Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 326 Final? It’s just fun between two people

Chapter 326 Final? It’s just fun between two people (please vote for me)
“It’s really lively here~”

Zhulan walked into the hotel room, took off her mask and hat, and put them on the hanger at the door along with her bag, scanning the living room.

This hotel is very close to the competition venue. When she received the message from Mingyu, she happened to be leaving the venue with Cattleya and Adek, and they were nearby.

Originally, he wanted to go find Shali to have dinner with him, but he came over here first and made an excuse to ask Cattleya to help push Adek away.

Then she called herself Baicai and hid her identity and sneaked into the hotel so as not to be noticed by others. After all, she really liked the name Baicai.

Her sweeping eyes finally landed on N. A hint of surprise flashed across her delicate face, and she smiled sweetly: "The international police are looking for you everywhere, but you are hiding here. If you are discovered, you and Mingyou will be killed." Let’s go in together.”

"Anyway, I've already gone in once."

Mingyou spread his hands and complained softly.

Hearing this, Zhulan looked at him and asked a few questions. Then she withdrew her attention and continued to look at N. She walked forward and said, "Mingyou said you have something to ask me for help, although I really like to help." Human, but I can’t trust the former leader of a religious organization. You have to show some sincerity!”

"I can tell you everything I know!"


Zhulan deliberately reminded her at the end that although Team Plasma's matter was serious, it was not without solutions. N was the key, and it was a historical issue left over from the Hezhong region.

"Don't worry, he is not the kind of stubborn old man who abides by the rules. Maybe he will give you a test, as long as you explain the matter clearly to him, but don't mention the Rockets and the Bright Stone to him."

Want to take Meloetta and the Light Stone away?

But if the information about Team Rocket and the Bright Stone is told, then Mingyu will definitely be targeted, and it will develop into a major incident that will attract the attention of the entire region... and even the whole world, and the severity will rise to a higher level.

"Why are you running so fast? Don't fall."

N smiled and waved in response...

After a pause, Zhulan took out her mobile phone, looked up at N, and asked, "Do you have a mobile phone?"

"Okay, I will ask Cattleya to give you a Rotom mobile phone later, and then add my contact information. As for you, don't show up, otherwise Adek will definitely arrest you. Although I I know he has some ideas of his own.”

Although Zhulan did not say these words directly, N completely understood that he would not betray his friends, not even to death!
Then the two of them left together so as not to waste too much time. Mingyou walked to the door and waved, saying to N: "Remember to contact me, I will be responsible for helping you divert Team Rocket's attention."

So the two of them had some simple conversations under the witness of Mingyou. Zhulan's expression gradually became serious and she fell into deep thought. After a long time, she said, "Although I still have a lot to ask you about Hezhong's legends." Yes, but I didn’t expect that both Team Rocket and Team Plasma would be involved..."

Seeing Zhulan leaving with N, Mingyou sighed softly and returned to the house. But at this moment, Xiaozhao and Daxuanla ran back with a pile of lunch boxes, and they were almost photographed by him closing the door. Fortunately, they reacted Hold on.

He had already been noticed because of Meloetta's incident. Coupled with the Bright Stone and Team Rocket, Mingyu would probably be inseparable from Hezhong. Both the Hezhong officials and the international police would strictly protect him. Hmm...protection on the surface.

This is the protection of Mingyu...

"You should also... pay attention to safety!"

With that said, Zhulan sent a message and continued: "Well, you will leave with me later. I will arrange for the housekeeper to take you to Shuanglong City. I still need to host the Youth Cup. It is not convenient for me to leave at the moment. He You will be sent to Shakana."


Zhulan nodded lightly, and at the same time observed the other person carefully. Although it was the second time they met, she could clearly feel that there was a significant difference in the other person's temperament. It seemed that the confusion and confusion in her heart had finally disappeared, and she had begun to shoulder the responsibility. kind of determination.

There are no doors!

N responded in a serious tone. He knew that the other party was testing him, and he believed that there was no need for a reason, not to mention that there was indeed a problem with his identity.

Just immigrate to the Hezhong area and live there!
It is precisely because Zhulan, as a champion, is often exposed to these things that she understands better that everyone has selfish motives, including her. If an outsider goes to the Sinnoh region to make a fuss, make a mess, and then kill the Mythical Pokémon Even if she had no objection to all being packed up and kidnapped, what about the other people in the Sinnoh region?

