Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 358: The mystery is solved, the cause of the haunting of the Crystal Light Pool

Chapter 358: The mystery is solved, the cause of the haunting of the Crystal Light Pool (asking for monthly tickets)

The investigation team stayed at the pavilion until the evening. The dessert shop usually closed at 5 pm, and they only started the discussion after seeing that most of the customers had left.

As a newcomer, Mingyou certainly had many questions to ask, such as the detailed encounters of several people in the Padia Pit, and the incident where Pipa encountered a haunted person at the Crystal Light Pool a few months ago...

Mudan established a temporary group chat for her team. She set up many anti-monitoring and history-viewing programs to prevent the chats related to this group from being invaded and monitored by some hackers.

She has always been cautious in this regard.

After the group was established, several people started talking. Mingyou asked all his questions, especially the haunting incident. He really wanted to know the specific content. After all, this was the place closest to them.

Questions came one after another, and Piper answered them.

Regarding the Padia Crater, the specific content is the same as what Xiaoqing once said. They said that they were approached by Dr. Olin's robot AI to help close the time machine. Although they encountered many dangers in the process, they still successfully reached the final destination. Institute at the bottom.

Due to the long-term activation of the time machine, many Pokémon who lived in the ancient times were transported to Area Zero inside the Padia Pit. To avoid ecological damage, the time machine could only be permanently turned off.

Hearing this, Mingyou asked: "Are you sure the time machine has been turned off?"

"Is it haunted..."

"The book records that two hundred years ago, when there was no time machine, there were records of these ancient Pokémon in Area Zero. These records were the starting point that drove Dr. Olin to invent the time machine."

There is nothing we can do about it. The time machine has been turned on for so many years. Many Pokémon from the ancient times now live in Area Zero. These Pokémon are extremely violent to prevent them from escaping and destroying the normal ecology of the outside world. .

"Coupled with the previous case in Niangguang City, Pokémon from the future appeared. We have reason to infer that even without a time machine, Pokémon from ancient times or the future will still appear!"

"But except for the book, all the researchers who went to Area Zero later did not see the existence of these Pokémon until the emergence of the time machine, so this creates a paradox with the existing information."

"But there is no other way. She can only enter the time machine with the paradise defense program covering her body, and fulfill the doctor's wish to go to ancient times. In this way, the defense program will no longer exist, and the time machine will automatically shut down. "

Originally, I just noticed the Taijing crystal appearing on the top of Ghost Mountain, so I went up to take a look. Unexpectedly, I found that there was a very huge Taijing crystal at the bottom of the crystal light pool on the top of the mountain, which was extremely bright.

Piper shivered inexplicably.

When Xiaoqing said these words, Pipa's expression was a little gloomy. He always thought that his mother had abandoned him, but in fact, his mother had passed away long ago, but in the end, AI still gave him the warmth that belonged to his mother.

After hearing this, Mingyou nodded slightly and shut down the time machine completely. Then there might be other problems, so he continued to ask: "By the way, wouldn't it be better for you to investigate in the Padia Pit?"

He was carrying a piece of Taijing crystal that he took from Zone Zero, and wanted to take the crystal from the bottom of the Crystal Light Pool and extract its components for comparison.

Mudan shook her head slightly. She was an intern at the Padian Alliance, so she knew very well that just because a few people broke the rules and entered the pit privately, the defense there was now increased, prohibiting anyone except researchers from entering.


"In the end, together with Gullton, we defeated the Paradise Guardian Dragon and threw it into the time machine along with other ancient Pokémon around it. Then Dr. Olin's AI temporarily regained its sanity."

The mystery is solved!
He nodded slightly, wanting to know the answer to the second question, so he looked at Pipa...


Xiao Qing nodded and continued: "In order to close the time machine, we fought with the paradise defense program. Although we were successfully defeated, the paradise defense program overwrote Dr. Olin's AI and commanded the paradise guardian dragon... that is, another A Guluton attacks us."

There was no way to go to Area Zero anymore, so they had to go to Blueberry Academy and Kitakami Township to continue their investigation, because Piper made a very strange discovery while investigating the "Book of Zhu" left by Dr. Orin.

"Can't get in..."

Listening to this, Mingyou fell into silence, recalling the disappearance of Milton and the return of Fluttering Hair from the ancient times to the present. Then the Pokémon recorded in the book should have simply returned to the ancient times.

He came alone at that time, because after the summer vacation, the other three people had gone home, and he was the only one, so he came to Beishang Township alone.

But a wild Menas suddenly jumped out of the pond, which frightened him so much that he lost his balance. The piece of Taijing crystal on his body entered the crystal light pool. After that, strange things started to happen.

"A ghost is out?"


