I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1622 : Chapter 816 Candidates for the Battle of Guanzhong Heroes

Chapter 810 Candidates for the sixth battle against the heroes of Guanzhong

Huo Jun, Wang Ping, and Ma Zhong are not all tall warriors, only Wang Ping can do it, and the other two not only don't have the aura of warriors, but also seem to be relatively weak.

But whether a general possesses a strong aura or not has little to do with his physical appearance.Just as the aura of the general in Wei Yan became more and more profound, these three people also changed every day.

The three walked in side by side, and suddenly a momentum that cannot be underestimated came towards them.Looking at these three people, and then at Wei Yan, a satisfied smile appeared on Liu Feng's face.

"I pay homage to the general." After the three entered the tent of the Chinese army, they immediately bowed down to Liu Feng. [

"Excuse me, sit down." Liu Feng raised his hand and said.

"No." The three of them agreed and sat on both sides.

"Although I often come here, I usually hang around the four camps by myself to see how the soldiers are training. I have never summoned you together. But this time I summoned you, I just want to say that for you Gu is very satisfied with the training." Liu Feng glanced at the four of them and said with a smile.

"It's all about the great general's well-organized plan, and the last general doesn't dare to take the credit." The four of Wei Yan looked at each other and said together, raising their fists.Not self-effacing, not a horse, but sincere.In order for their army to form combat effectiveness earlier, Liu Feng mobilized many old soldiers in the army to lead the new soldiers, and it is only then that they have such a remarkable atmosphere today.

Liu Feng smiled and shook his head when he heard the words. His mobilization of the army was indeed helpful, but the key was the efforts of people like Wei Yan.

"To be polite, let's not talk about it. Anyway, I am quite satisfied with these four armies. I also want to ask you, if you are going to fight on the battlefield, do you have confidence?" After shaking his head, Liu Feng didn't talk too much about this topic. Instead of stopping, he solemnly looked up and asked.

"This." The four of Wei Yan were taken aback and looked at each other. Finally, Ma Zhong, who was most like a Confucian general, said euphemistically: "General, although the army under the account of the four of you is already quite impressive, if now It’s a bit early to go to the battlefield.”

Very pertinent, it is still early to go to the battlefield.However, Liu Feng didn't mean to tell them to die.He smiled and said, "Of course Gu knows that it's a little early to ask you to go to the battlefield, but it should be almost the same in a few months, right?"

The training of pawns can be completed in more than half a year.It has been two months now, and of course it will be possible in a few months.However, the four people present here are all very keen people, and they immediately thought of further problems.

Recently, Liu Feng has been making big moves, even Empress Fu knew that Liu Feng was going west to Luoyang, not to mention people like Wei Yan.

"Could it be that the general wants the ministers to go west and fight the princes of Guanzhong?" Wei Yan lost his voice.

"Hehe, why, does the chief think that the four of you are not good enough?" Liu Feng smiled, admitted it openly, and asked back.

Wei Yan cried out in surprise, and Liu Feng admitted it even more, and it seemed that only the four of them went up together to deal with the heroes of Guanzhong.This surprised everyone, dumbfounded.After being dull for a while, Wei Yan said with a wry smile: "General, if you let me lead a battalion of soldiers and horses to fight against the enemy's battalion of soldiers and horses in a few months, I will be very confident, but the problem now is Guanzhong. The princes have an army of 33, what if there are only four of us?"

What I said is really euphemistic. With the 33 soldiers and horses of the Guanzhong heroes, even if the [-] troops of the Han Dynasty do not need to defend, they will all be dispatched. There are [-] troops.

"Hehe, there is a good saying. Soldiers are good, not many. There is another sentence that is even better, go to the army and plan. To be honest, Gu has always despised the heroes of Guanzhong. So Gu is very confident. With you waiting The strength of four people is enough to deal with the heroes of Guanzhong. Everyone has confidence, don't you wait?" Hearing Wei Yan's euphemistic words, Liu Feng laughed again and asked back.

"Well, if the general has confidence, then the ministers will naturally be willing to be the pioneers." Liu Feng said so affirmatively, and Liu Feng has never been defeated. This kind of brilliant record is equivalent to a signboard, which made Wei Yan and others There is no way not to believe it, Wei Yan said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, that's what Gu wants. Don't worry, Gu Nai is the prince of the Han Dynasty, and he will not make fun of the Jiangshan Sheji of the Han Dynasty. Gu said that he is sure, and he has it." Liu Feng heard the words. Shout out and applaud.Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng got up and said: "I have already told you the deployment in Gu's heart, and you have confidence in it. That Gu will stay soon, and when he goes back to the court to mobilize manpower. It's not three days, it's five days, you wait According to the lonely news, we will go west together and enter Luoyang."

"No." Wei Yan and the other four are not ordinary people. Now that they are mentally prepared, they will no longer worry about gain or loss.At this moment, he had returned to normal, and he promised with a bang, sending Liu Feng off respectfully.

After being personally escorted by the four people, Liu Feng's carriage left the barracks and returned to Xudu Palace.After asking the eunuchs, and knowing that Liu Xie was reviewing the form in the side hall, Liu Feng went directly to the side hall. [

When Liu Feng entered the side hall, naturally he didn't need to make any reports and walked in directly.In the side hall, Liu Xie knelt on the throne, carefully reviewing various forms, and when he heard footsteps, he raised his head in displeasure. After seeing Liu Feng, Liu Xie let out a burst of hearty laughter. Immediately afterwards, he joked: "The emperor is a rare visitor, why do you have time to visit the father?"

But during this time, Liu Feng was too busy, and the number of times father and son met dropped sharply.

"Father, my minister is planning to go west to Luoyang. Anyway, the people's migration is almost ready, and the candidates for the army have also been decided. You can leave at any time in three or five days." Liu Xie Just kidding, but Liu Feng said it seriously.

Liu Xie immediately suppressed the smile on his face when he heard the words, and asked in a deep voice, "Which elite soldiers is the emperor planning to bring there?"

"My son, please take the four generals Wei Yan, Huo Jun, Wang Ping, and Ma Zhong with you." Liu Feng raised his fist and said.

"This is a newly built army. Its combat power is really unsatisfactory. But the heroes of Guanzhong have 33 elite soldiers. Are you joking with your father?" Liu Xie said just like Wei Yan and others Generally, jaw-dropping.No, it should be said that Liu Xie's reaction was even bigger than that of Wei Yan and others. A pair of eyes almost popped out, and he let out an exclamation.

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