Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 339: Team Plasma’s plan, the operation begins

Chapter 339: Team Plasma’s plan, the operation begins (please vote)
When Mingyou rode Milton back to the villa from Ripple Bay, the police car parked outside and the familiar figures of several international policemen made him feel nervous, thinking that something big had happened.

"It smells like fighting~"


Hearing what King Lei Guan said, Mingyou didn't care about anything else and ran directly towards the villa in the rain. He happened to see the housekeeper staying with the housekeeper at the door, taking photos of the handsome guy and Miss Junsha's notes.

Hearing the footsteps, Xiaozhao gave him a look. Mingyou understood and instantly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the other person was telling him that nothing was wrong.

But his appearance also attracted the attention of the handsome guy. After all, a few days ago, someone was the subject of international police attention. Today, something like this happened again. Although he was not present, he still wanted to ask about it.

But Mingyou stopped and asked first, "What happened here?"

"Someone arranged for many well-trained Pokémon to attack Miss Zhulan's villa, but they were all defeated by your Pokémon."

After the handsome guy answered the question, he immediately asked: "Has anything strange happened here recently? For example, is there anything in the villa that can attract others to attack, or have you seen any strange people near the villa recently? "

After finishing speaking, he added nothing further: "According to the time, these Pokémon came not long after you went out and left. Those people must have been observing nearby, deliberately waiting for this opportunity."

"Where are they?"

Lucario also just discovered this.

"How long does it take to buy medicine?"

After a while, all the police left, and the housekeeper said apologetically: "It seems that I have caused trouble to you by calling the police to handle this matter."

Mingyou, who sensed a slight problem, immediately went upstairs and returned to his room. He looked at Meloetta who was unconscious on the bed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Several people walked into the house, and Lucario immediately stepped forward to inform Mingyou of the specific situation.

"It's okay, after all, we weren't there at the time."

Mingyu nodded slightly, wondering how a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps could be their opponents. He didn't care. He just glanced at him and didn't seem to notice him. Not even Latias and Kirulian saw him.

Mingyou shook his head slightly and responded: "You know this weather, it's raining so heavily, of course I have to pay attention to safety while riding a motorcycle lizard."


Xiaozhao finally spoke up. In fact, she was the one who helped Meloetta buy fever-reducing medicine. She had just come back not long ago. Like Mingyou, she was frightened by this scene. Fortunately, nothing serious happened...

At this point, Mingyou already understood. Xiaozhao smiled and said in a joking tone: "The children have grown up~ Don't worry too much."

The handsome guy was a little confused. He was not being aggressive. He just felt that Mingyu was involved in too many cases. Maybe he could find out some details. It was impossible for ordinary evil forces to arrange so many well-trained Pokémon to carry out tasks. this point.

Xiaozhao brought a dry towel, wiped his rain-soaked body virtuously, signaled him to calm down, and then said: "There have been strange spiritual powers in the room. It should be a ghost-type Pokémon taking advantage of the situation below. They planned to come here to capture Meloetta, but there are no traces of fighting here..."

After listening to the question, Mingyou fell into silence. If he really wanted to say it, it might be Team Rocket, who came for the Light Stone, but after thinking about it, he felt that was not the case. After pondering for a moment, he shook his head slightly, indicating that he was not sure.

The handsome guy then asked and wanted to know where he had gone. Mingyu directly answered that a Pokémon was sick and there was no medicine in the villa, so he hurriedly went out to buy it. There was indeed nothing wrong with this answer.

The handsome guy glanced at Milton, who was pretending to be a motorcycle lizard, and didn't ask any more questions. Since there was no damage to the villa, they took all the defeated Pokémon back for investigation.


"I see."



"It's just that I'm afraid they'll mess around..."

"Don't you even have confidence in your own children?"


Mingyou fell into silence. When he thought about it carefully, he realized that they really didn't need to be taken care of seriously anymore. Just like those grown-up children, he felt relieved but also felt a little lonely.

While waiting, he told what he had encountered in Ripple Bay and his subsequent plans.

After hearing that he wanted to use Team Rocket to break through Team Plasma's defense, Xiaozhao covered her mouth with a look of surprise: "How dare you, aren't you afraid that they will notice the problem? Those people are not worthy of trust."

"Put it aside whether you believe it or not. The point is that their targets are all underwater ruins!"

"You want to be a fisherman..."

Xiaozhao certainly understands the other party's strategy. If he had to think about it, he would probably use other more conservative methods and not want to involve too many people. This is the biggest difference between the two people with similar personalities. Xiao Teru is more kind and will never consider the most extreme method unless it is absolutely necessary. But Mingyu is different. He considers efficiency, let alone Team Rocket and Team Plasma. They are all his enemies.