Pipa nodded slightly. He was still quite afraid of this kind of thing. The crystal light pool suddenly fogged up and he couldn't see anything around him. He didn't dare to act rashly.

But suddenly there was a sound from the thick fog, and several figures were vaguely seen running. The sound of crushing sulfur kept coming, getting closer and closer to him.

Suddenly encountering this situation, he was so frightened that he had to run around and leave. He finally ran out of the fog and contacted the administrator to explain the haunting situation. The other party said they would find a way to solve it, but they just blocked it.

Although he later heard that many tourists sneaked up to visit and take photos, and also encountered hauntings, but more than that, he wanted to go back to the Crystal Light Pond and get back the piece of Tai Jing crystal that fell into the pond, so he stayed there again. It took a long time to leave.

"I see……"

Mingyou finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, so he continued to ask: "Did you get it back?"

"I asked Pokémon to help me get it back, but it seems that the haunting hasn't gone away yet."

"Then have you ever been to the Crystal Light Pool to investigate in the past few days?"

"Not yet. It's blocked there and there are a lot of guards. Our actions need to be kept secret, so we try not to be discovered."

"Well...leave this matter to me."

"Is it okay?" "Just trust me!"

Mingyou responded with a smile. Since it was inconvenient for them to go there, they could go by themselves. If they found anything, just notify them directly in the group.

But speaking of groups...

He suddenly discovered that the group chat had turned into eight people at some point. Nimo was still in a coma and had not yet joined the group. In other words, there were four more people inexplicably? Where did it come from?
"Why are there so many more people?"


At this time, several others suddenly noticed, and Mudan hurriedly wanted to check, but Mingyou looked at the faces of those people, each one more familiar than the other, and then reached out and touched Chilulian's head.


Haha, I was discovered...

Kirulian smiled. It saw the group number on the side, so it sneaked in and pulled Tsubaki and Lei Guanwang into the group to play. Maybe Meloetta was also beside Kohlrabi and was pulled in together. .

"Don't worry about them."

Mingyou waved his hand and saw that it was getting late, so he suggested that everyone go to his house for dinner first. There was nothing to worry about at the manor.


Peony stood up with great anticipation. She heard that there was a Pokémon video game store in the manor, so...

"The video game store is closed at night."

"All right……"

“But the haunted house is open for business.”

"Forget it..."


A few people were talking and laughing, Xiaoqing moved the unconscious Nemo to Gullton, and then headed to the manor with everyone, full of expectations.

After entering the manor for a moment, Xiaoqing noticed at a glance that something was not right about the environment here, not just the temperature, but the strange feeling was indescribable.

"Did you find it?"

Mingyu smiled and continued: "The manor has an eco-park that imitates the Blueberry Academy Eco-Dome, although it has not been fully completed yet."


Several people were speechless and quietly felt their surroundings. They only sighed in their hearts. People who can cultivate so many mutant crops are indeed very capable.

When they came to the door of the villa, this was also the first time for several people to come to Mingyou's home. Looking at the old villa in front of them, it was hard to imagine that the other party actually lived here.

"Haha, I just don't have time to renovate it at the moment. You guys go ahead and do it while I go cook."

"I'm coming too!"

Piper immediately expressed his intention to help. Cooking was his area, so of course he had to show off.

When the two of them went to the kitchen, Nimo finally woke up. Just as she was about to go find Mingyou, she was stopped by Xiaoqing. It was better to exercise restraint in other people's homes.

"There's Kirbymon~ His belly is so soft~"

Peony jumped into the belly of Kirby who was waiting for dinner. She was not polite at all and completely regarded this place as her home.

Xiao Qing looked around curiously. Suddenly, she noticed the Iron Warrior coming in from the backyard, so she stepped forward to say hello. She remembered that the two Pokémon that had never come from the future were brought back by Mingyu.

“Long time no see~”


The iron warrior waved his hand and placed the bamboo basket he was carrying on the table. There were freshly picked Gulai oranges and future grapes in it, which seemed to be used for entertaining.

"Are these oranges?"

Xiaoqing picked one up from the bamboo basket. On the way, they had all heard Mingyu explain the reasons why Pokémon might be able to awaken their ancient bloodline.

However, when he saw the Gulai orange, Guluton's eyes lit up and he took it away in one gulp. This reaction surprised Xiaoqing. After all, Guluton was rarely interested in food other than sandwiches.

But at this time, she suddenly noticed that when Gulerton was eating oranges happily, a burning insect of different colors quietly crawled over and climbed onto Gulerton, as if it was looking for something.

"I remember you were..."


The Burning Bug did not respond, but showed joy and joy. Therefore, Luton's crimson pulse made it very interested. This was the power that could bring sunshine, and that sunshine... seemed to be what it was looking for!

(End of this chapter)

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