Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 309 Mingyou was scolded, but remember to buy it after scolding

Chapter 309 Mingyou was scolded, but remember to buy it after scolding (please give me a monthly ticket)

After frightening the last monster out with his momentum alone, Fei Yifa spread his wings and shook his head slightly, showing a contemptuous and helpless expression.

It had lived in ancient times for decades before it accidentally changed from a dream monster to a fluttering creature. As the saying goes, the older it gets, the stronger it gets. It cannot be said that being controlled by a Pokémon controller once is really not good.

Mingyou looked at the players who were eliminated at the speed of light and the quiet competition venue. He sighed softly. Originally, he didn't want to do this. He was playing more cautiously so as not to fully reveal his strength. But who told you to send the weather to trigger the vibration? What are the characteristics of wing hair?

"That's it. I'll accept your thanks. Remember to continue doing business in my store."

With these words, Mingyou left the venue with Zhiyifa hugging him, which made Tengteng Snake who was sitting in the audience watching the excitement a little unhappy.

Until he walked into the exit channel, Zhulan, who was sitting on the podium, smiled and clapped softly. At this time, the quiet venue seemed to have detonated a time bomb in an instant, and it was completely boiling!

"Oh my god, is that really a dream monster?"

"Although it has some characteristics of the dream monster, if you compare it carefully, there is indeed a big difference. Could it be a new evolution of the dream monster that has not been discovered?"

"How is it possible... Even if you let the dream monster fight, you can't do this. That dream monster has the beauty of a monster with super-normal numerical values."

The second game returned to a relatively normal rhythm. Xiaozhao chose to play steadily and did not deliberately express herself in a high-profile manner.

"What is technology? Except for some of my fruits and vegetables that have debuffs, they are all purely nutritious and do not contain any harm."

But as a trainer, she will take any battle seriously. This is the most basic respect for the trainers she fights with!
Therefore, he won very beautifully in the end, which also convinced other trainers and received enthusiastic applause from the audience, but it did not attract the attention of many players. After all, in the battle, they usually use their strongest Pokémon to qualify. Qualifications, for a Slowpoke, are not worthy of attention.

And speaking of this... why is there no news at all? Didn't it mean that the Rockets were trying to seize the market and fight against themselves, and they stopped running before the internal testing?
After being curious for a while, Mingyou retracted his thoughts and looked down at Xiaozhao, only to see that she had sent out a Galarian Slowpoke, which should have evolved from the Slowpoke that he had conquered before.

Until the start of the next round of competition, the audience was still discussing "Dream Demon". They also found out Mingyou's identity. He was the big dog who sold mutant crops in Beishang Township.

The vast majority of the audience thinks so. Only those players who participated in the competition understand that Mingyu's difficulty is not just based on numerical values, especially those friends who have played against him before and have their own plans.

"Why are you scolding me?"

So they have every reason to be sure that the "Dream Demon" is so strong because it eats fruits and vegetables every day, and has 100% of the technology in its body.

"When did it evolve?"

"I can really do this even if I fuck you!"

As for Mingyu, who is not even a trainer, he obviously does not have much ability in Pokémon battles. He is destined to not go far if he only relies on Pokémon with excessive numerical values. The lower limit is high and the upper limit is low.

"Absolute strength, very high level, even the player named Ming Yu said a few rubbish words from beginning to end, which means that the dream monster did not rely on the trainer's command at all, it was killing randomly on its own."

"Say you rely purely on technology and have no skills~"

At the beginning of the second game, Mingyu also returned to his seat, pulling his hair to prevent his opponent from showing off and quarreling with Vine Snake, and then he also paid attention to the eyes of the surrounding audience.

"Let's meet up later!"

Mingyu was a little curious, because Xiao Zhao would always deliberately avoid him to train Pokémon during this period.

"Who could know that she is actually the strongest here, even me..."

Dan Yu laughed and teased, while holding his younger brother with his right hand to prevent him from quarreling with the audience. After all, Wu Li had always admired Ming You very much.

Even when she was with him, she rarely let her Pokémon out, and he didn't care about it. Even if the two of them had a good relationship, they should leave each other some privacy space, but now it seems that Xiaozhao Avoid yourself just for this competition.

Mingyou complained, this is his own reputation, but you can also see that after today's game, sales will increase significantly. He is not afraid of the Rockets' piracy plan at all. Remember to buy it after scolding him.


Zhulan noticed some of the players' reactions and smiled helplessly. It was better to keep silent about other opponents' subsequent performances. After all, Xiaozhao's Pokémon this time were the second team to be retrained, so she could just experience them.

Xiaozhao wiped the sweat from his forehead as he left the field, his face full of excitement, not the joy of winning, but the fact that he finally had the opportunity to compete with these trainers on the field, fulfilling one of his wishes.

