Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 340: Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma, I want to see a river of blood

Chapter 340: Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma, I want to see a river of blood (please vote for me)
Two days later, it still rained heavily.

Under the careful care of the two of them, Meloetta's condition improved a lot. At least she no longer suffered so much when she fell asleep, and she could barely move when she woke up.

Thanks to the understanding that this disease is a kind of bondage from a similar curse, the deer with strange horns who have been blessed by the Great Master of Sinnoh can use their power to alleviate the curse. If the "code" is higher than you, it is willful.

It's a pity that after their mission with Xiaozhao ended, the blessings from the Great Master of Sinnoh also gradually disappeared, otherwise it would be easy to unlock them directly.

Zhulan already knew that the villa was attacked by Team Plasma the day before yesterday, and Mingyou also told the other party about her plan. Although Zhulan said that she would wait until she came back, everything would depend on the situation.

To put it simply, if an unexpected situation occurs, there is no need to discuss countermeasures with her. Try to deal with the two organizations without spreading the battlefield to Ripple Town and Blueberry Academy.

Because she believes that just two people can do it.

Mingyou stood by the window, tasting the mousse cake that Chunchen made for him to relieve stress. He looked through the rain hitting the glass in the direction of Ripple Bay. Although he couldn't see anything here, he was waiting... Wait for Team Rocket's action to begin.

King Lei Guan is near Ripple Bay at the moment, and Kohlrabi went there voluntarily. He didn’t have many complicated thoughts, he just wanted to help Meloetta. He liked this new member of the band quite a lot.

At this time, Xiao Zhao walked forward with a serious look and said: "Miss Zhulan is already on the way. She will arrive at Lianyi Town in about two hours. N is also with her. They seem to have collected a lot of information. Useful information."

"How is your health?"

And inside the best-protected transport plane in the middle, it was arranged like a very important office. Several important members of Team Rocket were standing here nervously at this moment.

"So this information was all told to you by that guy Mingyou?"

The leader, Sakaki, listened to their stories while stroking the cat boss next to him. It wasn't until several people finished speaking that he stopped his movements, put his hands on the table, and stared coldly down.

The helicopters used by Team Rocket to transport troops were washed away by the rain, and their optical camouflage completely lost their effect. Fortunately, the hazy weather hid them.

The trio of Team Rockets were kneeling on one knee. With a nervous and apprehensive mood but a hint of excitement, they reported the situation to the man with a majestic face and short hair in a black suit who was sitting at the desk in front of them.



Mingyu moved his eyes away from the window and looked at Meloetta who was writing something on the paper with a pen. It was still ancient writing and he couldn't understand it.

"Well, let's wait for them first."

Sakaki did not explain, but waved his hand, indicating to several people to wait for the afternoon and then follow the arrangements when they could take action. He had actually heard this information several times, but this time he understood it in person.

When the trio left, he looked at his favorite confidant Apollo and asked, "What do you think?"

After reading the content, the slightly nervous look on Mingyou's face finally relaxed, and she said with a smile: "It's finally here, get ready to go, no need to wait for anyone!"

Meloetta did not respond. She was still busy with her own affairs, as if she wanted to finish the last task and had no time to worry about anything else.

Apollo touched his chin, his manner still elegant, and said softly: "The intelligence should not be false. We sent people to investigate yesterday. There is indeed something strange there, but we were worried about being alerted by Team Plasma, so we didn't get too close."

In the photos in the chat log, there are many black transport helicopters, reflected in the rain and thunder, with the blood-like "R" on the side. Team Rocket's large force has finally arrived from the Kanto area!
At the same time, over Ripple Bay.

It turned out that it was Lei Guanwang who had been sending him messages and photos for several days.

"Uh...that's right!"

Mingyou shook his head slightly, but at this moment, the cell phone Rotom suddenly sounded a prompt tone. He quickly took it, and Xiaozhao's expression immediately became serious.

The Rockets trio were surprised why Boss Sakaki seemed to be very familiar with their boss.



Sakaki is too lazy to care about Mingyou now. The real conflict between him and the other party is only related to interests. He wants to go against himself without giving face, and he doesn't take anything else seriously.

But Team Plasma is different...

Not only did they arrange a mole in Team Rocket, they even staged a sneak attack during the original mission to capture Meloetta. After the team killed Lance and others, they also snatched Meloetta away. Did they really think they couldn't discover it?

"If it hadn't been for them, we would have been the first to discover the underwater ruins this time, as well as the Bright Stone... Not only could we not catch that N, but now the Bright Stone has been stolen by these guys."

Sakaki became more and more angry as he spoke. Others around him did not dare to interrupt at all. Only Apollo spoke slowly: "It's better to calm down first. We will arrive at the target location soon. Do you need to talk to them?"


Sakaki pondered for a moment, looked up at a man dressed as a researcher below, and asked, "Dr. Seger, how are those things prepared?"

