Elf: A bad trainer starts from farming

Chapter 359 Star Crystalization! Adventure in the crystal light pool at night!

Chapter 359 Star Crystalization! Adventure in the crystal light pool at night! (Ask for monthly ticket)

When eating in the living room, Nemo always tried to lean towards Mingyu. She still didn't give up the idea of ​​having a Pokémon battle with him, but Mudan, who was sitting in the middle, would deliberately block her with his body.

"Can't your butt sit still?"

Peony whispered unceremoniously, but Nemo was not angry and continued to press against her body, trying to push her away so that he could pass.


Mingyou was really a little scared, but luckily Xiaozhao wasn't at home, otherwise there would definitely have been a fight.

The others had long been accustomed to Nemo's appearance. Xiaoqing could only help her senior sister apologize for Mingyou in embarrassment, and then changed the subject to the burning bug above Gu Ledun's head.

"Is this kid your Pokémon?"

"This one……"

Mingyou didn't hide anything and explained the burning bug. After listening, Mudan immediately took out his cell phone Rotom to operate it.

No matter where Mingyu goes, Mingyu will always be with him~
For a moment, Mingyou called Heyue and the night demons who worked in the haunted house, together with Chunchun. The three of them had lived in Beishang Township for hundreds of years, and they had also had some contact with Ghost Mountain. Maybe they could talk.

After sending a few people away, Mingyou gradually calmed down, thinking about what happened today, as well as the information collected, and sorting it out in his mind.

After hearing this, Mingyou felt a little regretful, but seeing the Burning Insect being attracted by Guluton also made him realize that the "sun" the other party was looking for was probably not a Vulcan moth. Could it be that it was really a conceptual thing?

"Jie Jie~"

After exchanging contact information with Mingyou, several people prepared to leave. They lived at the public hall. If there was anything they needed to discuss with everyone, they could just chat in the group.


After pondering for a long time, I still couldn't come to a conclusion.

With that said, Mudan put down her cell phone and apparently investigated all the other party's information including social media and other information in such a short period of time and came to a conclusion.

Mingyou shook his head gently and touched its head: "Let's go, go early and come back early. Let's go to the Crystal Light Pond tonight to check out the situation. Speaking of which, after living in Beishang Township for so long, I haven't even been there. There."

"The trainer of the Fire God Moth you are talking about was a trainer who challenged the Alliance Conference in the Padia region last year. However, he did not collect all the badges within the specified time and left. There is no good reputation at all. There’s no need to look for him.”

"Jie Jie!"

Seeing him standing there and thinking about something, he tilted his head, his face full of doubts and curiosity.

Mingyou has not forgotten these things. After all, the night demon was a more difficult enemy he encountered back then, even though he has been cleansed now.

The Night Demon didn't expect that he would still have a chance to appear. It was really a surprise.

"found it!"

"Okay, before we get to the top of the mountain, let me ask you something first. I remember you said before that you originally planned to occupy the ghost mountain and become the ghost king of Beishang Township, but ended up running to the permanent forest and being trapped by He Yue. There is no way to do evil."



"Padia Pit, Area Zero, Time Machine, Paradox Pokémon...and, Crystal Light Pool!"

The Night Demon nodded. It did have such an idea at first, but the temperature of the ghost mountain is relatively high and is not suitable for it to live.

After the meal, except for Mudan, who was lying on Kirby's belly playing with his mobile phone, the others helped tidy up and tidy up the living room. This is what you should do when you come to someone else's house to eat.

As for another reason, it was attacked by an unknown entity in the Crystal Light Pool. It was a power it didn't recognize at the time. It was later found out that it was Tai Jing, so it went to steal Tuxun's mask.

"Did you see the Pokémon that attacked you?"

"Jie Jie..."


Precisely because it didn't exist, it felt weird. In fact, when King Lei Guan asked him to come to the Crystal Light Pool to investigate the haunting situation, the reason why he ignored it was because he was worried about encountering those weird things again.


Chunchun listened to it and was puzzled. It had lived in Ghost Mountain for hundreds of years, and had been to Jingguang Pond many times. It also soaked in hot springs there. How come it hadn't encountered these special circumstances?

Maybe it's because of Taijing.

He Yue put forward his opinion. The veteran has rich experience and simply speculated that Chu Chun wore a mask with Tai Jing crystal and was regarded as the same kind by the special existence of the crystal light pool. Moreover, unlike the night demon, he did not say he had any malicious intentions. Yes, that’s why we didn’t meet him.


That should be it...

Listening to their conversation, Mingyou also felt that it was very possible. He kept this clue in his heart, and after a while, he reached the top of Ghost Mountain.

Looking from a distance, you can see the top of the mountain shining brightly under the moonlight, which is very beautiful. The Crystal Light Pool is a volcanic lake, and you need to hike a distance to reach it. However, in front of it, the Green Town is stationed here to block the Crystal Light Pool. of guards.

Moreover, they are still a group of old friends, including the members of the Beishang Ghost Noodle Team who sneaked into the manor to steal fruits. After all, they are the strongest trainers in Green Town, and only a few of them can take charge here.

He stepped forward and said hello. Those conflicts have now been resolved, and both parties are talking friendly. Mingyou found a simple reason to explain his purpose: "I heard from the administrator that Crystal Light Pond is haunted. I came over to check the situation when I was free recently. Did you find anything?"


