Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 346: Milton leaves and ends with a song

Chapter 346: Milton leaves and ends with a song (please vote)
Different from ordinary dragon-attributed Taicrystal gems, after Millerton transformed into Taicrystals, the dragon head and dragon wings on the Taicrystal gems were both purple, and there was no flying dragon occupying the castle-shaped base like in fairy tales, but directly Decorated on top of the fire stove mask.

It's hard to say whether this is two Pokémon that have become too crystallized separately, or two Pokémon occupying the same tootralized form. At least Mingyu has not seen it.

Kyurem was also shocked by the sudden scene in front of him. The flames of the mask resisted his own chill, and the dragon energy emanating from the flying dragon gem was not inferior to himself at all.

"What on earth is this..."

Even Kyurem himself couldn't help it. It had never seen this kind of power. After all, it was only born for thousands of years, and Taijing energy can be traced back to the ancient dinosaur era on earth. It has only been discovered in recent years. The research has achieved significant results.

There is no point in doubting these things. Since they are enemies standing in front of you, of course you will annihilate them all!
Chill emerged, not just thunder and lightning, but also flames at this moment, bursting out from the tail of Kyurem, which accelerated the energy transmission, and the extremely cold flames and freezing volts were about to be released at the same time, but...



Before Kyurem's attack could be fully released, Tongchen rode Milton, wrapped in Taijing energy, rolled up the extremely bright dragon energy, and actually hit him directly. The effect was outstanding and the damage was very significant.

At this moment, Kyurem finally realized that his body had been seriously injured in the previous battle, and then he fell heavily on the ice and suffered heavy injuries again!
"Do you think... you still have a chance!"

As Mingyou's words fell, the dragon shadow formed by the Taijing energy instantly engulfed Kyurem. The intertwined flames and lightning were swept by the Taijing storm and merged into it to expand their power. Blue thunder and orange flames burst out, giving Kyurem hits hard!
The explosion resounded through the sky, and a beam of energy shot straight into the sky. The haze covering the entire Hezhong sky completely dissipated, the warm sunshine fell down, and the ice covering the underwater ruins was shattered...

Milton sat on the ground and returned to the restricted form again. Although he didn't feel like he had consumed much, he was inexplicably tired.




"What's going on?"

Xiaozhao shook her head slightly. She didn't seem to see any injuries to Milton, but why was this happening?

Seeing everyone defeat Kyurem, Meloetta immediately stepped forward to celebrate, but at this moment it suddenly discovered that Milton's body seemed a little transparent.

The flames of Clan and Milton's thunder and lightning were intertwined in a hexagonal shape around the brilliant Dragon's Crystal Gem, as if Reshiram and Zekrom were resisting the consciousness of the "Dragon".

Mingyou's reluctant voice came from a distance. He was supported by Xiaozhao, with a smile on his face and continued to shout: "The strongest legendary dragon on the surface... just like it was a thousand years ago, let's be conquered again!"

"I do not know either……"


Kyurem reacted quickly at this moment, igniting a huge fireball surrounded by two fire rings in his left hand. His right hand emitted blue light and was wrapped in a circle of purple electricity, forming a cross. With his hands clasped together, the interlaced flames and interlaced lightning intersected and exploded. Produce huge energy!
But Milerton's attack had already fallen, and the Taijing Storm rolled up three attributes of energy, turning into a huge purple dragon shadow with a metallic structure, representing the future that Kyurem wanted to create, and fell straight down.

Mingyou stepped forward with the support of Xiaozhao, and together with Tongchun and the others, they paid attention to Milton's condition, which seemed to be disappearing soon.

The Taijing gem shattered, and the bright energy particles shone in the sunlight, returning to the earth little by little. Milton and Chunchen both changed back.

Kyurem's body stopped changing completely, and the awakened Reshiram and Zekrom continued to resist it. There was a conflict between reality and ideals, but they also denied chaos, otherwise they would not have left the alliance that abandoned the truth. Kingdoms.

Kyurem was defeated and the ice was lifted. Everyone gathered around. There was no joy after the victory on their faces, and they were all very worried about Milerton's condition.

Still more experienced in fluttering wings, he immediately flapped his wings and said anxiously: "Mengmeng!"

"Reality? Ideal? Chaos? We don't need those. Why should you decide? The so-called future is up to everyone!"


