Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 342 Teacher N tells you history, Milerton fights Zekrom again

Chapter 342 Teacher N tells you history, Milerton fights Zekrom again (please vote for me)
The underwater ruins finally appeared. The pyramid that guided the explorers like a lighthouse was particularly conspicuous at this time. The sacred stone must be enshrined inside!
It's impossible not to be greedy. Both Sakaki and Kuiqisi came here for the sacred stone sealed here. As for the rest, they each relied on their own methods.

Looking at the temporary truce, both sides had a tacit agreement to send destroyers and transport planes from the east and west sides of the underwater ruins to wait for another fight. This actually gave Mingyu and the others a chance to land on the island quietly.

He has no interest in fighting for the sacred stone unless he can take it away easily. Compared with these, how to destroy the underwater ruins is the most important thing to consider at present. This is the easiest way to lift the curse.

"To destroy such a large island in such a short time, I'm afraid only the legendary Pokémon can do it."

Xiaozhao muttered that the person she was considering was Milerton. Only the other party here had this kind of power. Although it was easy to destroy the island, the important thing was efficiency, which could make the entire island disappear in an instant.

Reshiram, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, immediately lit up the fire. The high temperature shocked Mingyu and shook his arm hard, almost accidentally hitting Meloetta who was hiding in his backpack.

"Why are you so excited again!"

Mingyou complained that although he didn't hate Reshiram, he just didn't want to be bound by his responsibilities, but it was obvious that the other party continued to restrain him in another way.

Xiaozhao took a look, and of course Reshiram had the ability to destroy the island in an instant, but Mingyu would not agree, and she would not make any suggestions.

But there is one thing.

In response to Mingyu's inquiry, Reshiram remained silent. No explanation was equivalent to acquiescence. It wanted to wait until Mingyu suffered a loss before taking action to lure the opponent to accept his power. However, it did not expect that none of the Pokémon around him were. What decoration.


At this time, Milton had already led the two of them to the island. Looking up from a close distance, the majestic and ancient momentum of the pyramid rushed towards him, but it was far less shocking than the Eco-dome.

Mingyou murmured softly and made a comment. At this time, a message suddenly came from Rotom on his mobile phone. He took it out and took a look. Unexpectedly, it was sent by N, and the other party asked if the underwater ruins had appeared.

"Yes, and Team Rocket and Team Plasma have already landed on the island. Where are you and Sister Zhulan?"

"Have you guessed this?"

Mingyou shook his head gently, too lazy to dwell on this. It didn't matter whether the other party reminded him or not. He would always go over and investigate anyway.

Mingyou complained in confusion, he didn't expect the feud between the two families to be so serious, but it doesn't matter, you hit the one you have, it has nothing to do with him anyway.

Xiaozhao asked Reshiram in a gentle tone, showing her affinity. Her charm was always there. Reshiram, who was still firm at first, immediately agreed and recognized that the only person was Mingyu ≠ Can't have a good impression of other people, inequality Seconds.


"There must be some kind of induction somewhere. Are you at the underwater ruins now?"

"We are already rushing at full speed. Miss Zhulan is driving too fast and has no time to respond. Although there are no obstacles on the road, the weather is too serious. It will take half an hour at best to reach your coordinates."

"It would be more appropriate to sink to the bottom of the sea."

Of course there is, but it's hidden.

Reshiram explained that the truth is one. If it is exposed, Zekrom will be aware of it in an instant. This is a disguised protection for Mingyu, a real person who has not yet grown up.

Seeing Reshiram's reaction, Mingyu remained quiet, while Xiao Teru wanted to ask about the Three Dragons of the Way. Zekrom and Kyurem were both nearby, even the Divine Stone, but Reshiram didn't respond?
"Lai Ao!"

"So you knew that Zekrom and Kyurem were here early on, so you deliberately kept silent, thinking that you would show up to save me when I was beaten, right?"

"Can you talk to me?"

"Is this going to start another fight?"

"Okay, leave it to us here."

When he sent this message, Mingyou looked up and caught a glimpse of a Gyarados and an Archeopteryx, shooting destructive rays at each other in the air, and there were also many Pokémon flying out of the woods on both sides.

At this time, news from N came again, which was a very important reminder: "We must not let the sacred stone fall into the hands of any party, let alone break the seal of the sacred stone, otherwise something very terrible will happen!"


Mingyou looked at Xiaozhao next to him and continued to read the messages from the other party...

With the help of Zhulan, N turned the entire Shuanglong Museum upside down and sorted out many clues to the legends that had disappeared.

The sacred stone sealed in the ruins on the seabed is Kyurem...or, in other words, it is the power of "chaos" that remains after the "dragon" was separated in the myths and legends of the United Nations! There are two ways to let Kyurem wake up. One is to become a party recognized by reality or ideal, so that it will wake up and help you, but Quechis is not an ideal person. To control Zekrom, he uses Other methods, so Kyurem did not wake up.

