I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1486 : Chapter 746 Banquet of officials

Liu Feng took the imperial edict and read it out. From Dong Cheng to the generals below, not a single one was missing, and all of them were rewarded according to their positions.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After the edict was read out, Dong Cheng led the generals to thank him.

After all, Dong Cheng is older, and he is more respectful of honor and disgrace than young people.After thanking him, although his expression was excited, he did not lose his composure.

Zhou Chong and other generals were different, all of them were extremely excited. [

Fighting on the battlefield, risking death and bathing in blood.Just for today.

Seeing this, Liu Feng nodded secretly in his heart. Rewards and punishments are clearly defined, which is indeed the way to be imperial.

"Father has already summoned all civil and military officials to hold a banquet in the city. Please, generals." Liu Feng took a deep breath and said.

"Thank you General."

Dong Cheng and others thank you again.

Then, relying on opening the way, Liu Feng led Dong Cheng and his party into Xudu.And soon came to the North Palace Gate of the palace.

Here, the emperor Liu Xie led all the civil and military officials to welcome him here.

"My hussar general is back." Liu Xie said with a smile.

At that moment, Dong Cheng, who thought he had overlooked the honor and disgrace, couldn't help but burst into tears.The prince greeted him outside the city, and the emperor led all the officials to greet him outside the palace gate.

What an honor.

Dong Cheng was like this, not to mention the rest of the generals, all of them had flushed cheeks and couldn't control themselves.

Behind Liu Xie, Sikong Fuwan, Situ Xunyu, Shang Shuling Jiang Wan and other officials, civil and military officials all smiled and looked at Dong Cheng understandingly.

It is the highest honor for the general to return in triumph.

Dong Cheng wept, not losing his composure.

"Let's go, let's have dinner together." Liu Xie said with a slight smile, then turned his head and left.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dong Cheng and others hurriedly thanked him.

Immediately, under the leadership of Liu Xie and Liu Feng, all civil and military officials followed and entered the palace for dinner.

On this day, there was a grand banquet for the officials in the palace, and the ceremony and music were played until midnight.

Enter the title of Hushi General and enjoy the glory of opening the mansion.This day is Dong Cheng's glory, and it is also a big day for the Han Dynasty to further consolidate its current prestige. [

After defeating Yuan Shao, he officially entered the ranks of the second power in the world.From then on, it was only Cao Cao who had the ability to directly threaten the survival of the Han Dynasty.


In this war that swept the princes of the three routes in the north, the Han Dynasty enjoyed the joy of victory in advance, rewarding Dong Cheng, giving a banquet in the palace, and sitting with the officials.

It can be said to be an extreme scenery.

As an early loser, Yuan Shao's life was even more difficult.

Although Yuan Shao lowered his stance, he sent Tian Fan into Xudu to ask Liu Feng to retreat.He succeeded, but he was rewarded as the General of Zhenbei, which gave the world a feeling of capriciousness.

The prestige plummeted, and Yan Liang's death in battle made people in Hebei panic.

As a result, the morale of the army was low, and Yuan Shao had to lead his troops to withdraw from Qingzhou after guarding Linzi for two months.There were 15 troops when they came, and Yuan Tan's army was rounded up when they returned, reaching 18.

But Qingzhou was lost, and [-] war horses were lost.

The price, Yuan Shao paid a huge price for his arrogance and arrogance.

With Yuan Shao's refusal, Cao Cao then occupied Qingzhou, and his reputation was restored.Similarly, the war in the north began to stop completely, and the princes of all walks of life began to recharge their batteries.

Or lick the wound, or digest the fruits of victory in the war.

Soon after, before and after the Northern War, it began to spread throughout the world.

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