Chapter 101 101, Xun'er: He is my husband

Xiao family, Xun'er's room.

Ye Lang is back, Xiaoxiao and Xun'er hit the top of the canyon again.

"Wife Xun'er, that's good. After a night of practice, your strength has now reached the second level of stellar level."

Ye Lang looked at Xun'er and smiled.

Hearing this, Xun'er also smiled and said, "These are all the cultivation resources and techniques my husband gave me. They are too outrageous."

"However, the ninth level of Douzong is the second level of stellar level in your world, hubby?!"

Xun'er asked with a smile.

"Yes, the emperor-fighting warriors in your world correspond to the immortal-level warriors in our world. Of course... they are only the most elementary immortal warriors."

Ye Lang replied with a smile.

Xun'er's eyes flashed, and her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Lang curiously: "Then, husband, what level does your strength belong to?!"

"I am an invincible existence among immortals!" Ye Lang smiled.

Although he only made the king immortal, but with the help of his soul, he can be invincible in immortality.

Xun'er's beautiful eyes widened: "Then hubby, aren't you more powerful than Dou Di?!"

You know, Dou Qi Continent has not seen a Dou Emperor for countless years.

But now, there is a being who surpasses Dou Emperor level standing next to her, and this person is still her man.

This is incredible.

"Dou Di is nothing. In a few years, Xun'er's wife, you will be able to become Dou Di." Ye Lang smiled.

"Yes." Xun'er nodded, looking forward to it in her heart.

"Bang bang bang-"

Xun'er's door was knocked, and then a voice sounded.

"Is sister Xun'er here?!"

It was Xiao Yan's voice.

Xiao Yan stood outside the door with a smile on his face. He made another breakthrough last night. He has become a real fighter.

Sister Xun'er will definitely be very happy when she knows the news later.


When he was thinking about how to share it with Gu Xun'er later, the door opened.


Xiao Yan spoke happily, but the next moment, the smile on Xiao Yan's face froze.

in his sight.

Gu Xun'er held Ye Lang's hand affectionately and walked out of the room.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yan felt bad.

", why are you in sister Xun'er's room?!"

Xiao Yan came back to his senses and spoke in disbelief.

Hearing this, Ye Lang didn't say anything. Gu Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan and said calmly: "He is my husband. Isn't it normal for him to appear in my room?"

"Husband?! Senior is your husband?!" Xiao Yan's eyes widened as if struck by lightning, looking in disbelief.

His eyes swept back and forth between Ye Lang and Gu Xun'er.

"Why, it can't be done?!"

Gu Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan calmly and said, "Xiao Yan, why did you come to me?!"

"No... nothing happened!" Xiao Yan replied in despair, then turned and left.

After a while, Xiao Yan ran into Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yan and asked quickly:

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you? Didn't you go find Xun'er?!"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yan smiled bitterly and looked up at his father: "Father, I just saw sister Xun'er and a man coming out of the room in an intimate manner. Sister Xun'er said that the man was her husband."

"What?!" Xiao Zhan was shocked: "Yan'er, are you telling the truth?!"

In the entire family, no one else knew Gu Xun'er's identity, but he knew something about it.

"Of course it's true, father, I saw it with my own eyes." Xiao Yan said with a wry smile. "Yan'er, please don't worry about this matter." Xiao Zhan also knew that Xiao Yan would not lie about this matter, so he warned him.

He was not qualified to interfere in anything that happened to Gu Xun'er.

"Father...Xun'er, when did she..." Xiao Yan was a little anxious.

"Yan'er, I never told you Xun'er's identity." Xiao Zhan looked at his son. From Xiao Yan's every move, he naturally understood something.

So, he simply said that Gu Xun'er's identity was not simple, and she was not from the Xiao family.

After hearing this, Xiao Yan was very surprised. Sister Xun'er, who had grown up with him since childhood, was not from the Xiao family? !

"Chief, the distinguished guest has arrived."

At this time, an old man in a green robe came over and spoke respectfully.

While speaking, he glanced at Xiao Yan standing aside, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Now the entire Xiao family has spread the news that Xiao Yan has recovered his talent for cultivation.

He was naturally curious about how Xiao Yan recovered, and what caused him to become useless in the past three years? !

Is it disguised? !

If that's the case, then the third young master's scheming is not that deep.

"Yan'er, since your distinguished guest has arrived, let's go over there."

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yan and smiled, Xiao Yan nodded, and then the father and son walked in the same direction.

"Butler Mo, you should also inform Miss Xun'er."

Thinking of something, Xiao Zhan said again.

"Yes, clan leader." The old man in green robe nodded.

Here, Xiao Xun'er held Ye Lang's hand and was about to go shopping when an old voice rang not far away.

"Miss Xun'er, the patriarch invites you to go to the hall!"

Butler Mo looked at Gu Xun'er holding Ye Lang's hand and was obviously surprised, but he didn't say anything.


Xun'er nodded, then looked at Ye Lang and smiled: "Husband, can you accompany me first?"

"No problem." Ye Lang smiled.

Butler Mo was horrified at the side, when did Miss Xun'er have a husband? !

"Let's go, Butler Mo." Xun'er looked at Butler Mo.

"Oh...ok!" Butler Mo came back to his senses, agreed, and then led the way.

Arriving outside the hall, Butler Mo knocked on the door for Gu Xun'er and then opened the door directly.

"Miss Xun'er, please!"

Xun'er held Ye Lang's hand and walked directly into the hall. In an instant, everyone in the hall looked at the door.

Seeing Xun'er walking in holding Ye Lang's hand, the whole hall became quiet.

Seeing this, Xun'er raised the corner of her mouth with a slight arc, then walked straight to a position in front, and then sat in that position with Ye Lang.

Ye Lang felt a resentful look coming towards him.

It was Nalan Yanran not far away from him, standing next to several people.

Ye Lang cast a smile at Nalan Yanran, who responded with an obscure eye roll, and then his eyes fell on Gu Xun'er.

Gu Xun'er's eyes naturally fell on Nalan Yanran.

When she entered the hall, she felt Nalan Yanran's presence.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded, obviously acquiescing to each other's existence.

The eyes of other people in the hall fell on Ye Lang.

They all cast envious glances at Ye Lang.

who is he? !

Why did he come here with the goddess Xun'er? !

What is his relationship with the goddess Xun'er? !

Some people also looked at Xiao Yan. Isn't Xun'er's relationship with Xiao Yan very good? !

What's going on now? !

(End of this chapter)

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