Another way is to open the seal of the sacred stone, use the sacred stone to forcefully awaken Kyurem, and let him take the initiative to fill his body instead of waiting for the real or ideal hero to arrive.

Of these two methods, the former is to assist the real or ideal party that comes to it first, while the latter will not assist any party, just like the twin brothers who relied on the power of the "Dragon" to create the United Kingdom three thousand years ago. Same.

Chaos will not bring truth. What Kuiqi wants to have is the original chaos, not any side of the truth, so he will not rush to obtain the light stone. It is enough to have the dark stone, so that Shenlong can regain his strength, and then Go and get back the light stone...

The latter part was N's rough guess about Kuiqi's thoughts, but Mingyou and Xiaozhao were already very surprised when they saw the message from the other party.

After digesting the information, Mingyou quickly sent a message asking: "Is this divine stone so dangerous?"

"Of course!"

N began to tell the legend he investigated.

"Chaos will definitely lead to war. The United Kingdom three thousand years ago was born because of victory, and the United Kingdom also perished because of war a thousand years ago."

"The long period of tyrannical rule ushered in rebellion. The royal family, which had already abandoned the truth and lost the protection of Zekrom and Reshiram, faced the rebellion. They used the remains of the dragons after separation to awaken Kyurem, who had also lost the truth, and tried to eliminate all rebels. "

"But Kyurem, who has lost his truth, is not controllable by them at all. The royal family made the biggest mistake. They failed to find the light stone or the dark stone to restore Kyurem's sanity. As a result, the United Kingdom, which has been prosperous for thousands of years, was destroyed. Destroyed."

"The war spread throughout the Unova region. Not only humans, but also Pokémon were involved. In the end, Kyurem was successfully defeated under the leadership of the organization of the three legendary holy swordsman Pokémon. It violently The source was cut off by the holy sword and turned into a sacred stone."

"In order to make up for their mistakes, the surviving royal families sent people to seal the sacred stone and sank to the bottom of the sea together with the island originally intended to bury the late king. This ended the history of the United Kingdom forever, and Quechis is the descendant of those royal families."

After listening to a history class taught by Teacher N, these are just stories that have been circulated in ancient books. Although they sound exaggerated, the progress of history is often like this.

"The seal of the divine stone..."

For some reason, Mingyu suddenly thought of Meloetta, so he asked N to find out Meloetta's role in the story, because the position of this guardian was a bit too strange.

But it's a pity that all N has investigated is that Meloetta is the guardian. After all, it has been too long, and there are many defects in the ancient books in the museum. Only Quechis may have clues.


After confirming that the other party had nothing to say, Mingyu looked at the fierce battle between Team Rocket and Team Plasma, and it was time to get ready...

There is a ladder on each side of the pyramid that can be climbed to the top. Under the cover of his subordinates, Sakaki and Quechis reached the top at almost the same time and saw each other. This was the first time the two met.

The two sides were at war with each other, but since they finally met, they still needed to talk. Sakaki put his hands in his pockets and spoke first, shouting: "It is indeed our religious organization that arranges moles for the Rockets and interferes with our plans. !”


Hearing this, Quechis raised a few questions, but seeing how arrogant the other party was, he was not to be outdone and shouted: "Seize this opportunity to attack us. The self-proclaimed world's largest mafia only dares to play this kind of thing." It’s petty theft, it’s really the evil forces, and there’s that traitor N!”


Sakaki also made a few question marks, how do I know where that N is? He might have died on the street long ago, but this guy actually knew that he had attacked N. It was such a secretive action, and there was indeed a mole!
The two sides became more and more excited as they talked. The Dark Iron Triangle was ready to attack at any time. Apollo remained elegant but kept his eyes fixed on the front. The Rocket trio were also standing aside, waiting for orders.

Finally, the two sides shifted the topic to the Divine Stone, and completely broke up with each other. The Rockets had been preparing for the Divine Stone plan for a long time and could not give it up to others, so they took the lead in attacking.

"Deal with them!"

Sakaki snapped his fingers, and Apollo immediately waved his right hand. Genesect, who had been carefully armed by Team Rocket, launched another attack.

Quekis also ordered Zekrom to fight back. This time he would not hold anything back. However, the moment Zekrom turned on the overclocking mode, he suddenly felt a familiar aura. As soon as he turned his head, he fired a dragon wave. Then shoot from a distance!
With a bang...


Milton transformed into a complete mode, with purple current flashing all over his body. His eyes formed by OLED dot patterns looked down at the center of the explosion. He always paid attention to revenge, and this sneak attack was considered as retaliation.

The Dragon of the Future and the Dragon of Ideals meet again!

At the same time, Mingyu and Xiao Zhao stepped onto the last staircase and faced the leaders of the two villain organizations. The real battle begins now!

(End of this chapter)

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