"No problem, it can be started at any time!" "Okay!"

After getting the answer, Sakaki immediately stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and put on an invincible posture. The corners of his mouth raised a little arc, and shouted: "Talk nonsense, just hit me!"

"Roger that!"

Of course Apollo wouldn't have any objections.

After receiving the attack signal, the five Genesects, which were captured by Dr. Seger and reprogrammed, rushed out at high speed at the same time.

The giant cannon was set up, aimed at a point, and the high-tech light cannon was shot out with a bang. The falling rainwater was cut off due to the residual energy of the beam, and was directly blocked in the air, unable to continue falling.

The beam attack gathered together and directly hit the Plasma destroyer hidden in the clouds with optical camouflage. The explosion resounded in the sky!

Quechis, who was inside the destroyer, holding a cane and talking to the sages under his command, wondering how long it would take before he could use Kyurem's power to forcibly open the underwater ruins, was suddenly startled by the violent vibration.

"……what's the situation!"

"The port side suffered an unknown attack!"

An alarm came over the destroyer's broadcast, telling all Team Plasma members who were preparing to log in to the underwater ruins to immediately prepare for the attack.

The next second the beam cannon attack was launched again, but this time it was not so passive.

All the guns of the destroyer were pointed in the direction of the attack, condensing the cold energy, and turned Kyurem's power into a beam and fired it directly.

The moment the beams collided, the surrounding rain condensed into ice crystals in an instant, and then the ice crystals completely dissipated in the explosion. Entering the only area without rain, both sides finally saw each other.

Quechis came to the wheelhouse angrily, wanting to know who was attacking them.

International police?
When he saw the iconic red "R", he finally understood that it was the Pokémon Mafia, but he didn't understand it very well. As he recalled it, he shouted angrily: "Team Rocket? When did we mess with them!"

"Logically speaking, except for the time they tried to capture Meloetta...no, and we didn't have any actual conflict that time."

Quechis's confidant, the Dark Iron Triangle appeared from his shadow and responded. Team Plasma has always been low-key in doing things, secretly preaching in small places.

After being noticed that it was also N's defection incident, and the previous unexpected situation in the Giant's Cave, it was only right that he had no contact with Team Rocket at all.

Then there is only one answer...

Needless to say, we all understood that Wuzhenwuqiang suddenly came over at this juncture, thinking that Team Rocket originally wanted to capture Meloetta, so the purpose must be the things in the underwater ruins.

"Even our Plasma team wants to rob us? We are just keeping a low profile, we are not Slowpoke beasts who let others have their tails slaughtered. What about the situation at the underwater ruins!"

Queqis shouted to the sages. Although he didn't get Meloetta to help find the underwater ruins, it was almost the same with Kyurem.

Through the connection between Kyurem and the Divine Stone, roughly confirm the location of the undersea ruins. Use Kyurem's power to attack again and again. Use low temperature to freeze the protective shield protecting the undersea ruins and let it emerge on its own. Without a key, you can directly Break open the door.

Thanks to Akromar, equipment that can extract Kyurem energy to power the destroyer was developed, and the one used on this destroyer is an improved version using the latest data, which is even better than the one that was blown up in the Giant's Cave. To be more perfect, it can be regarded as the legacy of Acroma's time in the game.

Upon hearing his question, someone immediately responded: "There are still three minutes left before the energy of the final blow is completely diffused. It will be done soon!"

"it is good!"

Quechis stood up immediately. It only lasted three minutes. It was totally okay to delay for a while. The main reason was that without knowing the cards, an aerial battle would be detrimental to both sides, but as long as the underwater ruins were opened, it would be their home court.

He tapped the cane hard on the floor, and the team logo belonging to Team Plasma in the middle of the cane lit up instantly, and a blue electric current flashed through.

At the same time, above the destroyer, inside a cloud of shrouded thunderclouds, Zekrom's eyes flashed, and then he spread out his powerful arms, and the electricity at the tail continued to rotate, moving towards the surrounding like thunder snakes. Like shuttle diffusion.

The official battle between Team Plasma and Team Rocket!
"Has it finally begun!"

King Lei Guan sat on Latias and watched the situation from a distance with his spiritual power.

Although it is very strange for the two of them to team up together, who made this arrangement by Mingyu? Latias had to listen to Rutabaga, which is why Mingyu was worried about it being messed up...Although Rutabaga is unreliable, it is certainly not reliable. I will watch my companions give it away indiscriminately.

Latias was startled when he felt the terrifying aura erupting from the battle between the five Genesects and Zekrom under the control of Team Rocket. The enemy was too strong this time. .

King Lei Guan looked indifferent. He realized that they were not really fighting, but were waiting for something, so he couldn't help but complain.

"It's boring, I want to see a river of blood!"


(End of this chapter)

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