Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 347: Shooting down the underwater ruins, Zhang Bei went to the countryside

Chapter 347: Shoot down the underwater ruins and return to Beishang Township (please vote for me)
It took some time for both Zhulan and N to understand what happened at the underwater ruins. Unfortunately, they arrived a step too late and could not help.

Of course we can still help now!
Except for some of the people who were blown off the island, all the members of Team Rocket and Team Plasma, including those organization cadres, were packed together by Zhulan and stuffed into Team Rocket's transport plane.

"Solving two big troubles directly, Sakaki and Quechis have caught them. Are you sure you don't want this to be enough to shock the whole world?"

Zhulan looked at the two people not far away.

At this time, Mingyu was lying on Kirby's belly. Xiaozhao took off his clothes and helped treat the injury. However, the two of them were not interested in taking credit. If they were too popular, it would easily cause trouble. Besides, the manor did not need to advertise now. Time for fame.

"It's best not to even mention it to us."

"It's true that being famous like this can be troublesome."

Listening to the two people's answers, Zhulan was not surprised as she knew their personalities.

But the two major organizations are not so easy to destroy. They still have many bases and members around the world. The capture of the leader does not mean that they can be completely destroyed. The international police will be busy next.

At this time, Kyurem had woken up. After being defeated by Milerton, it seemed to have calmed down a lot, or in other words, it saw something...

But he had already heard those words just now. So, should he continue to follow such a person who actively gave up his ideals?

"That's it. Although I can't change anything by myself, I still want to rely on my own strength so that humans and Pokémon can live on this planet without any barriers or wars. We can all be like companions. Live happily as well.”

what about me?
Reshiram froze on the spot, no one wanted me even if I gave him money. Although he finally came out of the Light Stone and regained his freedom, but... he was unwilling to give in. He was not an honest guy like Zekrom.

N forgot to look at Mingyu lying on Kirby's belly in the distance, a smile appeared on his face, he no longer refused, and happily agreed to Zekrom to be with him.

Because N's temperament is so similar to your twin brothers who built the United Kingdom three thousand years ago, with only one difference.


Its answer is...

Just when the three were separated, a coral-colored stone slab slowly floated in the air. The sacred stone was in Kyurem's body and had been separated after the fusion, but now it still maintains its sanity and memory.

Zekrom shook his head, not as a follower of an ideal person, but as... a friend who can go on together!

This is N's true words. He used to regard himself as a Pokémon, with extreme ideas, and looked at everything from the perspective of a Pokémon.

Now he wants to stand from a human perspective, remain neutral, and experience things again. These are the answers he got from Mingyou.

"You want to stay with me?"


"Lai Ao?"

Hmm... Why don't we just kidnap Mingyu away!
At the same time it had this thought, King Lei Guan was poking Mingyou in the face with a branch, and shouted calmly: "Pay the copyright fee!"

N was talking to it, and Kyurem looked at him. Although he knew who this person was from Zekrom's memory, he was still in a daze.

Zekrom looked at the N in front of him. At this time, it was no longer controlled by Quechis and already knew who the person who really summoned him was.

N was once obsessed with creating an ideal world to liberate Pokémon, but now he has given up on such an ideal. He has found his own answer and is no longer the person who pursues ideals.

"Humans and Pokémon..."

Hearing that Zekrom still wants to continue to follow him, N doesn't understand. He has given up on his ideal, but why? Is it the persistence of responsibility?

Kyurem stared down at him, and at the same time, the two forces in his body finally got rid of its shackles and appeared in the form of Zekrom and Reshiram. They woke up when Kyurem and Milton were fighting.

It learned from Chun that Chu Miheyi defeated Kyurem, and immediately guessed that the bad guy Mingyou must have pirated his own ideas.

"Let's go and play, I'll settle the score with you when I get back!"

Mingyou was too lazy to pay attention to it now, but a shadow suddenly covered them. Reshiram flapped his wings and flew above, staring at him with cold blue eyes.

"Lai Ao!"

"What...did you do?"

Mingyou was slightly startled. This was the first time he had seen Reshiram with his own eyes. The white fluff looked very smooth and must be comfortable to touch.

But before the other party expressed his intention, he also had something to say and apologized: "I'm sorry, I let you be snatched away because of my problems, although it's too late to say this now..."

"Lai Ao?"

Reshiram, who was about to kidnap Mingyou, was slightly startled after hearing the other party's apology. He didn't expect that the person who had always rejected him would say such a thing... No, it should be, this is Mingyou, He is such a real person.

