Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 325 Reshiram’s choice? Team Rocket's conspiracy!

Chapter 325 Reshiram’s choice? Team Rocket's conspiracy! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"I see, is this a world on the Internet? Although I don't understand much about the Internet, this future should be someone's ideal world."

After N learned about the situation from Mingyou, he quickly accepted the information and sighed that his mentality was acceptable for everything.

Seeing that he was in pretty good condition, Mingyou stopped beating around the bush, looked serious, and asked directly: "By the way, why were you seriously injured and fell in the green belt of Longmu Town?"

"this matter……"

N frowned slightly and fell into memories.

After he successfully escaped from prison in Bo City, Qinghai with the help of Akroma, he went to Shuanglong City to investigate things about Kyurem from this ancient city with a long history.

Unfortunately, he was wanted and had limited mobility. Even with Genesect's help, he was unable to successfully sneak into the Double Dragon Museum. He was almost discovered by Shaka, and had no choice but to evacuate.

But when he went to Snowflake City to continue investigating clues from the Dragon Spiral Tower where Zekrom and Reshiram were born, there was another group of people who had already squatted there in advance.

"Team Plasma?"

He told this matter, and N was quite surprised after hearing it. The light stone that Team Plasma had been looking for for so long was not only in Longmu Town, but it had also become a prize in the competition?
This... I'm afraid I need to take it slow.

Mingyu's eyes widened, the red "R", isn't this Team Rocket? It's this group of people!
"Team Rocket?"

Hearing this, N became interested instantly. Looking at the pattern on Mingyou's hand, he touched his chin, lost in thought, and shook his head gently: "Sorry, this is my first time seeing this, and I have never heard of it. Yes, but based on what you said, this may be proof that Reshiram chose you.”

After leading him to escape to Longmu Town, he finally couldn't hold on anymore. He was hit by the poison of a giant sting wasp and lost consciousness at that time.

He didn't know the details of what happened next. He originally thought that he must have been caught, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Ming You. Although he just wanted to escape, his instinct was to move closer.

Mingyou's face was filled with disbelief.


N was silent for a moment. After digesting the information, his expression became solemn and he said: "There should be records about the Bright Stone in the Dragon Spiral Tower. They may have recognized the Bright Stone based on this."

"Leshiram's mark?"

"I don't know...Team Plasma likes to develop in secret. It rarely acts in a high-profile manner and will not provoke other organizations at will."

Mingyou frowned. When he wins the Light Stone, Team Rocket will target him again without hesitation, so let's end it this time!
After being silent for a long time, putting these thoughts in his heart for the time being, he raised his right hand, wanting to know something about the White Dragon Mark from N, and explained the situation.

"No, I don't know those people. They are not from Team Plasma. Each of them has a red letter R on their body. It seems that they came here for my status as the former leader of Team Plasma..."

N shook his head slightly and continued to explain what happened at that time. The Rocket Team seemed to be investigating the Dragon Spiral Tower, but it also seemed to be investigating his whereabouts, so they were ambushed.

After encountering an ambush, two Genesects were captured on the spot, so he had no choice but to escape with the remaining three, first finding a safe place to take shelter, but the enemy's offensive was far beyond his imagination.


"Yes, that is a mafia organization that makes money by controlling Pokémon and trading. It is currently the largest evil force in the world. I have had several conflicts with them. Could it be that Team Plasma also has something with them? Conflict, so I finally came to you and wanted to take revenge? "

"Choose me?"

During the chaos, two more Genesects were shot down in high-speed flight mode, and the remaining red one endured the pain to complete its mission.

After listening to the whole process, Mingyu's expression was a little solemn. Unexpectedly, in addition to Team Plasma, even Team Rocket had already intervened. If Meloetta was not captured, they were thinking of starting from other aspects?
But thinking back to yesterday, I saw the Rockets trio at the Long Eye Museum. Those people seemed to be targeting the Light Stone. In other words... Team Rocket is now targeting the Light Stone?


Team Rocket has many black technologies and is well-trained. It is completely different from Team Plasma, which relies entirely on faith to control people. Whether it is member configuration or Pokémon, it is more like an army.

I am not a real person, unless the offline reality can be considered real.

"Hard to say……"

N thought for a moment, shook his head again, and said: "If you can get the light stone and let me communicate with Reshiram, maybe I can know the answer."

"Okay, then wait until tomorrow!"

Tomorrow in the Youth Cup final, whether he or Xiaozhao wins, he will get the light stone, but he will rely on himself to win the light stone!
The two briefly chatted about some topics in this area, and then N finally noticed King Lei Guan, and surprise flashed across his face: "What a smart Pokémon!"

