I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1631 : Chapter 822 Sima Yi came up with a clever plan

Chapter 820 Sima Yi Comes Up With a Clever Plan

After Liu Feng entered Luoyang, he summed up a few things.The most important thing is to defeat Cao Hong and seek to win Tongguan.But there is no rush, you have to take your time.

The second is to relocate the people, and the rest is to repair the city walls, people's homes, palaces, and the mausoleum of the first emperor.

On the second day after Liu Feng arrived, Luoyang ordered Wu Shui to lead a large number of officials brought from Xudu, and began to organize hundreds of thousands of people to migrate.These people will migrate to Hongnong, Caoyang, Yiyang and other major cities in Sili near Luoyang to expand their population.

At the same time, the repair work in Luoyang also started at the same time.Among the repairs of city walls, mausoleums, mausoleums, and imperial palaces, the most important thing is actually the city walls, mausoleums, and folk houses. [

Repairing the city wall is to increase the defense, which should be the top priority.However, repairing the mausoleum is also very important.Because all goodness and filial piety are the first, when the heroes of the pack became Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian entered Luoyang first, and the first thing he did was to repair the mausoleums of the previous emperors.As a courtier, Sun Jian had to do this.As a descendant, Liu Feng wanted to do this even more.Otherwise, people in the world will point to his spine and scold him.

Therefore, Liu Feng dispatched the matter, and asked Wei Yan and other generals to lead the soldiers to repair the city wall. After the city wall was repaired, it would be Minjia.At the same time, Liu Feng dispatched Sili Xiaowei Yiji to lead [-] to [-] field soldiers to repair the mausoleum of the late emperor while farming nearby.

Under Liu Feng's command, the restoration and development of Luoyang, the most noble former capital of the Han Dynasty, and the entire Sili area radiated from it began vigorously.

On this day, cloudless and sunny.Sitting in a carriage, surrounded by the guards, Liu Feng left the house where he was temporarily staying, and walked slowly towards the north of the city.

Other work can be carried out by the generals below, but the repair of the mausoleum can only be started after Liu Feng goes to pay a memorial service in person.

Along the way, Liu Feng saw a large number of people, under the guidance of the officials, slowly moving in all directions and leaving Luoyang City.

When the carriage reached the north of the city, Liu Feng ordered the carriage to stop and stopped to watch.The four walls were assigned to Wei Yan, Ma Zhong, Wang Ping, and Huo Jun, and the northern wall was assigned to Wei Yan.

At this moment, Wei Yan, a future warrior on the battlefield, is leading the soldiers to repair the city wall with his upper body shirtless.To repair the city wall, you must first start with a solid ground. After all, the city wall stands on the ground. If the ground is not strong, the city wall will easily collapse.

"Bang bang bang."


The sound of the boulder hitting the ground and the shouts of the soldiers combined together, and there was a lot of noise all around.Coupled with the dust splashed by the boulder hitting the ground, the surrounding air quality is very poor.

Liu Feng didn't bother Wei Yan, but Momo stared at him for a while, then turned around and got into the carriage, and ordered to go north of the city.

Sooner or later, Luoyang City will return to its former glory.Inside the carriage, Liu Feng thought to himself.In the Han Dynasty, the north was respected, so the houses and palaces all faced south.

There are many emperors in the present Han Dynasty, but they have names, and there are twelve officially recognized ones, including Liu Xie.Among them, eleven emperors were buried in the north of Luoyang.

The current Han Dynasty is different from the early Han Dynasty. The national power of the early Han Dynasty was strong, so the emperor's mausoleum was very grand, and even various cities were formed near the emperor's mausoleum.

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