participate in the competition, what are you going to do?"

Mingyou murmured softly. Tonglu told his companions in the manor about his game. Latias would definitely broadcast his game live in the video game store.

Who can come here to participate in the Youth Cup, except for a few related households and directly participating players, who is not a trainer who stands out in each region. Studying the opponent in the competition is the most basic operation.

"Boss Mingyu, stop pretending, everyone here knows you. Thanks to the fruits and vegetables you sell, our Pokémon can grow so fast, so we all have to thank you, haha."

Mingyou could see it. This group of people had reached a tacit understanding and wanted to send him out first. The list compiled by Zhang Qishu would only fool passers-by who didn't pay much attention to the players. They couldn't deceive these players.

After hearing this, Adek's expression gradually became serious and he nodded slightly: "Well, he also told me about this. The international police are still arresting the fugitive named N. I heard that the other party and this time Related to a player participating in the Youth Cup.”

Of course this is indeed the case.

"It's this boy named Mingyu!"

Zhulan didn't pay too much attention to it. She smiled calmly and changed the topic of the competition and said: "I went to Shuanglong City yesterday. Mr. Xia Ka said that he had a premonition that something big was going to happen in the Hezhong area. About Team Plasma.”

"It's my first time to participate in this kind of competition. I'm really nervous. I guess everyone is watching, right?"

Mingyu didn't expect that he was in the first game, and Xiaozhao was in the second game. He was a little lucky, but fortunately he didn't meet him now. Then he looked around and scanned around, but there was no player he knew.

And these players all benefit from the fruits and vegetables they sell at home, so they will definitely be friendly when meeting them in normal times, but when they meet on the field, it is inevitable that one of my Pokémon will become so strong after eating your fruits, and your Pokémon will not be able to eat more every day. Outrageous idea.

But he was targeted at the beginning, and the pressure on Mingyou instantly increased. He was not a one-on-one...

But the other players have reached a tacit understanding. Rather than being defeated one by one by the real favorite, it is better to join forces to send the opponent out first. They do not believe that Mingyu is weak.

"The game begins!" As the referee's voice fell, everyone threw the Poké Ball at the same time. The pressure of the singles knockout match was very high.

If you don’t want to come all the way for a round, you can only send out the strongest Pokémon and try your best to win the game, so it is also very enjoyable to watch.

Mingyou sent out Flapping Hair, and the others laughed when they saw that he actually let a large "Dream Demon" compete, "What can you do with a Dream Demon?" Let's evolve a little further until the dream monster comes again.

"They look down on you."


A cold look flashed in Zhanyi's bloody eyes, and then he covered his mouth with dragon wings and smiled, raised his head slightly, and glanced arrogantly at the Pokémon staring at him, as if to say, "Come on, you guys!"
"A mere dream monster..."

One player immediately waved his hand and asked his Charizard to manually use Sunny Sky to trigger the power of the sun feature, while the other player's Bodhidharma Baboon used Sunny Sky to directly use Flare Charge!
As the round "fireball" crashed forward, other Pokémon also launched an offensive. This sudden operation, as if it was an appointment, shocked many spectators present.

It’s so bullying!

"It's bad, Mingyou is being targeted!"

Wuli's tone became anxious, and at the same time, he also remembered the players who were besieging Mingyou. If any of them won the battle, he would be the one to avenge Mingyou.

In addition to him, many of Mingyou's acquaintances who were watching the game also felt it was unfair. Even those who were the favorites to win the championship couldn't possibly receive this kind of treatment, right? No matter who you are, they have their own little ideas. How can they just rush to do your operation?
On the rostrum, a drowsy Cattleya recognized Mingyou and said in a lazy tone: "Isn't this that person? Isn't it too unlucky?"

"Haha, it's rare to be targeted by seven people with all their strength. It looks like I'm going to have to go round."

Adike teased with a smile, but Zhulan didn't think so. Instead, she was looking forward to how Mingyou and this large "dream monster" would break the situation.

And in the next second, an accident happened suddenly that no one could react to. The fluttering hair who seemed to have no chance of escaping from the siege actually had no intention of avoiding it and instead faced him!

With the help of the sunny weather that the fire-breathing dragon helped it open, the ancient activity was instantly triggered. The fluttering body seemed to be completely full of vitality in the sun, and a crimson aura enveloped the body.

At this moment, Fei Yifa also changed from his usual state of dawdling around every day. He burst out with the ferocious momentum belonging to the ancient paradox species. He waved his dragon wings and shot out many orange crystals instantly!

With a bang, with just one shot of the Power Gem, he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, taking away the fire-breathing dragon that helped it activate the sunny weather trigger feature on the spot...

Watching Charizard fall, before its trainer could react, the fireball-rolling Bodhidharma baboon flew out with him, fell heavily to the ground, and was directly sent away by the Power Stone.

This is our super-standard sister’s fluttering hair!
With just one move, the two opponents were taken away. The panic on Mingyou's face disappeared and he smiled: "I won the game, and they have to thank me."


Flapping Wings continued to attack, hitting the Eel King with one shot of the moon's power, and turning the Centipede King into a roasted centipede with another shot of magic flame...

In the chaos of the battle, no Pokémon could touch it, and it was like a god of death from the abyss of hell, constantly harvesting the battlefield.

Until the moment when the sunlight ended, only it and a frightened monster were left standing there, not daring to move at all, and the whole place fell into silence...

It’s not a human problem, it’s simply that the Pokémon is over the limit, and even a leash dog can use Wings to get points!


(End of this chapter)

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