"No, I just seemed to see..."

"Sister Zhulan and N?"


"Come in and talk..."

After handing the packed meals to Takumi and the others, Mingyou ate curry rice and told Xiaozhao what had just happened, and also told each other about Meloetta in a low voice.

"Is that so..."

Xiaozhao glanced worriedly at Meloetta, who was singing to Ray Crown and Milton, and pursed her lips slightly, already determined to help.

Then when she got up and prepared to go to Meloetta's side to check on the situation, she accidentally knocked the bag on her lap onto the floor. She had been listening to Mingyu explain the situation and didn't notice it.

But the bag was open, and the elf ball rolled out of it. Mingyou bent down to help her pick it up.

But Xiaozhao reacted faster and quickly picked up the bag, as if there was something he didn't want the other party to know, but he was still a step too slow. After the bag was picked up, Mingyou suddenly discovered that the elf had rolled out. There were actually five strange balls mixed into the ball.

"Huh? Why are there five strange balls? Didn't we just find four?"

"Huh? This...haha."

Now that he was discovered, Xiaozhao smiled awkwardly and didn't hide anything anymore. He said, "It was the time when you were traveling... At that time, we went to a place called Big Rock Snake Island near Lianyi Town for training, but Xiaoguang said it was very... She wanted to see the heterochromatic rock snake on the island, but she didn't see it. Instead, she was chased by a group of rock snakes. This strange ball rolled out of her bag when she fell."

"It's actually in her hands?"

"Yeah, it always feels like a coincidence~"

Xiaozhao also found this interesting.

According to Xiaoguang, when she was traveling in the Johto area two months ago, she ran into Zhulan at the Alfu ruins near Kikyo City. The two of them investigated the ruins together, and unexpectedly came to a place located between Kitakami Township and Johto. In the middle of the area, there is a place called the God's City Ruins, where there are records of mythical Pokémon.

Then, on the Sanhuan Stage in the middle of the ruins, there was this strange elf ball, which was picked up by Xiaoguang, but she did not tell Zhulan about it, as if the elf ball told her not to say it.

Maybe because Zhulan and Wangluo look very similar, they were mistaken for enemies by instinct...

After leaving the ruins of Shendu, she followed Zhulan to the Hezhong area, and then ran to Raven City alone. However, she accidentally forgot about it and did not recall it until she was on Big Rock Snake Island.

After hearing this, Mingyou also found it quite incredible. He recalled that the way he obtained the strange ball was full of coincidences, as if he had deliberately obtained it and then sent it back to Xiaozhao.

"What about the Pokémon in it?" Mingyou was looking forward to seeing it, but when she mentioned this, Xiaozhao suddenly became a little panicked, her eyes wandering, and it was the first time she showed such an expression.

"This one……"


"I don't want to lie to you... so don't ask yet. Wait until tomorrow... I will tell you tomorrow!"

Xiaozhao kept waving her hands, just as she didn't want Mingyou to lie to herself, she also didn't want to lie to the other party. Although she knew it was bad to deliberately conceal this matter, she really didn't want to tell the other party now.


Seeing her in such trouble, Mingyou couldn't figure out why, but he still respected and understood her, as long as it didn't affect his feelings. He also had some things he didn't want to tell her for the time being.

Xiaozhao put all the pokeballs back into her bag, then finally patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at Mingyou's unconcerned expression, she bit her lips lightly, but in the end she still didn't say anything... because, this It was a little fun she prepared for the two of them, but now that it's exposed, there's no surprise.

Time continued to pass until in the evening, Mingyou suddenly received a friend request from N. The other party had already obtained the Rotom mobile phone and asked for his contact information from Zhulan.

In this way, even if something happens, it will be very convenient and quick to communicate...

At night, in the bedroom.

Since there are two beds, there is not much embarrassment between the two of them. They chat briefly and then go to bed every night. There is no such thing as someone sneaking into each other's bed at night. There are competitions almost every day, but I don't have the heart to think about this.

It's the same thing tonight, but tomorrow is the final, and it's still a battle between two people. They can't help but feel a little sleepless. They're not nervous, they're just looking forward to it too much.