Muramasa nodded and continued: "There will be fog over the Crystal Light Pond every two days, and we didn't dare to get close to investigate at will. This is not within the scope of the work, but after the thick fog dissipated, everything returned to normal. We went to see a few Nothing was found this time.”

"Hmm...is there a pattern to the fog?"

"No, completely random."

"Okay, by the way, are there any wild Pokémon living in the Crystal Light Pond?"

"There used to be some gas bombs and bells ringing...but since the first haunting incident, all these Pokémon have disappeared. Even some Barracudas in the crystal light pool have disappeared."

Muramasa continued to explain, while Mingyu was slightly stunned and asked: "There is not a single Pokémon left?"

"At least we didn't see it. There may be some hidden in the crystal light pool. I heard from tourists who sneaked in before that they saw strange shadows coming out of the crystal light pool. Maybe there are other Pokémon."

"Hmm...okay then."

After asking some random questions, Mingyou walked towards the crystal light pool. He didn't expect it to be so serious. There were at least dozens of wild Pokémon living in the crystal light pool, right?
No one cares about wild Pokémon...

Climbing the stairs and passing through the torii, a strong smell of sulfur hit my face, calling Mingyou back to his thoughts and looking around.

The entire crystal light pool was extremely quiet, and the ground was almost entirely covered with caked sulfur. Hot volcanic gases were rising everywhere. The crystal light pool not far away shone slightly under the moonlight, and bright crystal particles fell around, forming a scene. Beautiful dream scene.

"As expected of the sixth choice for going north..."

Mingyu picked up his cell phone Rotom and took a photo. The scenery here was definitely worth the price of admission.

As the water source of the entire Beishang Township, Crystal Light Pond has not received any pollution so far. You can drink it directly. There is also a legend in Beishang Township that if you stare at the light of the Crystal Light Pond alone, you can see the dead people appear in you. In front of me, although no one seems to have succeeded...

Coming to the Crystal Light Pond again after so many years, the Night Demon Spirit was still a little frightened, while Chun Chu seemed much calmer. He trotted to the Crystal Light Pond and looked at his own figure reflected in the shining water.


"Don't fall in."

Mingyou walked forward with a smile, wanting to observe the situation in the crystal light pool, but the moment he approached the shore, the water surface rippled, and then the waves splashed, and a graceful figure suddenly jumped out of the water!


Before Mingyou could be surprised, he saw that the figure's whole body suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the crystals covering his body exploded like broken glass. A Menas with a purple ghost crystal gem on its head appeared in front of him. before.


Tongchen took out the thorn vine stick, feeling the strong hostility on Menas' body, and immediately protected Mingyou.

"Is this the guy!"

Mingyou looked at the Dark Night Demon and asked him.

This Menus actually turned into a ghost celestial crystal when there were no celestial crystals around it. It met the conditions of "ghost", and the fact that this Pokémon is the only one that exists here speaks volumes.

"Jie Jie..."

The Night Demon shook his head. It wasn't this. It must be familiar with the power of the ghost system. What it encountered at that time was other unfamiliar Taijing energy.

At this time, the Taijing gem on the top of Menas's head on the water surface shook slightly, and then a burst of spiritual power rolled up, and the Taijing exploded. At this moment, a blood moon floated in the void, turning into a bloody beam of light and hitting Menas' body in one fell swoop. Fly it from the crystal light pool to the shore.

"It's now!"

Mingyou asked Mingyou to go over and stop Menas, maybe he could get some useful information from him, but as soon as he finished speaking, his voice stopped suddenly, and his whole person froze in place.

"Leave it here... ambushing..."

Feeling the weakness and pain in his arms, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He glanced down and saw that where the ground under his feet was originally covered with sulfur, a crystal-like blue flower grew at the end of the petals. Then he stabbed himself in the arm.

[Crystal Light Flower: The mineral Pokémon should only exist deep underground. A Pokémon born under the influence of Taijing energy. The crystals on its body are highly poisonous. Do not provoke it at will. Once encountered, you must escape as soon as possible. If you want to gain favor, Almost impossible]

Even He Yue was not aware of the sudden appearance of this crystal light flower. It seemed that Menas was deliberately attracting attention, and the night demon seemed to feel something, and panic suddenly appeared on his face.

After successfully making Mingyou deeply poisoned, this crystal light flower suddenly rushed from the ground into the air, staying above the crystal light pool, constantly absorbing the surrounding Tai Jing crystal particles, and then bloomed with bright light.

But unlike ordinary Tai Jinghua, after the crystals covering the body of this crystal light flower are broken, it looks like wearing a colorful crown on top.

Around the crown, a circle of hexagonal crystals showing eighteen attributes surrounds and rotates slowly, and above the crown, there is a decoration in the shape of a dark blue turtle raising its head, and above the turtle shell is a representative The ultra-crystalline dark blue icon!

"This is... star crystal!"

As soon as Mingyou screamed in surprise, the crystal light flower after star crystalization spread out its dazzling aura, and the crystal particles began to gather. Countless dazzling rays of light fell from the night sky, and the crystal storm launched an indiscriminate attack on the people below...


(End of this chapter)

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