Kyurem destroyed the Kingdom of United Thousands of years ago and was successfully defeated thanks to the efforts of the three Holy Swordsmen and his companions. Now the scene reappears.

Zhanyifa told that when he was still a dream demon, he was suddenly sent to the ancient times by a force of energy, and lived there for decades and became what he is now. Until one day, his body also suffered from the same situation. Just back to modern times.

In other words, Milton is going back, to the future hundreds of millions of years later...


Hearing this, Meloetta immediately became anxious. It didn't want Milton to leave. It had clearly promised to take him racing, and it also said it would teach him how to sing.

Mingyou endured the pain, biting her lip, and remained silent like everyone else, because she knew in her heart that Milerton was not a Pokémon of this era, and once she went back, she might never be able to see him again.

Although we have only been together for a few days, we have already formed a bond with everyone. Encounters and partings are the growth that everyone has to experience.

Xiaozhao wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it at all. She had experienced this before, but she was the one who left, so she naturally understood how uncomfortable it was to never be able to see each other again.


Looking at Meloetta hugging him and crying, Milerton weakly raised his paws to help her shed tears. He didn't want others to be afraid of him, and he didn't want others to cry because of him, but he wanted to get up and let Meloetta look like him. Like when we first met, I could take him racing to make him happy, but he couldn't do it anymore.

Mingyou's expression was solemn, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed something. In his hand was the small notebook that he had shown Meloetta before. It recorded the gift that the other party gave everyone, a new song.

"Quick, this!"

He endured the pain and shouted.

Meloetta turned her head when she heard the sound, and immediately thought of something in her mind. She understood what the other party meant, and quickly took the small notebook and opened it. Since the ending cannot be changed, at least in the end, it will complete the composition of this song. , as a testimony of friendship!
It immediately started to finish the song. These days, it always felt that it didn't have much time, but it didn't tell everyone, so it was anxious to write the song out. But it didn't expect that now that it was safe, its most important friend would leave it. go……

Everyone gave their time to Meloetta, but at this moment, sounds and laughter suddenly came from the distance: "It's really a wonderful show!"


Xiaozhao supported Mingyou and turned around to look.

I saw Sakaki, who had escaped during Kyurem's attack, now walking over from the woods with his thawed subordinates, as well as various firearms and weapons and fierce-looking Pokémon. Sakaki put his hands in his pockets and laughed. Fortunately, he didn't run away like the coward Quechis. A true careerist always waits for opportunities. He has always been nearby to observe the battle here.

Now that Kyurem has been defeated, the Pokémon of these two people were also severely consumed in the battle just now. Now is the time to capture not only these Pokémon and Kyurem who absorbed the Dark Stone and Light Stone, but also the Pokémon he coveted. Long-lasting mutant crops are also available!
"It seems like today is my lucky day. Then I will give you a chance and give up your resistance. I can still save your lives."

"Really are……"

Looking at these guys who were ruining the atmosphere, Mingyu was about to respond, but Xiaozhao gently supported Kirby on the belly and said, "I told you, leave them to me to deal with them. Any I won’t let anyone hurt you!”

"then you……"

"Don't worry, if you rest for a while, you won't be able to see them anymore!"

Xiaozhao raised her left hand, revealing the Z bracelet she had just touched from Mingyou on her wrist. She had never used it before, but unexpectedly skillfully embedded the Fire Z pure crystal into it, and raised her slender arm.

Apollo, who sensed something was wrong, immediately asked his subordinates to attack, but it was too late. The fire beast condensed with will-o'-the-wisps had already appeared in front.

"Super powerful ultimate explosive bomb!!!"

As Xiaozhao finished his last move, his whole body was enveloped in golden energy, and immediately flew out of the fire beast's body, Z power enveloped his entire body.

The condensed will-o'-the-wisp formed a huge purple fireball with a diameter of tens of meters at the fingertips of the fire beast. The chill from the abyss of the spiritual world spread from the fireball, and the Z power was completely released!

The fireball was like a bowling ball, thrown by the cold-faced Fire Beast. Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone on Team Rocket could not force them back even with any attack. As the flames rolled, they screamed.

