Chapter 103 Chapter 103, slap Xiao Yan in the face

Under the witness of everyone.

The engagement between Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan was also terminated amicably.

After breaking off the engagement.

The third elder looked at Nalan Yanran and asked: "Miss Nalan, the third young master has wasted three years, and now he is only a one-star fighter. I dare to ask how talented the third young master is in the Yunlan Sect. Excellent?!"

Hear what the third elder said.

The eyes of everyone in the Xiao family flashed. Xiao Yan's talent was naturally speechless.

Even after three years of wasted time, he has now reached the Fighter Star level.

They looked at Nalan Yanran.

I saw three gold stars embroidered on Nalan Yanran's clothes.

That also means that Nalan Yanran's current cultivation level is a three-star fighter.

Xiao Yan has been idle for three years, and now he has a one-star fighter in his cultivation. But you, Nalan Yanran, who cultivated in a powerful force like Yunlan Sect, is only a three-star fighter.

So who has more talent? !

Although Xiao Yan did not speak at this time, his whole body showed a sharp edge.

Strange expressions flashed across the faces of everyone in the Xiao family, and Xiao Zhan also looked at Xiao Yan in surprise. His son seemed to be a little angry about Nalan Yanran coming to break off the engagement.

However, Nalan Jie came in person today and discussed with him in nice words, which was enough to give him the Xiao family's face.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the Nalan family's approach.

"Husband, there is a good show to watch."

Gu Xun'er chuckled lightly and looked at the third elder with her beautiful eyes. The third elder had always been dissatisfied with Xiao Zhan and his son.

"Yes." Ye Lang also smiled.

Here, after Nalan Yanran heard the third elder's words, the corner of her mouth also raised a slight arc, and she said lightly:

"Young Master Xiao Yan is a talented person with unparalleled talent. When he went to Yunlan Sect, he was also a genius among geniuses. His talent even ranks among the top two among the many disciples of Yunlan Sect."

What Nalan Yanran said was true, and there was no hypocrisy in it. It was indeed the truth.

Xiao Yan went to Yunlan Sect with his talent, and he was indeed a genius among geniuses.

Xiao Yan used to practice Qi at the age of four.

At the age of ten, he possessed the ninth level of fighting spirit. At the age of eleven, he broke through the tenth level of fighting spirit. He successfully condensed the whirlpool of fighting spirit and became the youngest fighter in the Xiao family within a hundred years.

With this talent, even if he went to Yunlan Sect, he would still be inferior to other geniuses.

"Haha, Miss Nalan is so complimentary."

Xiao Yan said this, but his expression looked very happy. After the words fell, he immediately changed his voice, looked at Nalan Yanran and asked lightly:

"Miss Nalan, Xiao Yan asked arrogantly, I, Xiao Yan, think that my talent is not inferior to others, and as you said, my talent can be ranked among the top two in Yunlan Sect, so what does Miss Nalan think?" , will we meet in the future?!"

Xiao Yan was indeed a little unhappy about the purpose of Nalan Yanran's visit today.

Because he had indeed fallen in love with Nalan Yanran before, especially in front of Xun'er, or... to be precise, in front of Ye Lang, he always felt that he was very shameless.

"No!" Nalan Yanran glanced at Xiao Yan lightly and spoke decisively.

"Why?!" Xiao Yan was startled, feeling depressed in his heart.

"Because I have someone I like!" Nalan Yanran said calmly.

"Okay... okay!" Xiao Yan smiled helplessly.

"His talent is better than the third young master?!" The third elder said something weird again.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan both looked at the third elder indifferently.

"You?!" Nalan Yanran glanced at the third elder indifferently and said indifferently: "At least if your talent is compared with his, then you are humiliating yourself, just like comparing the light of a firefly with the bright moon."

"Niece Nalan, are you exaggerating what you said?!"

