I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1433 : Chapter 720 Win over talents from all over the world

Chapter 720 Winning over talents from all over the world

Those who can become Xiaolian and reach this side hall.
After many people picked up their pens, their momentum was like a rainbow, and they were as fast as lightning.

In just two hours, Liu Feng saw someone put down his pen, so it was probably finished.

"If you finish, you can raise your hand, go down and rest, and wait for the exam to end." Liu Feng said appropriately. [

Sure enough, Liu Feng saw the man raise his hand.

This person looks good and has some momentum.Liu Feng quietly wrote it down, and then nodded to Chen Guang. Chen Guang understood and took him out.

Immediately, some people began to finish writing one after another, raised their hands and left.

After five hours, everything was finished.Five o'clock, already from morning to afternoon, almost evening.

Liu Xie and his son have always accompanied Xiaolian and the others.

Until now, the side hall is empty, Xiaolian has left.

"Let all Xiaolian leave, and tell them that the results will be announced in three days." Liu Feng ordered to Chen Guang.


Chen Guang made a promise, turned around and sent the order.

After a while, Liu Feng nodded to Liu Xie, and went down to sort out the test papers himself.Then he and Liu Xie came to a small hall to review the test papers in person.

Liu Xie has outstanding talents, has read thousands of books, and has a lot of ink.Liu Feng was different. He was young, and he didn't study much in his early years, and he didn't have much ink.

But Liu Feng is well aware of the situation in the world, and there are few people in the world who can match him.

The cooperation between father and son took three days and staying up all night to sort out 38 qualified test papers.

This morning, it was still in the small hall.

After the father and son listed 38 qualified test papers, they looked at each other and smiled.

Although at this moment the father and son were both pale, with dark eye circles, not only lack of sleep, but also overworked, but both of them were extremely excited.

Judging from the test papers, the owners of these 38 qualified test papers are all talented and learned.The worst thing is to have the ability to be the head of a county, or the head of the army.

Liu Feng was a little more excited, because not only Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu were on the list as expected, but the two were also at the top of the civil and military examination this time.

Zhuge Liang was talking about politics, while Xu Shu was talking about the military. The two talked about the situation freely, and they were very insightful. Some of them even praised Liu Feng. [

In addition, Liu Feng also discovered a remarkable person.

Liu Ba from Jiangxia.

This time Xiaolian's selection was entirely a matter of the county, and Liu Feng hadn't paid attention to it.Therefore, the exact list is not known.

Therefore, Liu Ba's existence was not known beforehand.

And this Liu Ba was the one who Liu Feng remembered and was the first to hand in the paper.Not only is Liu Ba's test paper well written, but also because Liu Ba is a well-known figure.

In the history of the Shu Kingdom, Liu Ba was the second Shang Shuling after Fazheng.

There is no need to explain more about the Shangshuling, first Xun Yu, then Jiang Wan, this Shangshuling not only has an important position, but also has great power. It is responsible for the operation of the entire imperial court. Shangshutai.

This person can be said to be very talented.

But getting Liu Ba was not the reason for Liu Feng's excitement.The reason for Liu Feng's excitement was not discovered by Liu Ba himself, but just by pointing at the imperial edict, Liu Ba himself sent it to his door.

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