Sakaki had already started to escape under the cover of Apollo, but the fast-moving fireball rolled directly past like a nut bowling ball, even shooting through the pyramid ruins, hitting the destroyer of Team Plasma on the other side, and exploded with a bang!
Kuiqisi, who was hiding in the destroyer and thinking about how to deal with Kyurem, did not expect the sudden attack. He, Sakaki and others were involved in the explosion. The two were swept up by the explosion and were seriously injured and fell to a place in the northeast corner of the underwater ruins. On top of the building.

"Damn it...it's all you!"

Enduring the pain in his body, Queqis noticed Sakaki beside him and directly stretched out his hand to pinch him. If these guys hadn't delayed him, Kyurem would have been his by now.

"It's all you guys, right?"

Sakaki got angry and reached out to strangle his neck. The two fought on the top of the crumbling building. As the leaders of the two organizations, they chose the most primitive method to resolve the dispute.

"If you, Team Plasma, hadn't planted a mole in our Rockets to steal Meloetta, how could we have suffered such huge losses!"

"Who planted a mole! You guys who took in our traitor from Team Plasma came to sneak attack and disrupt our plan on behalf of traitor N!"

"Who took in the traitor? You guys like to plant moles. You even knew about our plan to get the Bright Stone, and you even snatched it away in advance!"

"Who stole the light stone!"

As the two people continued to struggle, the conflict became inexplicably serious, and the building beneath them finally couldn't hold up and collapsed. The ambitions of the two were buried together by the ruins just like the broken building...

Naturally, Mingyou didn't know what happened on the other side of the island. Even if he knew, he would still be confused. He didn't understand that the two of them had so many conflicts.

After Xiaozhao cleaned up those guys, Meloetta finally finished her creation. She was holding a small book recording the music score in her hand. She looked at Milton, who was almost completely transparent in front of her. She bit her lip lightly, but she felt a little uncomfortable at this moment. Know what to do.

"Don't put on such a sad face, just smile. Music brings happiness to everyone. Is this also your creative philosophy?"

Listening to Mingyou's voice, Meloetta held back her tears and nodded gently. At this moment, led by Latias and King Lei Guan, Zhulan rode the biting land shark and finally led the way. When N came here, both of them were shocked by the situation here.

But now is not the time to care about this. Meloetta adjusts her emotions, puts a smile on her face, opens her singing voice, and among the stripes on her long green hair that resemble musical bars, many notes representing the melody emerge at this moment, floating in the air. up in the air.


The beautiful melody surrounds everyone. The music score is written according to the style of preference. There is no confusion at all due to the mixing and matching of different styles. Instead, it is very coordinated and rhythmic, creating a picture composed of everyone in the air.

They sat on the ground, immersed in the touching melody, relaxing physically and mentally. The fatigue after the war was swept away, but they could also clearly understand that the melody contained a farewell to their companions.

Having just arrived at Zhulan and N, they didn't know the situation, but they quickly immersed themselves in the melody and understood the emotion. Even Kyurem, who had been defeated and unconscious, slowly opened his eyes in the music...


Millarton looked at Meloetta dancing gracefully and flexibly to the melody, a smile gradually appeared on his cold face, he was satisfied, and his heart was extremely warm.

It is not really afraid of the cold. How could it be affected by the weakness of the Motorized Lizard after the machine ascends? The reason why it is afraid of the cold is that the future world is composed of cold machines, with no emotions, no companions, and only constant execution of orders. .

While gaining emotions and companions in this era, Millton also instinctively feared that one day he would return to such a "cold" future, and indirectly fed back to him, giving himself a signal that he was afraid of the cold.

But now, after supporting it until now, seeing the farewells of its companions, and realizing what it never had... finally, it can leave with satisfaction.

Maybe there are still some memories? It really wants to stay in this era and live with everyone, and there are still some unfinished agreements, but such a dream is still too extravagant for it.

It's time to say goodbye...

After the song and dance ended, Meloetta slowly opened her eyes, and Milton's figure had disappeared before her eyes, turning into Taijing energy particles and returning to the earth.

But it won't cry anymore. It should be happy to say goodbye to a good friend. Besides, Milerton has always wanted to see it happy.


The corners of Meloetta's eyes sparkled, a smile appeared on her face, and she waved her little hand gently towards the scattered Taijing energy particles.

Mingyou stood aside, recalling the time spent with Milerton these days. He took out a quick sandwich from his backpack, tore open the package, and threw it over there. As the Taijing energy disappeared, it gradually disappeared, and the other party collected it. I gave you this parting gift.



(End of this chapter)

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