I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1484 : Chapter 745 Immediate success

Liu Feng nodded solemnly and said.

"Besides, the surrounding princes have blocked the Han Dynasty. If it is an ordinary method, it is difficult for war horses to flow into the Han Dynasty. Today, it is only a one-time opportunity to get [-] war horses. In the long run, the Han Dynasty has made a profit. "

After a while, Liu Feng smiled again and said.

"Yes, I got [-] horses and increased the cavalry of the second battalion. No matter what I say, I made a profit." Liu Xie nodded sympathetically.

For this son, Liu Xie has a natural sense of trust, and Liu Xie is also partial to what Liu Feng said. [

"That's right. What is the reason why you came to see me, emperor?" After the two discussed Yuan Shao's question, Liu Xie remembered that it was Liu Feng who came to see him, so he couldn't help asking.

"My son intends to discuss with the emperor about the rewards that Dong Cheng, the chariot general, should have." Liu Feng put away the smile on his face and said solemnly.

"It is indeed time to be promoted." Liu Xie also nodded when he heard the words.

The last time Liu Feng entered Xu, Dong Cheng had made great contributions, but because he was already a chariot general, he was second only to the existence of the general.

Therefore, Liu Xie did not promote Dong Cheng's position, but only increased Dong Cheng's fiefdom.But this time, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Liu Xie also knew this truth.

"How do you think the emperor will reward you?" After a pause, Liu Xie asked.

"This time, it's time to reward the general and tell the world that Dong Cheng endured the humiliation and was loyal to the Han Dynasty until today, so as to unite the loyalty of the people in the world to the Han Dynasty." Liu Feng replied, and then, He hesitated and said, "It's just that this general has a rank of three, five or nine. With Dong Cheng's meritorious service, it is enough to reward the highest rank of the general, Jianwei. But I am afraid that there will be no rewards in the future."

"Well, this is a reason. Dong Cheng is still good at fighting, and there is still a long way to go in the future. He must always stay on the front line in everything. Then reward the general of the hussars and order him to open a mansion to show his respect. If Dong Cheng makes another Merit, can be further rewarded as General Jianwei."

Liu Xie thought about it after listening, then nodded and agreed.

"In this case, I also ask the father to issue an edict, ordering people to make seals and official uniforms. And draw up rewards for the remaining generals who will follow Dong Cheng to send troops to the north."

One matter has been resolved, Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, please order.

"Leave this matter to me." Liu Xie nodded.

After discussing the rewards that Dong Cheng should have, the next step is to wait.

Because Qingzhou was at stake, Hebei's efficiency was very fast. Not long after Tian Fan returned, the Zhen family first went south, and about three days later, [-] war horses entered Xudu.

Because Liu Feng first ordered the eunuch Chen Li to build the racecourse, as well as the guards and caregivers.The influx of twelve thousand horses did not cause much trouble.

On the contrary, Xudu City was full of joy and encouragement.

It is difficult for the princes to block the war horses, but now they have obtained [-] war horses out of thin air, which is cool.

After obtaining [-] war horses, Liu Feng also wrote the official document as promised and sent people to go to Hebei quickly.Order Dong Cheng to return. [

At the same time, they also began to prepare for the relevant etiquette of welcoming Dong Cheng into Xu.

The Han Dynasty can be rejuvenated, who is the biggest siege?Of course it was Liu Feng, that's why Liu Feng became the first crown prince in the Han Dynasty who could hold military power.

The title is King and General.

Who is next?If Xun Yu's existence was indispensable in the past, he would be on par with Dong Cheng.But after the First World War in Hebei, Dong Cheng made great contributions.

In terms of achievements, he really surpassed Xun Yu.

This is the general's advantage, and Xun Yu can only sigh.

As such a great hero, not only the reward is important, but also the related etiquette, the dignity given by the Liu family must also be great.

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