I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1485 : Chapter 746 Banquet of officials

Chapter 740

Xu all.

Now it is considered a time of war. In the past, the city gate of Xu Capital was closed early.But today, it was getting late, but the north gate of the city was still open.

Not only is the city gate open, but there are also a large number of supporters, musicians, and guards listed.

The king's general Liu Feng stood in front of the city gate, looking forward to it, and the scene was very spectacular. [

Soon after, the ground began to shake.

Excitement flashed across Liu Feng's face, and he ordered: "Play music."


The courtesy officer made a promise, and immediately went down to deliver the order.After a while, melodious music sounded. This is very special music to welcome the general who went out to fight and returned in triumph.

Soon after, a cavalry appeared on the horizon.

A handsome flag with the word "Dong" flutters in the wind.Those who came were the Han cavalry led by Yan Liang and Dong Cheng who ran rampant in Hebei and killed them.

The cavalry looked up at the direction of Xudu, listening to the triumphant music wafting in their ears.His expression became agitated, it was one thing to be loyal and brave while fighting outside.

After making meritorious deeds and returning, the honor bestowed by the court is another matter.

Who doesn't want to return home in full glory and triumphantly?

At this moment, the cavalry were enjoying the music wafting from the direction of Xudu.As with the cavalry, so it is with the generals.

Even Dong Cheng is no exception.

However, as the cavalry approached.When Dong Cheng saw the battle in front of the city gate, he was also taken aback.The scale of this reception has already surpassed his official position, that of a chariot general.

This is clearly the reliance, etiquette, set up for the triumphant return of the great general of the court.

In addition, one of them surprised Dong Cheng even more.

"Stop." Dong Cheng stretched out his right hand and called out the word stop.After a while, he said to Zhou Chong and other generals on the left and right: "Follow me to see the general."

"Promise." Zhou Chong and other generals also saw Liu Feng, and solemnly agreed.And following Dong Cheng, he rode his horse forward and came to the front of Liu Feng.

There were still thirty steps away, but Dong Cheng led Zhou Chong and others got off their horses, walked up to Liu Feng, bowed down and said: "General Lao is here to greet you personally, the old minister is terrified."

"The general is terrified." Zhou Chong and others also bowed down.

"The old general and all the generals fought bloody battles outside, and sat alone in the city to enjoy the honor of the crown prince. Now that the old general returned triumphantly, he just walked a few more steps and came to the north of the city to meet him. The old general and all the generals do not need to panic " Liu Feng laughed when he heard the words, stepped forward to support Dong Cheng, and said. [

Although Liu Feng's words were very generous.But Dong Cheng still didn't dare to take a step beyond Lei Chi, and was very respectful.

The rest of the generals also stood up, and they were all very respectful.

Dong Cheng trained well. Although everyone was rebellious outside, they were also respectful and polite inside.

Liu Feng glanced at these generals and was satisfied.Some of these generals may have been promoted to take charge of the newly emerged Second Battalion of Cavalry.

If it is rebellious, it will be difficult.

Not long after, Liu Feng put away his thoughts, and said to Dong Cheng with a smile: "Let's not talk about the past, the emperor has issued an edict."

Dong Cheng and Zhou Chong looked at each other, took a step back without hesitation, knelt down on one knee, and accepted the order.

"General Dong Cheng, strong and fierce, led his troops to fight the Yuan family, and shocked the enemy country. He was specially promoted as a general of hussars, and opened his mansion. General Zhou Chong, brave and commendable, was specially promoted as a general of gangsters. Jules Marquis....>

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