Chapter 102 Chapter 102, dissolution of engagement

In the Xiao family hall.

The atmosphere was a little strange at this time, and many people focused their attention on Ye Lang.

However, Ye Lang and Gu Xun'er are obviously not the protagonists at this time.

At this time, at the front of the hall, an old man in purple robe suddenly stood up.

"Cough cough."

The old man in purple robe coughed lightly, with a trace of apology on his old face. He looked at Xiao Zhan who was sitting on the main seat, cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"Nephew Xiao Xian, I came to the nobles this time mainly to discuss something."

"Haha, Uncle Nalan, you and my father are life-and-death friends. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Looking at the old man in purple robe, Xiao Zhan stood up quickly and said with a smile, he should know the purpose of the old man in purple robe.

Probably here to discuss the marriage between Yan'er and the other party's granddaughter.

The old man in purple robe is his father's life and death friend, Nalan Yanran's grandfather, Nalan Jie.

"Haha, nephew, I won't follow you around anymore, do you still know her?!"

Nalan Jie smiled slightly, pointed at Nalan Yanran beside him and asked.

Hear Nalan Jie's words.

Many people in the hall had their eyes on Nalan Yanran, including Xiao Yan, but they, the Xiao family, were all confused about who this woman was.

"Uncle...she should be your granddaughter Nalan Yanran!"

Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on Nalan Yanran and he spoke with some uncertainty.

It is said that women undergo great changes. The last time he saw Nalan Yanran was seven or eight years ago. He had not seen her for several years, and he did not recognize Nalan Yanran.

However, now that Nalan Jie had spoken, he had more or less guessed the identity of the other party, so he spoke tentatively.

Nalan Yanran? !

Hearing Xiao Zhan's words, many Xiao family members looked shocked and looked at Nalan Yanran.

"She is Nalan Yanran, then this old man is Nalan Jie, the lion-hearted marshal of the Gama Empire?! It seems that Nalan Yanran is still married to my finger..." Xiao Yan was also surprised in his heart, and he looked at Xiang Nalan Yanran's thoughts were stagnant for a while.

What is the other party doing today? !

Are you here to discuss my marriage to her? !

Xiao Yan's throat rolled, and he couldn't help but glance at Ye Lang and Gu Xun'er quietly. He saw Gu Xun'er sitting intimately next to Ye Lang, with her jade lotus-like arms holding Ye Lang. Xiao Yan couldn't help but clenched his hand.

Gritting his teeth secretly, Xiao Yan withdrew his gaze and looked at Nalan Yanran with a little more enthusiasm.

"Uncle Xiao." Nalan Yanran also shouted at this time. Today she was here to discuss the dissolution of the engagement, so she still had to have the proper etiquette.

"Haha." A warm smile appeared on Xiao Zhan's face: "Niece Nalan, Uncle Xiao hasn't seen you for many years. You are really a woman. Uncle Xiao almost didn't recognize you just now."

"I heard before that you have now become a disciple of the master of the Yunlan Sect. I wonder if this is true or not?"

"Uncle Xiao, this is indeed true." Nalan Yanran nodded.

When Nalan Yanran said these words, everyone in the Xiao family was shocked and looked at Nalan Yanran in amazement.

She actually became a disciple of the head of the Yunlan Sect.

That was Yunlan Sect.

The true overlord of the Jia Ma Empire!

At this time, Xiao Zhan pointed at Xiao Yan and said with a smile: "Yan'er, why are you still standing there in a daze?"

Hearing Xiao Zhan's reminder, Xiao Yan came back to his senses. He first respectfully shouted to Nalan Jie: "Grandpa Nalan!"

"Haha, boy, not bad!" Nalan Jie looked at Xiao Yan and laughed.

Hearing Nalan Jie's words, Xiao Zhan also smiled.