But equally, both of them respect and understand each other's choices and give support, so Xiaozhao will fully assist Mingyu's plan, even though she doesn't really want to continue to be involved in this kind of struggle... Saving the world or something, really too tired.

But if she is asked to make a choice again whether to save the world, she will still agree like this. Who makes her always the kind-hearted little photo...

After waiting for a long time, there was movement downstairs.

After leaving Firemon in charge of taking care of Meloetta, the two of them went downstairs. As soon as they got downstairs, they saw Bianco and others who were beaten up. Naruyu didn't even recognize each other. He was so beaten. Crap.


Latias immediately stepped forward, looking at Mingyou, his face full of expectation, praise me~ praise me~
"Thank you for catching them all."

Mingyu touched her head, while Kirulian stood aside and did not take any credit, but Mingyu knew that it must have a share of the credit, and Latias was not so clever.

The situation was indeed like this. After finishing a bunch of Apocalypse Mushrooms, Latias was dumbfounded and didn't know who to chase first, or Kirulian, knowing that they would definitely make peace, so he just followed quietly and looked for an opportunity. Catch them all in one fell swoop, but I didn’t expect to happen upon Punchun at the finish line, killing everyone...

After briefly understanding the situation from Tongchen, Mingyou looked calm. Now he finally recognized who Bianco and the others were. Unexpectedly, as Zhulan said, these guys would not give up.

"I'm very happy that you still remember me, but I don't like your behavior. Tell me honestly who provided those Pokémon to you!"


Bianco remained silent. It was impossible for them to reveal the matter about Team Plasma, and they also believed that these people did not dare to really do something to him and others.

"If you don't say it, others will!"

Mingyu couldn't be bothered to continue laughing and joking with these guys, so he directly called the depressed Milerton, threw them into the online world, converted their bodies into data, then split their heads and checked the memory data, even if they died in it No one knows either.

As he said that, he grabbed one of the people and asked Milton to throw him into the online world. They saw that he actually put the person into the mobile phone. The others were obviously frightened, and then he threw another person into the network.

One by one, no one can escape.

Originally, this group of people didn't believe what he said about the online world, but after seeing their companions being thrown into it one after another, they had no choice but to believe it. Finally, someone couldn't bear the psychological pressure and chose to confess.

But Mingyu had no intention of stopping, and continued to throw everyone around him, including Bianco, into the online world. Finally, he grabbed his clothes, and the man almost collapsed emotionally.

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!"

He was really scared. When faced with the threat of death, no matter who he was, he would be nervous.

Of course, Mingyou's words were all deceptive. How could Millton have that kind of ability? It was simply a trick to put some psychological pressure on someone to see if anyone could not bear it first, so as to prevent the other party from taking chances. , I deliberately left it to the last one.

Xiaozhao glanced at Mingyou helplessly. She didn't really like the other party's deceptive behavior, but there was one thing to say...it was really fun to watch!
The last person was almost scared to death, and before Mingyou could ask any questions, he told everything.

After listening, Mingyou nodded slightly: "I see, are you from Team Plasma? They obviously don't need Meloetta anymore, but you are still making up your mind. What are you thinking in your mind?"

"Meloetta... But of course we have to find it back, and it can't escape. Protecting the underwater ruins is what it promised thousands of years ago, and it will protect it forever. The pain it is experiencing now is all It wants to escape its responsibilities."


After hearing this, everyone finally knew the reason why Meloetta was seriously ill. What kind of responsibility was this? This is a curse! A lifetime curse!
Mingyou suppressed his anger and continued to ask: "So what's Team Plasma's plan? What exactly do they want in the underwater ruins?"

"Sacred Stone..."


"Like the Light Stone and the Dark Stone, the Dragon Stone seals the power of the legendary dragon!"


"There may be some other things, but what Team Plasma wants is the Divine Stone."


After digesting the information, Mingyu and Xiaozhao looked at each other. Although they didn't know what the Divine Stone was, the Bright Stone was regarded as a prize and even attracted Team Rocket, but failed to attract Team Plasma. This shows that the Divine Stone is better than the Bright Stone. Be more important.

The Rockets should also be looking for this thing, which shows its importance!
"I'm afraid that only after opening the underwater ruins can we know the truth... At least, the sacred stone must not fall into the hands of those people!"

Mingyu murmured softly, but compared to these, Meloetta's matter is the most important. Now that he can't open the underwater ruins, he can wait for Team Rocket or Team Plasma to help open it!
Take action, get ready!

(End of this chapter)

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