I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1621 : Chapter 815 First Appearance

This army was formed very early in fact. It was built a month before Wu Xiaolian's selection began. It has been 20 days since Wei Yan took over this army, which is about two months.

For a pawn, it is already very good.But to reach the level of elite soldiers, it will take four or five months, and then a few fights.

Liu Feng just kept watching, with relish.He can be regarded as an immediate general, he has a kind of love for the army, and Liu Feng will never get bored with anything about the army.

At the same time, Wei Yan on the general stage also spotted Liu Feng and his party, but he didn't come up to greet them immediately because he knew that Liu Feng didn't like it, so he put down his training and went to greet them.

After half an hour, the soldiers all showed fatigue, and their movements began to deform.Wei Yan also knew that it was almost done, so he ordered: "Ming Jin." [

"Promise." A soldier promised, and not long after, there was a sound of gold and iron.

"Ding, ding, ding." Amidst the sound of metal and iron, the soldiers under the stage stopped their movements as if relieved of a heavy burden, and began to walk out of the school field one after another, and went to rest.

At the same time, Wei Yan walked down the general platform, came to Liu Feng's side, and said to him, "I have seen the general."

"Excuse me." Liu Feng raised his hand with a smile and said.Immediately, Liu Feng looked at Wei Yan carefully again. Although he could see each other every few days, Liu Feng felt that Wei Yan's demeanor was changing day by day.Even if we haven't seen each other for a few days, we can still feel the increasingly intense prestige on Wei Yan.

This guy Wei Yan is indeed a natural talent.Feeling that Wei Yan's aura was stronger than a few days ago, Liu Feng let out an exclamation in his heart.

Sometimes, general talent is also born.This is also one of the reasons why Liu Feng promoted Wei Yan to be a general on the day when Wei Yan competed with Wu Feng and Wu Feng was no longer at a disadvantage.

"Go and send someone to inform the three generals Huo Jun, Ma Zhong, and Wang Ping to enter the tent of the Chinese army. I have to discuss with you about the deployment of the army." After a while, Liu Feng looked back and said.

"No." Wei Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, Liu Feng came here often, but it was the first time he had called the four of them together to discuss the deployment of the army.However, Wei Yan's reaction speed was also very fast, he clasped his fists in agreement, and immediately sent someone to send a message.Immediately afterwards, Wei Yan accompanied Liu Feng to the large tent of the Chinese Army.

Although Liu Feng often went in and out of Wei Yan's camp, it was the first time he had come to this large tent of the Chinese army, so he couldn't help but take a closer look, it was just like a general's layout.However, Wei Yan obviously didn't have much interest in enjoyment, and the surrounding utensils and so on seemed relatively simple.

For this, Liu Feng was satisfied. Although the general's slogan is to be named a lieutenant, it is not for enjoyment, but for making contributions and making his name last forever.It would be a bad idea to start enjoying it before making a contribution.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng left Dong Xi to wait outside, while he himself sat on the handsome seat, and Wei Yan, a legitimate general, sat beside him instead.

Immediately, the atmosphere was dull for a while, until there was a sound of footsteps, and then Huo Jun, Wang Ping, and Ma Zhong walked in.

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