I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1432 : Chapter 719 The First of Its Kind

Chapter 710 The ninth chapter is the first of its kind

As time passed, there were more and more scholars on the streets of Xudu.Passionate picture feast
Many public places in the streets and alleys have also become places occupied by scholars.Scholars entrenched, communicated with each other, and spoke freely.Some people's fame naturally increased gradually.

There are two names, like rising stars, that have attracted the attention of many people.

One of them is Zhuge Liang from Langye who lives in Jingzhou, and the other is Xu Shu from Yingchuan who lives in Jingzhou. [

The fame of these two people was purely accidental, because Zhuge Liang was known as Wolong, which made many people quite unhappy, and they debated with Zhuge Liang to prove their talents.

This led to the rise of Zhuge Liang's reputation, while Xu Shu was a little more inconspicuous, but he was also pedantic about heaven and man, and he couldn't hide it.

It is also famous.

On this day, there were more than ten scholars occupying a restaurant.

There is no distinction between primary and secondary, everyone is listed on both sides, each has its own case, and there is wine and food on the case.Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu are impressively on the list.

"It is said that today's kings and generals are so prominent in the examinations that they are selected as officials, which greatly offends the aristocratic families and makes them laugh. But I think that everyone in the world is drunk, but the general is sober. The old saying Well, don’t ask where the heroes came from. In the early Han Dynasty, Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Chen Ping were only from slightly cold backgrounds, but they helped Emperor Gaozu defeat Xiang Yu and became a powerful early Han. It can be seen that the talents in this world are not Most of them come from aristocratic families, but instead hide in the countryside. There are as many talented people from humble backgrounds as there are stars. It is really a precedent for a general to take an exam and select a soldier to be an official, and the world will definitely prosper."

Some scholars drank a little wine, and their mood was agitated. Because of Liu Feng's examination, he was selected as a scholar, and the people of the world laughed and complained.

"That's right, those aristocratic families don't know the long-term plans of the king and the general."

Some scholars applauded.

"What does Yuan Zhi think?" Zhuge Liang sat down with a smile and asked Xu Shu beside him.

"It is not only the first of its kind to hold examinations to select officers as officials. It will surely increase the number of scholars in the world, and in the future there will be an endless supply of talents, like a river."

Xu Shu said with a smile.

During this period of time, not only did the two become famous, but they also gained a lot of knowledge.He also knows the mood of poor scholars well.

Take the examination and take the officer.

The humble scholars all over the world are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood. Everyone's eyes are red. Even if they fail this time, they must study hard next time, hoping to pass the high school.

Even if you can't do it yourself, you will pass this spirit on to the next generation.That's why Xu Shu said that the rivers are surging and talents are endless.

Although this new system of filial piety and honesty made the Han Dynasty lose the hearts of the rich, it gained more.

"It's so full of vitality, I'm really looking forward to entering the court." Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, showing yearning, and said.

"To each other." Xu Shu nodded. [

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank together.

This is just a microcosm of the wine shops in Xudu. Countless Xiaolian who took the exam or scholars who came to watch the exhibition gathered in Xudu, speaking freely and praising Liu Fengzhi's wisdom.

As time went by, this enthusiasm grew even higher.

Finally, it was time for the exam.

The occasions are listed in the side hall of the daily early dynasty. The emperor Liu Xie and the king's general Liu Feng personally sit in the town. From the more than ten states and counties currently controlled by the Han Dynasty, and more than a hundred filial piety, one-third of the candidates are selected. This supplements the number of officials in the DPRK, or enters the place below.

On this day, the sky is still bright.

However, there were countless Xiaolian and humble scholars who watched the battle arrived at the gate of the palace, waiting for the gate to open.

However, the scene was a little calmer. The humble scholars of this era are not like the scholars of later generations. No noise for no reason.

And the precedent that Liu Feng started to use examinations to select officers and officers also kicked off in this calm.

"Scholars retreat, Xiaolian enters."

Soon after, the palace gate was opened.Two teams of soldiers rushed out from the palace, and a man who looked like a civil servant appeared.

Everyone Xiaolian was shocked, took out the certificate he had obtained from the sheriff, stepped forward to verify it, and walked in methodically.

Soon, the Xiaolians all entered.All that was left were ordinary scholars watching the battle, and the palace gate was closed again.

In the side hall, the emperor Liu Xie and Liu Feng arrived early.

The entire side hall has also been re-arranged, and more than a hundred places have been placed.There is a number on each seat, Xiao Lian sits by number.

Both Liu Xie and Liu Feng were a little excited. Liu Xie was purely excited. For Liu Xie, this was an attempt to break the monopoly of officials from aristocratic families.

For Liu Feng, this is a precedent.

Only Liu Feng knew that there was actually no difference between him and the imperial examination.The only difference is that the world now has a small population and few scholars.

The scale of this new filial piety system is not large.

But Liu Feng also has the confidence to develop the population and the number of scholars.Sooner or later, his new system of filial piety and honesty will become the imperial examination for future generations.

This was hundreds of years earlier than Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty opened the imperial examination.This is hundreds of years early, and it may be able to create a brand new Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, General, Xiaolian is already waiting outside."

At this moment, Chen Guang, the Tenth Attendant, came in and saluted.

"Xuan." Liu Xie raised his hand.

"Promise." Chen Guang promised, and went down to summon.Not long after, more than a hundred scholars came in.

"Meet Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Great General."

Afterwards, Qiqi saluted.

"Excuse me." Liu Xie raised his hand and said.Immediately, he said again: "Today is an eternal grand event, you wait to make a good use of it. If you win, I will never be stingy with officials."


Liu Xie's words shook the hearts of these Xiaolians, and they all agreed.Immediately, they each sat down with numbers.

After Xiaolian and the others sat down, Liu Xie glanced at Liu Feng. Liu Feng understood, and said to Xiaolian and the others: "Today's exam is about military or political affairs. You can choose one, and you can speak freely about the current situation in the world. , don’t be rigid.”

Of course, Liu Feng considered the topic of the first exam to become a scholar.Nothing is more suitable than the current situation.

After all, the world is in chaos, and what the Han Dynasty needs is unification.The talents who are appointed are either those who have a few brushes in the military, or those who have some insight in governing the country.

It can be said that there is nothing more suitable than this army and government.

The Xiaolians were not too surprised when they heard the words, and started to write with a pen.

Soon, on countless pieces of Caihou paper, handwriting appeared one by one, like flying dragons and phoenixes.

There may be geniuses here.

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