"As expected? Then there is no need to say it?"

King Lei Guan responded calmly, but N was very interested in it, but now is not the time to think about this, he still has his own things to do.

"Although Genesect and the others are now captured by Team Rocket, I still have to investigate Kyurem."

"Going to Shuangyong City?"

"That's right!"

"Then let me contact you with someone. She is completely trustworthy and can take you into the museum in Shuangyong City to investigate various things." "Huh? Who?"

"Have you ever seen..."

Mingyu wanted to hand N to Zhulan, who would definitely not betray him, not to mention that N's purpose was to stop Team Plasma's conspiracy.

After a brief explanation, N nodded in agreement. Since he is Mingyou's friend, he can be trusted, so without further ado, let's set off now...

Coming out of the online world together, N was still a little uncomfortable for the time being and almost fell down. Fortunately, he was supported by Mingyou: "You don't need to eat in the online world, but the real world is different. Let's finish eating later and leave. I I still need to contact Sister Zhulan.”

"sorry to bother you."


Mingyu took out his cell phone Rotom and sent a message to Zhulan, while N was watching around and noticed that there were so many Pokémon in the living room.

After saying hello, he suddenly noticed that Meloetta, who was being held in his arms, frowned slightly and walked forward.

At this time, Mingyou put down the phone, turned around and said, "Sister Zhulan said she would come over to look for trouble in person later. She has a very easy-going personality and won't embarrass you about things you don't want to say... Hmm? What are you doing?" "

"Looking at its symptoms..."

After getting their permission, N gently placed his hand on Meloetta's head, relying on his own ability to communicate hard.

Watching this scene, Mingyou didn't dare to disturb her. It wasn't until nearly a minute passed that the blush on Meloetta's face gradually dissipated, and her breathing rhythm became much slower, as if she had returned to normal.


They were extremely happy immediately, and Mingyou also had a look of disbelief on his face and asked: "What is going on? Doctor N who has made a wonderful comeback?"

"I'm not a doctor..."

N stood up, looked at Meloetta, and said softly: "I just used my ability to communicate with it, making it temporarily forget some things. It can only provide temporary relief, but cannot cure it."

"What's the matter!"

Mingyou's tone became a little irritable. Listening to the other party's words, it was obvious that this was not a simple cold. Lei Guanwang and Xiaozhao had mentioned it before.

N did not hide anything and responded directly: "There is a great connection between Meloetta and the underwater ruins. The way it looks like this is probably because something happened at the underwater ruins and it was fed back to it. I want to completely eliminate it. You have to go to the underwater ruins. Only with the power of Meloetta can you accurately find the location of the underwater ruins!"

"Undersea ruins..."

Mingyou pondered for a long time, and at this moment, Meloetta's voice came, interrupting his thoughts.


Meloetta slowly opened her eyes. Under N's ​​mental hypnosis, she had temporarily forgotten about the underwater ruins. As long as she didn't mention it deliberately, she wouldn't recall it in a short time.

Seeing it sitting in Chunchun's arms, with a confused look on its face, as if it didn't know why it fell asleep, everyone had no choice but to conceal what happened to it, except that it took medicine to sleep for a while after catching a cold in the rain.


Meloetta was slightly startled, as if she had an impression... that she was causing trouble for everyone again.

Mingyou stepped forward and touched its head with his hand, and said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as you are healthy. When the weather is good, let Milton take you to go racing. We all will too." Will follow."


Milton came to his senses, smiled and nodded.

Hearing this, Meloetta instantly became happy. Looking at its happy expression, a trace of melancholy flashed across Mingyu's face, and she used telepathy through Latias to tell everyone not to stop until they found a solution. Mention the underwater ruins.

Everyone understood it, but Milerton seemed to have some different ideas. The system's brain was constantly thinking about the underwater ruins. It didn't want to see Meloetta's uncomfortable look again.

Looking at this scene, N didn't say anything. After scanning around, his eyes fell on Mingyou. I'm afraid the other party didn't notice it at all. The reason why he was chosen by Reshiram... this is the truth!

He did not tell this matter. Regardless of the truth, the person involved needs to be aware of it. Once the truth becomes the goal, he may become an unlucky guy like him who is exploited by his ideals.

At this moment, the door knocked, interrupting the atmosphere in the living room. Everyone looked towards the door in unison, and then a familiar voice sounded.

"I'm Baicai, please open the door."

"It came so fast!"


(End of this chapter)

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