Chapter 104 104, Yafei,

Time passed leisurely.

What happened in the Xiao family has not been spread, and there has been no disturbance outside.

After Xiao Yan held an adult ceremony at home, Yao Chen took him out for training.

"Husband, I have something to do and I have to go back to the ancient tribe."

Gu Xun'er looked at Ye Lang and said.

"Do you need me to accompany you back?!" Ye Lang said softly, stroking Gu Xun'er's hair.

"Honey, no need, I'll just go back by myself." Gu Xun'er smiled softly.

"It just so happens that along the way, I also want to see how strong I am now." Gu Xun'er said with a chuckle.

"Okay, no problem." Ye Lang nodded when he heard Gu Xun'er's words.

If he sent Gu Xun'er back to the ancient clan, it would only happen in an instant.

"By the way, hubby, what level would my current strength be in your world?!" Gu Xun'er looked at Ye Lang and said.

Hearing this, Ye Lang glanced at his personal information panel and said with a smile: "Xun'er's wife, your current strength belongs to the fifth level of the universe level in our world."

"The fifth level of the universe?!" Gu Xun'er smiled: "That seems very powerful."

"Well, that's good." Ye Lang smiled. It was very good to be able to achieve this breakthrough speed in such a short period of time.

Afterwards, Gu Xun'er returned to the ancient clan.

After Gu Xun'er returned to the ancient clan, Ye Lang came to the Nalan family.

Now people in the Nalan family also know about the relationship between Ye Lang and Nalan Yanran.

They didn't have any opinion on this at all.

Of course, they didn't dare to have any opinions.

"Husband, I'm going back to Yunlan Sect too." Nalan Yanran looked at Ye Lang and said, and she gave Ye Lang a sweet kiss.

"You want to go back to Yunlan Sect too?" Ye Lang smiled.

"Well, yes, why, is sister Xun'er going back too?!" Nalan Yanran asked.

"Yes, she has already set off." Ye Lang nodded.

"Okay." Nalan Yan nodded and looked at Ye Lang with a smile.

"Husband, my master is the master of Yunlan Sect, and he is also a great beauty!"

Hearing this, Ye Lang's eyes flashed: "What, do you want to introduce it to me?!"

Yun Yun is a beauty.

"Of course!" Nalan smiled sweetly: "Hubby, don't you want to be a master and a disciple!?"

Ye Lang stayed in Wutan City.

Mittel Auctions.

It is the largest auction venue in Wutan City. At the same time, the Mittel Auction House also belongs to the richest family in the Jiama Empire - the Mittel Family!

The Miter family has a long history and has been in the Gama Empire for hundreds of years.

In the Jia Ma Empire, the Miter family, the Nalan family, and the Intel family are known as the three giant families!

Looking at the Miter Auction House in front of him, Ye Lang smiled slightly and then walked directly towards the door.

There are guards guarding the gate of Miter Auction House.

They looked at Ye Lang, who had a distinguished temperament and looked like a rich man. The guards looked at each other and understood without asking anything, and just let Ye Lang walk in.

As soon as Ye Lang entered the auction house hall, he heard a commotion in the corner of the auction house hall.

Ye looked up.

I saw a beautiful figure walking out of the internal passage of the auction house.

The visitor had dark red hair tied back, delicate facial features, curved eyebrows, fair skin, and a faint smile on his bright red lips.

This face is charming.

This smile made many people present gasp in admiration.

Ye Lang's eyes moved downward.

I saw the other party wearing a long black dress with gold trim, which outlined her proud career line, a pair of long legs wearing black stockings, and a pair of red high heels.

The other party walked into the auction hall with his slender waist, and the red high heels made a crisp sound on the floor. Wherever the other party passed by, people in the hall greeted her warmly, but the other party just nodded and smiled, dealing with everything gracefully and calmly.

Her beautiful eyes swept across the hall, and every person she saw could not help but feel her throat rolling, and there was a fiery light surging deep in her eyes.

“It’s really excellent!”

Ye Lang's eyes fell on the other party and the corners of his mouth raised.

This is the purpose of his coming to Mitel Auction House today - Yafei!

The next moment, a small pink peach heart slowly condensed in Ye Lang's hand.

Lovesickness curse!

"call out--"

The next moment, the Lovesickness Spell quietly disappeared into the other person's eyebrows.

Just at this moment.

Ya Fei was stunned for a moment, and then a look of joy flashed through her seductive, charming peach blossom eyes. Her gaze rested on a young man with extraordinary temperament wearing a silver military robe in the corner of the hall.

Yafei was the focus of the entire Miter Auction House hall at this time. Her every move was watched by everyone, and everyone's eyes immediately followed Yafei's gaze.

A young man with a handsome face and extraordinary temperament came into view.

who is he? !

Why can Yafei show that look? !

"Da da da--"

The next moment, a series of rapid high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor, making a crisp sound.

Under the gaze of many figures at the Miter Auction House, Yafei jumped directly into the young man's arms.

In an instant, the entire Miter Auction House fell into an eerie silence.

"Come on, this is not the place to talk."

Yafei looked at Ye Lang with joy, and pulled Ye Lang out of the hall and into her exclusive box in the auction house.

After Ye Lang and Ya Fei left the hall.

The entire hall exploded in an instant.

"He, who is he?!"

Everyone showed a strong look of envy. Isn’t Miss Yafei single? !

What happened just now? !

The people at Miter Auction House were also confused.

In Ya Fei’s exclusive box.

Ye Lang and Yafei had already met each other frankly at this time and began to focus on the top of the canyon.

Time passed quickly.

In the evening, the sky is filled with sunset.

Yafei held Ye Lang's hand affectionately, and the two walked out of Miter Auction House.

At this time, people were already surrounding the Miter Auction House.

Ya Fei's charm is naturally not small, so what Ya Fei and Ye Lang did in the hall a few hours ago spread throughout Wutan City in a short time.

Among the people who came, there were many people from the three major families, and they all looked at Ye Lang jealously.

Who is this person? !

But some people recognized Ye Lang. They were all from the Xiao family and the Nalan family.

But at this time they were silent.

The Miter family members still wanted to say something, especially the older ones who looked at them and walked towards Ye Lang and Yafei with gloomy expressions, but the next moment.

Ye Lang directly hugged Yafei's slender waist, jumped into the air, and disappeared.


For a moment, everyone on the scene was in shock.

"Dou,,, Douzong strong man!!"

Someone in the crowd made a horrified sound. When the sound fell, the entire scene fell into silence again.

(End of this chapter)

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