Xiaozhao finally couldn't help it anymore and said: "As for the topic of the past two days, which is why you fell in love with me, can you..."

"Don't ask, I'm sleeping."

"There's really no need to hide this from me, right? When I suddenly thought about this, I felt like I couldn't sleep."

"Then...do you want me to sleep with you?"

Mingyou deliberately turned over and looked at the other party through the moonlight shining through the curtains.

Listening to his joking tone, Xiaozhao responded with a smile: "Okay~ See if I kick you or not!"

"Forget it, I don't want to be kicked into the ICU and miss tomorrow's game. I give up on this aspect."

"Am I so cruel in your eyes?"

"Very gentle, in terms of personality. As for the rest, Heyue is not as safe as you give me."

"Haha, because I am my sister~"

Xiaozhao couldn't help but chuckle. She was exactly one year older than Mingyu. It was true that she was the elder sister taking care of her younger brother. However, she actually preferred the term "senpai", but it was not appropriate to put it here.

After a brief chat, she felt much more relaxed. Continuing to care about those problems would only make her irritated and insomniac. It was better to adjust her state and cope with tomorrow's game.

"Good night~"

"Well, good night~"

Mingyou responded softly, but his eyes remained on Xiao Zhao, thinking about how to defeat the opponent in tomorrow's game.

Thinking about these questions, he felt sleepy, but he still couldn't resist and fell into sleep. In his dream, he seemed to see a pair of wolf-like blue eyes, staring at him, and they disappeared after a long time.


The next day, the weather was fine.

After yesterday's sudden rain incident, to avoid another accident today, the official arranged for the Meteorological Bureau to conduct surveillance and be prepared to respond at any time.

Before the game started, the venue was already full of people. Due to the large number of people watching the game, standing tickets were even sold at half price, allowing some spectators to stand above the auditorium to watch the game.

As a result, the Rocket trio entered smoothly and continued to work part-time jobs pushing carts and selling melon seed drinks. However, their attention was always fixed on the podium, which was guarded by Adek. trophy and... light stone.

Zhulan was also next to the podium, still maintaining her usual state, smiling, chatting with Adek who wanted to strike up a conversation with her, as if N's incident had never happened at all.

In the audience, Dan Yu and Xiao Zhi were all ready to cheer for the two of them. However, there was not a single Pokémon from Messrs. Not even Thunder Crown, so no one could guess who he was. What Pokémon will be used in battle?

On the other side of the auditorium, everyone in Alola, as well as the Four Heavenly Kings of Blueberry Academy, including the international police who have been monitoring Mingyu, are also looking forward to the outcome of this game.

"You must win! All my alliance coins are on you... If you really win, I will send you exclusive fan welfare photos!"

Qishu, who is far away in Padia Nianguang City, is nervously waiting for the start of the game commentary. At the same time, in the Padia League headquarters in Table City, the chief champion Yeci is also watching the man who walked out of Padia. Xiaoqing Mudan and the others were all optimistic about the genius.

As for the iron warriors and the others at the Manor Video Game Store in Beishang Township, the administrators of Emerald Town, and the Wooden Gun Town in the Galar region, Xiaoyou is in Dr. Sonia's research institute, and even her senior brother Champion Dan... Emperor was also very curious about the player who defeated her, and watched the live broadcast with her.

Underground at the museum in Shuangyong City, N, who had Xia Ka's permission, put down the book in his hand and watched the live broadcast on his cell phone Rotom. He smiled and murmured to himself: "Let me meet you again, The bond between you and your Pokémon!"

Under the cheers of the audience like the roar of thunder drums, Mingyou and Xiaozhao walked out of the contestant tunnel at the same time, stopped at the same time, and raised their eyes to look at each other in a tacit understanding.

"You have nothing to say, right?"

Mingyu took out the elf ball and asked with a chuckle.

Xiaozhao raised her hand to push back her hair that was hanging around her ears. She raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled. She took out the Poké Ball from her bag and raised it forward.

"Let's talk after we finish, let's get started!"

Before the referee announced the start of the game, the two of them threw the Poké Ball at the same time, and the two balls collided and bounced in the middle of the field.

finals! start!

(End of this chapter)

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