I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1001 : Chapter 497 Promoted to a confidant general

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Chapter 490 VII Promoted to Confidant General

"General Wen is dead, General Wen is dead. (⊙﹏⊙⊙﹏⊙)"

Wen Chou's army was in chaos, and countless soldiers who saw Wen Chou's killing screamed wildly and went crazy.This madness spread out quickly, even if there were generals who wanted to control the situation, they couldn't.

Wen Chou, one of the two heroes in Hebei, his bravery and skill in fighting made the soldiers admire him very much, and also made the combat effectiveness of the entire army soar. [

But Wen Chou's death was also a huge blow.

If Yan Liang was there, or a strong lieutenant, such as Zhang Jai, Gao Lan, etc., maybe the lieutenant would be able to control the situation by stepping up, but Yan Liang was not there, and there was no strong lieutenant.Yuan Shao confidently gave Wen Chou [-] troops to attack Baima, but he did not have a strong lieutenant general.

Therefore, the [-] army collapsed on the spot.

On the contrary, the morale of Zhang Liao and Dong Cheng's army was high and sad, their combat power soared, and the killing was very fast, and they had an absolute upper hand all of a sudden.

Some generals of Wen Chou's army, seeing that the situation was not good, began to withdraw soldiers and horses from their own battalion, planning to withdraw.

At the head of the White Horse City, Guo Jia saw it clearly, and was overjoyed.The siege of the white horse was so simple to solve. Dong Cheng took the coffin out to fight, he was really domineering.

Of course, Guo Jia, seeing the changes in the situation, would naturally not let the generals in Wen Chou's army escape.

"Lead the troops out of the city and try to intercept and kill Wen Chou's army." Guo Jia ordered Deng Chen, the white horse guard.

"Promise." Deng Chen promised, and immediately walked down the city wall, leading thousands of elite soldiers to kill.

Soon after, he reached the battlefield.With the addition of these thousands of elite soldiers, Wen Chou and Dong Cheng's army killed more quickly and freely.

After intercepting and killing, countless Wen Chou troops were captured. In the end, only a few remnants of Wen Chou's army were defeated and fled to the north.

After defeating Wen Chou's army, Zhang Liao did not gather his soldiers immediately, but went to the place where Dong Cheng fell not long ago.

At this moment, countless Dong Cheng's soldiers surrounded Dong Cheng.Dong Cheng, who fell on the ground, was as pale as paper, and a large piece of the armor on his chest was dented, which was shocking.

It also showed how powerful Wen Chou's shot was.

Although Dong Cheng looked half-dead, luckily his eyes were still open, turning slightly.

Zhang Liao breathed a sigh of relief.Dong Cheng's performance has completely conquered Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao believes that after this battle, Cao Cao's trust in Dong Cheng will increase tremendously, and Cao Jun will also gain a brave and skilled general because of this.

If this general is lost here, it will be a huge irreparable loss for Cao Jun.

However, even so, Dong Cheng's appearance is still very scary, with more air and less air.Zhang Liao immediately shouted: "Come on, get the doctor."

At this time, I don't know the condition of Dong Cheng's injury, and it is difficult to move Dong Cheng's body, so I had to go to find a doctor. [

"No." A soldier promised, and immediately went to find a doctor.

Immediately, Zhang Liao came to Dong Cheng's side, and asked with concern: "How does General Che Qi feel?"

"Fortunately, I probably won't die." Dong Cheng forced a smile and said.

However, his heart really suffered a huge blow. When he said these words, the pain was almost unbearable.You must know that Dong Cheng is a fierce fighter on the battlefield, he has suffered countless traumas in half his life, but this time the pain is still unbearable for him.It can be seen how serious the situation is.

Although it was extremely painful, Dong Cheng's heart was full of joy.Because he succeeded, he could gain Cao Cao's trust, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's plan took the first step.

Zhang Liao could see Dong Cheng's pain, so he stopped asking questions.

"Get out of the way, make room for the chariot general to breathe well." Zhang Liao stood up and shouted at the soldiers around him.

The soldiers stepped aside silently.

A space was vacated, and Dong Cheng's breathing seemed to be a little easier.

Zhang Liao stayed here silently, sitting next to Dong Cheng.Soon after, Guo Jia came with the doctor.

After checking Dong Cheng's injuries, the doctor raised his head and said, "It's nothing serious, but you need to rest, otherwise there will be some sequelae."

"Come here, take the chariot and ride the general to the city to rest." Guo Jia immediately ordered.

"Promise." The soldiers promised, and carefully carried Dong Cheng to the city.

"This battle was really unexpected. I have to go back and write official documents for Duke Ming. I will leave this to Wenyuan," Guo Jia said.

"En." Zhang Liao nodded in response.


Dong Cheng went out with the coffin, and then beheaded Wen Chou with his life, paving the way for Zhang Liao's beheading of Wen Chou, and finally defeated Wen Chou's [-] army.

Solved the siege of the white horse.

As soon as the news came back, the entire Cao Ying was dumbfounded.

Why did Dong Cheng use his life so hard?His status is already high enough to reach General Chariot and Cavalry, only a little lower than San Gong's status.

And Dong Cheng was not too difficult or suspicious by Cao Cao.As long as you keep yourself safe, you can maintain your current situation and status.

Dong Cheng has no reason to be so desperate. [

Everyone in Cao Ying was puzzled, but one thing was certain, that is, the suspicion of Dong Cheng was all turned into dust at this moment.

became a joke.

Dong Cheng beheaded Wen Chou and became an enemy of Yuan Shao, which meant that Dong Cheng had no intention of colluding with Yuan Shao, and it also completely proved that he was no longer loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Dong Cheng can be trusted.

What this news brings is that Dong Cheng has won the unanimous trust of Cao Jun.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao held the official document delivered by Guo Jia in his hand, with some surprise on his face.Although Dong Cheng went out with the coffin, he expressed his determination.But Cao Cao was still surprised that Dong Cheng would behave like this.

But Cao Cao, like everyone in the army, completely trusted Dong Cheng.Under the current situation, only Yuan Shao can defeat him.

In other words, Yuan Shao is the one who can give the Han Dynasty the hope of a mirror-like flower and a moon in the water.Killing Wen Chou was Dong Cheng's nomination certificate.

Cao Cao really has no reason to doubt Dong Cheng anymore.

Apart from Dong Cheng's surprising performance, Wen Chou was beheaded and Yuan Shao's [-] troops were wiped out during the siege of the white horse.

It is also something that Cao Cao is happy about.

"It's really a surprise." Cao Cao showed joy on his face, and threw Guo Jia's official document aside, and then began to write the form.

Cao Cao wanted to present himself as the Son of Heaven and conferred the title of Dong Cheng.

Of course, because Dong Cheng's status is already high enough, General Cheqi is second only to his existence.Therefore, Cao Cao's request for enfeoffment was mainly based on enfeoffing Liehou.

At this moment, Dong Cheng was successfully promoted to Cao Cao's confidant general.

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