But when she just walked out of the field and planned to go back to the auditorium to continue watching other players compete, she suddenly noticed that Mingyou was waiting for her not far away.

"Aren't you going to watch the game?"

"I saw it, so am I not here to know the opponent's strength in advance?"

Mingyou chuckled and joked, and Xiaozhao didn't hide it anymore. He responded with a smile and a serious tone: "Then just look forward to the possibility of losing!"

"Hmm, let's go to the game first. I saw many friends participating this time. I can stop by and meet them after they finish the game."

"Is your friend... a girl?"

"Well..." Mingyou was about to respond when suddenly a loud voice that he was more familiar with came from not far away.



Mingyou's tiger body trembled, Xiao Zhao's face changed slightly, and he showed a dangerous smile, hugging his arm, not giving him any chance to excuse himself.

Xun Sheng looked around and saw a green Scotch hat on the corner of the stairs that already informed the person's identity. Xiao You, whom he hadn't seen for a while, was smiling and waving to him.

"Hey, I see you again~"

"What a coincidence..."

"It happened to be my next show. I didn't expect that I bumped into you just as I was getting ready to enter."

Xiaoyou still has that carefree personality. Even after noticing Xiaozhao, he didn't restrain himself at all. Instead, he greeted her.

"What do you call me sister~ I just saw your performance, it was amazing! My name is Xiaoyou, I am from the Galar region, and I am a friend of Youyou."

"I'm Ming...Yuyou's girlfriend. I live with him. Just call me Xiaozhao."

"Sure enough, you two are a perfect match~"

"Haha, I think so too."

Listening to the interaction between the two, Mingyou stood with an awkward look on his face, but he finally allowed him to seize a moment of opportunity and asked curiously: "By the way, don't you still have research to do? Why do you have time to come here to play the game?"

"Originally I had no plans to participate, but there hasn't been much progress in research and development recently. In addition, I happened to come to Hezhong at the beginning of the month to talk with Principal Xi Lan of Blueberry Academy, so I signed up for the Youth Cup and looked for someone to compete against. It feels like this, so as not to be suspected by the Malokomon Group.”

When she said this, Xiaoyou was obviously more alert and looked around. It was obvious that someone might have gotten wind of her improvement of the giant wristband.

Mingyou can't help the other party much in this regard. President Roz is not something that a wealthy man like him can touch, so he can only wish the other party good luck.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Zhao was also quietly sizing up Xiao Yu. She was not hostile to him... although she was a little dissatisfied with Ming Yu's nickname at the beginning, but now she is more interested in Xiao Yu. With such a big risk, I am very curious and interested in improving the Max Wristband...

After a few simple chats, Xiaoyou was anxious to enter the competition and left quickly. Xiaozhao still held Mingyou's arm and said: "It would be great if we could really meet the Dynamax in the competition, but she and Xi Lan actually Is there any contact with the principal?”

"Her funding comes from Xi Lan. This principal is quite thoughtful, taking such a big risk to develop Pokémon battles."

"It's a pity that he has Alzheimer's disease... I organized several meetings for school teachers and could forget them."

"Is this okay..."

Mingyou recalled the time when he went to a public class and was forgotten by the other party. That was really embarrassing.

The two of them did not continue chatting and planned to watch Xiaoyou's game together. Unfortunately, they just arrived at the auditorium and saw the referee announcing Xiaoyou's victory. He used a Flare Ace to directly defeat her, even her real None of the ace martial arts bear masters were sent out.

Seeing this result, Xiao Zhao was a little surprised: "This girl is quite powerful!"

"She is the junior sister of the Galar Champion Alchemy Emperor. She is even younger than me."

"Dandi? That advertising champion? I heard some students complain that he is covered in advertising."

"This is what your main job is as a trainer..."

The two of them sat in the audience and continued chatting. At the same time, they also watched the game carefully. They studied the players from the battle. Most of the time, they could predict who would advance from the beginning. Occasionally, the trainer's prediction was wrong. walking situation.

In this way, the game continued until noon, and then there would be a two-hour break. In the afternoon, all the remaining knockout rounds would be played.

However, the elimination rounds all morning were really intense. Although some of the favorites were not deliberately assigned together, there were still players who defeated them. Fortunately, most of the people Mingyu knew basically advanced.

When several of them left the venue and planned to go to dinner, a voice suddenly stopped them.

"Alola~Long time no see~"

Looking around, I saw Dr. Kukui, who I hadn't seen for a long time after leaving the summer camp, and his students, standing not far away.

Looking at them, Mingyou led the team forward and also smiled and waved hello.



(End of this chapter)

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