Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 343 Kyurem wins the resurrection match

Chapter 343 Kyurem wins the resurrection match (please vote for me)

Seeing Mingyu suddenly appear at this moment, the Rocket trio were shocked. Apollo smiled slightly, recognizing his identity and full of curiosity.

The Dark Iron Triangle is always vigilant, and their instinctive sense of crisis tells them that this Mingyu is just a mascot, and the real danger is that girl!


Sakaki said coldly. He had been too lazy to pay attention to it for the time being, but now it was delivered to his door. Did he choose the tombstone in advance and where would he be buried?
Kuiqisi also stared at Mingyou coldly. The conflict between the two of them was actually not that big, but if this guy hadn't sent Acroma in, the underwater ruins would have appeared at least a week in advance.

"It seems that I am really famous. As soon as I came out, you all stopped fighting."

Mingyou smiled, Xiao Zhao remained quiet on the side, just silently sizing up these people, how to make them all incapacitated as quickly as possible.

However, the appearance of the two people obviously did not change the situation much. After all, for the two organizations, Team Rocket and Team Plasma, what can just two people do? Nothing can be done!
Even if those champions come today, they will have to be buried here. There will be no second ending.

Sakaki waved his hand and signaled the Rocket trio to kill Mingyu. Queqisi also waved his hand and asked his two sages to clean up the two "low-scoring kids" who had messed up in the top game.

After hearing the order, the trio of Team Rocket froze in place with panic on their faces. Let us go?
While they were stunned, Sage Vio and Sage Yorgos had already sent Geometric Snowflake and Centipede King to attack Mingyou and Xiaozhao.

I'm afraid the normal process is to let Meloetta lie in it and then do something to make the dragon stone appear.


"no problem."

It looked at Milerton with its red eyes, and naturally recognized him. It didn't expect that they would meet again. It was difficult to tell the winner in terms of strength between the two sides, not to mention that their abilities were very similar, so it was very difficult to get involved.

"The dragon stone should be here, right?"

However, the coldness came, and the frozen beam of geometric snowflakes had already hit, but it was directly shot away by a sharp claw and shot into the air. The big beast smiled, and while the geometric snowflakes were stunned, he quickly stepped forward and killed himself. The claw takes it away with one strike.

Mingyou ran into the ruins alone. Through the light coming from some gaps above, the scene inside could be seen clearly.

Milerton doesn't care so much. It only has one idea, to make Meloetta return to normal, so this guy must be held back...

Facing two major villain organizations, two people can't reverse the situation? This really shouldn't be said, because she alone... is enough!
"Let's have a big fight!"

Mingyou agreed without any hesitation, and ran straight to the entrance to the interior of the pyramid.

but now……

There is a small lake there, which should be formed by the leaking sea water. In the center of the lake is a circular platform similar to an arena.

"I was looked down upon..."


Mingyou glanced around and found this place to be the strangest, especially the hollow structure of the cross star. It seemed to be just the right size to fit Meloetta in. He hugged Meloetta every day, so there was no way he could see it wrong.

Xiaozhao shook his head slightly, feeling a little unhappy, and then said: "You go in and get the dragon stone. I will deal with these guys outside by myself."

At this time, in the air.

In a blink of an eye, Xiaozhao, the instigator, didn't care about the shock of others. He just stretched his body and did warm-up exercises. He hadn't fought like this for a long time.

Above the high platform, there is a long hexagonal mysterious stone slab that is made up of many colorful fragments and looks like a coffin. In the middle, there is a hollow structure of a cross star, which is emitting light, as if it is resonating with something.

Zekrom recovered from the explosion, relying on the motor-like thunder and lightning at its tail to slowly recover from its injuries, just like accumulating electricity, relying on the current it created to recover itself.

Just after he passed through a stone door, he came to a low-lying open environment. Mingyou slowed down and carefully observed his surroundings. Then he stopped at the edge without walking down the stairs and looked down.

"He Yue!"

Mingyou waved his hand and shouted, and Heyue appeared from the elf ball in an instant. The blood moon condensed and turned into a beam of light and shot forward. A stream of energy also gathered on the stone slab, trying to intercept it, but still failed...