"Uncle, I don't know what you wanted to discuss just now?!" Xiao Zhan glanced at Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, then looked at Nalan Jie with a smile and asked. "Ahem, nephew Xiao Xian, the matter I came to discuss with the nobles in person today is related to my granddaughter Yanran."

Nalan Jie felt quite helpless at this time, but he still spoke: "You must know that I and your father were life-and-death friends. It happened that Yanran and Xiao Yan were born at that time, so your father and I gave birth to each other at that time. The two children have made a baby wedding."

After Nalan Jie said these words, the smile on Xiao Zhan's face became even wider.

The rest of the Xiao family, both elders and juniors, looked at Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan with envy.

Especially young people such as Xiao Mei looked at Xiao Yan with complicated eyes, and of course, more of them were envious.

"Of course I know it." Xiao Zhan nodded and smiled: "So, uncle, you are here today..."

Xiao Yan and Xiao Zhan both looked at Nalan Yanran. They were both very satisfied with Nalan Yanran, especially Xiao Yan, who was looking at Nalan Yanran with deep passion in his eyes.

"Cough cough."

Nalan Jie coughed, looked at Xiao Zhan and said, "That's it. Back then, your father and I arranged baby marriages for our two children. This approach was a bit selfish. We didn't consider the children's own feelings. .”

"You can't force things like feelings. My idea is to respect the children's own opinions. Nephew Xiao Xian, what do you think?!"

Nalan Jie looked at Xiao Zhan.

After Nalan Jie said these words, the expressions of everyone in the Xiao family changed.

The smile on Xiao Zhan's face was no longer so bright. He looked at Nalan Jie: "Uncle, what do you mean?!"

"What I mean is that the marriage of the two children is up to them to decide, so I brought Yanran here today. It just so happened that Xiao Yan was also at home. If the two of them see each other, then the marriage will naturally count. , but if the two of them don’t see eye to eye, then let’s just call it quits, how about that?!”

Nalan Jie looked at Xiao Zhan and said, upon hearing this, Xiao Zhan also nodded.

Nalan Jie's words were not unreasonable, and the other party's tone was based on discussion, and he did not use Yunlan Sect and other things to pressure the Xiao family.

"Yan'er, what do you think?!"

Xiao Zhan looked at Xiao Yan.


Xiao Yan took a deep breath, looked at Nalan Yanran, and asked: "Miss Nalan, are you satisfied with our engagement?!"

Seeing that Xiao Yan asked so straightforwardly, Nalan Yanran also said directly:

"To be honest, of course I am not satisfied with this engagement. I have never had any interaction with you. We should have met a few times since the day we were born, but we have no impression in our minds."

"We all have our own lives, and our lives should be decided by ourselves, what do you think?!"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan and said.

"It's ridiculous. It's your parents' orders, your matchmaker's words. How can you go back on what you agreed to at the beginning? I think you know that the third young master has become a waste, and you think that the third young master is not worthy of you!"

At this time, a harsh voice sounded. Everyone looked up and saw that it was the third elder of the Xiao family who spoke calmly.

Hearing this, many Xiao family members looked like they were watching a good show.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan both frowned. Apparently the third elder's words had entered their hearts.

"Don't you know whether Xiao Yan is a waste or not?!"

Nalan Yanran's faint words made everyone in the Xiao family look stagnant.

"Uncle Xiao, grandpa and I came here today just to have a good discussion and dissolve the marriage amicably." Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Zhan and spoke.

Nalan Jie also shook his head: "Xiao Yan is a talented person. I am very willing for our two families to get married, but let the younger generation decide for themselves. As elders, we should support their decision. You shouldn’t arbitrarily interfere in deciding their lives!”

"If the two of them are really destined, they will naturally come together without the intervention of our elders."

Xiao Zhan glanced at Xiao Yan. After Xiao Yan nodded, Xiao Zhan also looked at Nalan Jie and said.

"Okay, I agree to terminate this engagement!"

(End of this chapter)

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