So why reject yourself?
When it was confused, Mingyou smiled and continued: "But now you are free, no one can restrain you anymore, where do you want to go next?"

"Lai Ao!" Then there is no need to say it!
"Are you still staring at me?"

Mingyou smiled helplessly and shook his head gently: "It's useless. Just like you are breaking free now, I also don't want to be restrained for no reason. What is the difference between this and being kidnapped?"

"Of course, if you really want to follow me, I remember I told you..." Mingyou paused for a moment and said those words again: "If you want to find a home, my You are always welcome to come to the manor!”


Reshiram remained silent, looking at the Pokémon around Mingyu who were protecting him and looking at him. These days, he had seen them through the white dragon mark and watched them live happily together.

Recalling the conversation between N and Kyurem just now, and Zekrom's choice, it was silent for a long time, and finally gave up on kidnapping and planned to leave alone.

Where to go next? Just like Mingyou's question, it actually doesn't know...

But at this time, Mingyou sat up with the help of Xiaozhao, looked at it with a smile, waved and shouted: "If you don't know what you are going to do next, then do you want to consider becoming my companion?"

"Lai Ao?"

Reshiram's body froze and he slowly turned around. He couldn't believe that the human being whom he had been leaning towards but had always rejected actually extended an invitation to him.

Do you want to agree?

The other party has rejected me so many times...

Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Maybe you should refuse it first?
Reshiram, who has always been aloof, suddenly became confused. He thought of Zekrom's offer to be N's companion. The other person was someone who gave up on ideals, while Mingyu was someone who gave up on reality.

The two situations are quite similar.

Although it was not for duty, as a companion, it recalled in its mind the song Meloetta composed for everyone when it was bidding farewell to Milton. To be honest, it was indeed a little envious of this relationship.

After pondering for a long time, Reshiram made his decision and agreed to become Mingyou's companion. The reason was simple. It also wanted to know how it felt to have a companion.

"Lai Ao!"

"Then, please give me some advice!"

Mingyou smiled and waved to Reshiram. He mentioned this because he just saw Reshiram's lonely back, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After losing his body and turning into a light stone for thousands of years, he finally got out of trouble, but he could only stay alone without even a place to go. He was so sorry that he wanted to take the other person back to the manor to live...

Xiaozhao stood aside without disturbing him, and was quite happy to see the result.

At this time, Zhulan came over after dealing with Team Rocket and Team Plasma. She finally noticed the existence of the Three Dragons of the Way. Her beautiful eyes widened with excitement, and she couldn't wait to go forward and study them.

But she had a clear sense of priorities and could only put these thoughts aside for the time being and shouted: "It's almost time~ Now that the weather has returned to normal, others will notice this place soon. You don't want to be involved in this incident, do you? Leave as soon as possible."


There are still many things that need to be dealt with. Not only do we need to take Team Rocket and Team Plasma away, but we also need to resolve the issue of Kyurem's stay or departure, and the most critical one...

With the help of Reshiram and Zekrom, the transfer work went very smoothly. Under the influence of the sacred stone, Kyurem no longer needed to fuse, so he directly transformed into Dark Kyurem and followed behind, although he did not provide help. , but did not cause trouble, but still asked Xiaozhao to pay more attention to his status.

After finishing their work, Mingyou did not go back with them. Instead, after getting Zhulan's consent, he sat on Lashiram and came to the undersea ruins with Meloetta again.

The connection between Meloetta and the Divine Stone has been untied under the action of the synchronizer, so Kyurem can no longer control it, but the real source of pain to it has not yet been eliminated!
"It's about to begin!"


Meloetta lay on Mingyou's shoulder, looking at the underwater ruins below that had bound her for thousands of years. Looking back thousands of years ago, she didn't even realize that the mission given to her was actually a curse, and the promise should not be It exists in this form.

So, it’s time to bid farewell to the “nightmare” that has been haunting it forever!
Hearing its response, Mingyou nodded slightly, stroked Reshiram's soft down with his hand and shouted: "It's up to you, Qingyan!"

"Lai Ao!"

Reshiram ignited a flame at its tail and turned on the overclocking drive mode. The heat energy caused the surrounding atmosphere to begin to move. It looked directly downwards and sprayed powerful blue flames from its mouth, hitting the top of the ruins pyramid and spreading instantly.

Looking at the island that had been sleeping for thousands of years and had not been known to the world before it collapsed and fell in the burning and destruction of the blue flames, Mingyou retracted her gaze and reached out to catch Meloetta with a smile on her face.

"Let's go home. It's time to go back to Beishang Township!"


"Lai Ao~"


(End of this chapter)

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