The third elder's face darkened: "The third young master practiced Qi at the age of four, and possessed the ninth level of Dou Qi at the age of ten. At the age of eleven, he broke through the tenth level of Dou Qi, successfully condensed the whirlpool of Dou Qi, and became the youngest member of our Xiao family within a hundred years. Fighter. With this talent, even if you go to Yunlan Sect, you will still be able to defeat many geniuses."

"Your Yunlan Sect still has such a genius as you say?!"

"That's right, Master Xiao Yan's talent is so terrifying, you actually said that Master Xiao Yan is not as good as the other party?!"

"I would like to hear who has such a terrifying talent."

"If Master Xiao Yan hadn't been idle for three years and now he was a fighting master, Nalan Yanran would be more than a little worse than Master Xiao Yan. How could she dare to say such a thing!" "This woman is so scheming!"

"I just found out that she loves to pretend. Although I'm not happy with Xiao Yan, this woman really pretended too much today!"


"I'm talking about you, not Xiao Yan. You have something wrong with your ears. You can go get it treated." Nalan Yanran looked at the third elder and said calmly.

The third elder's expression turned gloomy.

But Nalan Yanran spoke again: "Xiao Yan is also humiliating himself by comparing himself to the person I like."

"Niece Nalan, even if you don't like Yan'er, you shouldn't belittle Yan'er like this, right?!" Xiao Zhan was also a little unhappy.

Xiao Yan was the pride in his heart, and now that Nalan Yanran was belittling him, he was naturally not happy.

"Xiao Yan!"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan raised his head and looked at Nalan Yanran with arrogance.

"You think your talent is outstanding?!" Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan indifferently.

"You're an eleven-year-old fighter, you're not outstanding?! Young Master Xiao Yan's talent is not outstanding, is your talent outstanding?!" Someone from the Xiao family spoke up.

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth raised, but the next moment, the smile on the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth immediately froze on his face.

Everyone in the Xiao family also looked horrified and in disbelief.

In their sight, Nalan Yanran flew into the air little by little, and then looked down at Xiao Yan. At the same time, an aura of great majesty burst out from Nalan Yanran's body.


In an instant, in the entire Xiao family hall, except for Ye Lang, Gu Xun'er, Nalan Jie and a few others, everyone in the Xiao family was directly pressed to the ground by this momentum.

"Flying in the sky is the sign of a strong Douzong man!!"

Xiao Zhan made a sound of horror and looked at Nalan Yanran suspended in the air in the hall with a blank expression.

"Powerful Dou Zong!!"

Hearing Xiao Zhan's words, everyone's hearts trembled, and their whole bodies couldn't help but tremble. Xiao Yan was severely pressed to the ground by Nalan Yanran's aura, and fear appeared on his face at this time.

Nalan Jie and the others also looked at Nalan Yanran blankly. Is this still the Nalan Yanran they knew?

Dou Zong strongman? !

Nalan Jie was stunned.

Is your granddaughter a powerful Douzong warrior? !


Nalan Yanran sneered at this time and said expressionlessly: "Don't take yourselves too seriously."

Hearing this, the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched. Damn it, it's all Sabi's fault, the third elder.

"I think I came to your Xiao family to discuss things with sincerity, but if you insist on humiliating yourself, I don't mind slapping you in the face."

After saying this, Nalan Yanran looked at Nalan Jie: "Grandpa, let's go."


Nalan Jie came back to his senses, cast an apologetic look at Xiao Zhan, then greeted the Nalan family members he had brought, and left the Xiao family with Nalan Yanran.

Before Nalan Yanran left the Xiao family, she nodded at Ye Lang and Gu Xun'er.

After Nalan Yanran led the people away, everyone in the Xiao family fell silent. Obviously, they were still in shock.

"Let's go too!"

Ye Lang stood up and spoke at this time, breaking the quiet hall.

"it is good!"

Gu Xun'er nodded and followed Ye Lang out of the hall. When he was about to leave the hall, Gu Xun'er turned back and said lightly:

"Xiao Yan, even though your talent is outstanding, the world is very big and there are many people who have more talent than you, so... you'd better practice hard and that's the right way."


(End of this chapter)

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