The bloody beam penetrated the Cross of Stars and shattered the coffin in which Meloetta was "buried". A violent vibration resounded throughout the entire underwater ruins. The stone slabs shattered and all the fragments fell on the high platform.

Mingyou asked Zhanyifa to take him to the high platform and began to search for the location of the sacred stone. However, after searching for a long time, he could not find anything similar in shape to the light stone, not even a spherical object. "what's the situation?"

He instantly wondered if he had smashed the stone slab directly, causing a bug and the divine stone not appearing, although the result was indeed good...

Just when he was wondering, He Yue seemed to feel something, and found a palm-sized coral-colored stone slab from among the stones.


"Huh? Found it?"

Mingyou looked for the sound, stepped forward to take the slate, recognized it, and was full of surprise: "This is the dragon slate of the Great Master of Sinnoh? Why is it here!"

The underwater ruins have not been opened for a thousand years, but the Dragon Tablet appeared a hundred years ago.


He Yue shook her head. As the one who participated in that period of history in this world, it has the most say. Ten "kings" are in charge of ten of the stone slabs. As for the remaining eight stone slabs, it depends on fate.

In the past, the Dragon Tablets were kept by Aknom, Emrido and Uxie. After the crisis, the power of the tablets was exhausted. Some were retrieved, while others were flown around the world, waiting for the destined person to find them. Perhaps this piece The slate probably flew in at that time.

"That's it..."

Mingyou thought that it was really not surprising that he got the icicle slate from Santa Claus. Moreover, the effect of the dragon slate can affect nature, and he had long wanted to get it.

He was holding the Dragon Slate and was about to put it into his backpack, but when he was confused as to why he didn't find the sacred stone, he suddenly felt a burning pain in his right hand, flames burst out, and Reshiram's anxious cry rang out.

"Lai Ao!"

Throw it away!
"It hurts...what did you say?"

Mingyou was still in pain from the burn and was stunned for a moment. Then he suddenly realized that the dragon slate in his hand had been lightly touched by a small gray-black hand stretched out from his backpack at some point.

Although he didn't find anything unusual, Reshiram's anxious reminder was definitely not an accident, so he was about to throw the slate out, but Meloetta snatched the slate away and flew out of the backpack.


Mingyou was about to call it, but suddenly found that Meloetta's eyes had lost their brightness at this time, and it seemed that it was not acting according to its own consciousness, and it was still holding the light stone in its other hand.

"Lai Ao!"

Reshiram's scream was still there, asking him to snatch him back quickly and prevent Meloetta from using the sacred stone. But at this moment, Mingyu hesitated... and he would also pay the price for this hesitation.

The surface of the Dragon Slate rippled like raindrops on the water. Under Meloetta's operation, the Bright Stone was integrated into the Dragon Slate in front of them. At this moment, the answer was finally revealed.

The sacred stone... is inside the Dragon Slate!

When the light stone was completely fused, Reshiram's cry no longer sounded, and the mark of the white dragon that had troubled Mingyou for a long time finally disappeared. He came back to his senses, but it was too late, Meloetta had already escaped. .


Zhanyifa was stunned. What was going on? Why does this happen!
He Yue is not sure, but the Dragon Stone Slate is the most important and the most powerful of all the stone slabs. Perhaps it has some unusual resonance with the power of the "Dragon"?
"It's no use thinking about this, let's catch up!"

With that said, Mingyu stepped forward to catch up, his face full of remorse and worry. If he had attacked Meloetta just now, he might have been able to prevent this from happening, but he would never hurt his companions!

After the Lucario incident, he once again... encountered such a problem, and Reshiram disappeared because of him...

Meloetta flew out of the ruins with the Dragon Slate in her arms, completely ignoring the people fighting outside, and flew towards the destroyer at full speed.

Quechis spotted it instantly, surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he was wondering why the other party appeared here, unaware that the crisis was coming.

Inside the destroyer, Kyurem had been exploited as a power bank for several months. Cold mist kept coming out of his body, and a pair of emotionless yellow eyes suddenly lit up as if he felt something.

Easter match! Won!


(End of this chapter)

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