I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1000 : Chapter 496 Wen Chou Slash

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Wen Chou was also aroused fiercely, and roared fiercely, ignoring Dong Cheng's knife, his arm became more courageous, and the spear stabbed Dong Cheng at a faster speed.


The two sides were recruited almost at the same time, but Dong Cheng disguised himself halfway, so it was inevitable that he would be limp.Only a long and narrow wound was left on Wen Chou's armor. Because of the protection of the armor, the wound was not deep, but blood was slowly oozing out. [

But Dong Cheng was hit by Wen Chou's blow head-on. Although he was protected by armor, Dong Cheng had also put on a heart shield in advance.However, this shot still caused Dong Cheng's heart to suffer a violent impact. At that moment, his heart stopped beating, and Dong Cheng even flew backwards.

Fighting on the battlefield, this wound is simply a child's disease for Wen Chou.When Dong Cheng flew backwards, Wen Chou swung his spear in his hand and immediately chased him down.

If Dong Cheng was alone at this moment, Dong Cheng would be dead.But fortunately, Zhang Liao was by his side at this moment.Moreover, Zhang Liao also consciously approached Wen Chou quietly.

At this moment, Zhang Liao launched a surprise attack.

The sound of horse hooves, which was originally extremely slow, suddenly became louder.

"Huh?" The sudden loud sound of hoofbeats attracted Wen Chou's attention.But when he turned his head, he saw Zhang Liao flying towards him.

Battle generals, once distracted, will bring death.Wen Chou and Dong Cheng fought just now, and they put all their heart and soul into the fight.Unaware of Zhang Liao's approach.

Now seeing Zhang Liao suddenly, Wen Chou was taken aback.However, he didn't take it seriously.This is Zhang Liao?Or Zhang Xiu?Anyway, I haven't seen it.

Wen Chou stabbed casually. Although this spear was stabbed casually, the speed was still as fast as lightning.Wen Chou's shot did not intend to kill Zhang Liao, he intended to force Zhang Liao to retreat, and then pursue and kill Dong Cheng.

But then, he paid the price for underestimating Zhang Liao.

"Kill." Zhang Liao seemed to have anticipated the shot and dodged it ahead of time. With a loud roar, he raised his body and slashed out the knife in his hand.

This knife is not only fast enough, but also the angle is extremely tricky.It rushed towards the wound Dong Cheng left on Wen Chou's armor just now.


Under Wen Chou's unbelievable and horrified eyes, Zhang Liao's knife just hit the wound on Wen Chou's armor, directly hitting Wen Chou's chest.

The long knife pierced and pulled out.

A burst of warm blood gushed out.

Wen Chou, a famous general in Hebei, was beheaded on the spot by Dong Cheng and Zhang Liao in a wheel-to-wheel battle.

But Zhang Liao was not very excited, because he knew that this lore was all because of Dong Cheng's life in exchange for the wound on Wen Chou's armor.

Otherwise, if he did it alone, it would only seriously injure Wen Chou.If you can casually kill a general wearing high-quality armor, then the armor is useless. [

And just now Zhang Liao saw Dong Chengfei go out with his own eyes.

"General Cheqi. Protect General Cheqi." Zhang Liao yelled.

Following Zhang Liao's loud roar, countless soldiers from his own side attacked Wen Chou's army more violently, completely incorporating Dong Cheng's body into their own camp.

Countless soldiers were defeated by Dong Cheng and Zhang Liao's bravery, beheading Hebei general Wen Chou's war records, and their morale was high.He was also inexplicably sad and indignant because Dong Chengfei went out and his life and death were unknown.


A more ferocious arrogance erupted from the soldiers, and the soldiers let out a roar, becoming more ferocious.

On the contrary, Wen Chou's army collapsed on the spot with Wen Chou's death.

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