I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1630 : Chapter 821 First Arrival in Luoyang

Liu Feng and Zhao Yun haven't seen each other for many days, and they really had a good chat.However, Liu Feng was just passing by after all, what he wanted to do was not to defend Hulao Pass, but to open up Luoyang and forge ahead.

Therefore, the next day Liu Feng bid farewell to Zhao Yun, went to Hulao Pass, led Wei Yan, Ma Zhong and others to continue westward and entered Sili.

In front of Hulao Pass, Zhao Yun rode his horse and stood silently watching the army leave slowly.At the same time, he also thought of the secret order issued to him by Fu Wan.Ask him to closely monitor Sili's situation in case he is ready to rescue Liu Feng at any time.

It wasn't until the army completely disappeared that Zhao Yun looked away and put away his thoughts.Secretly thought, although everyone in the world thinks that the general will be defeated, even Lord Sikong Fuwan of the current dynasty thinks so.So I asked my ministers to lead troops to meet the general at any time, but the minister thought that the general would win.

Zhao Yun was firm for a while, and after trusting Liu Feng, he rode his horse back to Hulao Pass. [

On the other side, after Liu Feng bid farewell to Zhao Yun and led his troops out of Hulao Pass, he began to lift the curtain frequently to observe the situation around him.Because, after leaving Hulao Pass, it is the boundary of Sili.It is the most glorious place in the present Han Dynasty. What he has to do is to restore this former glory.

As soon as he entered the territory of Sili, Liu Feng could frequently lift the curtain to look around, but after a while, Liu Feng lost his strength and became taciturn along the way.

Because Sili is too dilapidated, there are really no people living in thousands of miles.This is the tragic situation brought about by Dong Zhuo's chaotic man and after a long period of fighting.

This heavy heart continued to Luoyang City.When Liu Feng saw Luoyang City, he couldn't imagine it, because Luoyang was dilapidated, most of the city walls were destroyed, even the city gate tower collapsed, and weeds grew everywhere.

However, what makes Liu Feng feel better is the population of Luoyang City. After Liu Feng's large-scale migration, the population of Luoyang City has reached more than 40.After Liu Feng formally takes over Luoyang, these people will be dispersed to various places in Sili together with the Tuntian soldiers, so as to change the miserable situation of thousands of miles of uninhabited places in Sili.

With 40 people, it is naturally a bit crowded.Liu Feng ordered the army to station outside the city, and led Liu Ye, Yi Ji and Su Wei into Luoyang City.

The original huge palace in Luoyang City has been turned into ruins.Next to the ruins, there is a decent house, where Liu Feng stayed.

After entering the courtyard, Liu Feng led the crowd into the hall. The hall was simple but clean.After entering the hall, Liu Feng came to the upper seat and knelt down. Liu Ye, Yi Ji, and another middle-aged man knelt and sat on both sides.

This middle-aged man is the Luoyang order issued by the emperor. His name is Wu Shui. He is silent by nature, but he is capable of great things and is famous for his ability to govern the county.The Luoyang order is actually a role like the county magistrate.Just because Luoyang is the capital, it is called Luoyang Order.The status is also much higher than that of county magistrates all over the world.

"It's not the same thing that so many people gather in Luoyang. Wu Qing moved most of the people to various places in Sili as soon as possible, leaving 5 people enough." After everyone knelt down, Liu Feng first said to Wu Shui.

"No." Wu Shui promised.

"Now that we have arrived in Luoyang, dealing with Cao Hong in Tongguan is the most important thing, but there is no rush. What we have to do now is other things. The first is to repair the city. Whether it is the outer city wall, the gate tower, It is better to repair all the houses inside. The second is to repair the mausoleum listed as the late emperor. The third is to repair the palace. Because Gu led his troops into Xudu, the Xudu palace was destroyed and the main hall was burned. Then At that time, the courtiers all submitted forms to request to repair the palace, but after discussing with the father alone, they did not start the work. Why? Thrift is the first, and the memory of the old is the second. This time, I finally arrived at the old capital. Can’t let The people of the world underestimate the great man, so whether it is the city, the palace, or the mausoleum listed as the late emperor, it must be repaired well, and there is no fear of wasting gold and silver."

After ordering Wu Shui, Liu Feng took a deep breath, and then said the most fundamental thing about running Sili this time.

Return the capital to Luoyang and restore its glory.

"Promise." Wu Shui, Liu Ye, and Yi Ji all agreed.

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