I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1793 : Chapter 906 Cursing the Heroes

Chapter Nine Hundred and Six

Tongguan, in the study of the General's Mansion, Liu Feng was chewing on the three words Sima Yi. These three words seemed to have magical powers, which shocked people who were familiar with the Three Kingdoms. www>

Tsukatora, all kinds of ghosts are other names for these three words. Although he has amazing talents, he is always a representative of the dark side. Facing him, he always feels shocked and cold.

However, Liu Feng is not afraid of this person now, this person is indeed very strong, but Jia Xu, Liu Ye and other wise men stand on the same line as this person.

Besides, now he has the upper hand. [

How could Sima Yi refuse to go when invited.

"Let's go." Liu Feng sat for a while, thought for a while, and said with a smile.

"No." Du Bo promised.

Not long after, Liu Feng rode his horse to the juncture under the protection of Na Dubo and dozens of old guards.At this juncture, the atmosphere among the soldiers was quite relaxed. After all, the enemy only had a hundred or so cavalry, so it seemed that they were not looking for trouble.

However, the guard Huo Jun reached the critical point one step ahead of Liu Feng. Liu Feng looked up, and at this moment Huo Jun was facing him, wearing a golden armor and an embroidered robe on his back. I also know that this person is an iron-blooded man.

"General." Hearing footsteps behind him, Huo Jun also turned his head, seeing that it was Liu Feng, he immediately turned around and saluted.

"Excuse me." Liu Feng nodded towards Huo Jun, raised his hand and said.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng came to Huo Jun's side and looked up.I saw more than a hundred horses standing under the pass, two of them were dressed as literati, and the rest were soldiers with golden helmets and armor.

His intuition told Liu Feng that it was not only Zhong Yao and Sima Yi who came to see him, he was afraid that some people would also be mixed in among the heroes.

"Gu only heard that Chang'an Sima Yi asked to see him, but he didn't know that Zhong Yao and all the generals came to see Gu. Since it is to ask for an audience, why don't you get off your horse and come to see him."

In front of the two armies, if you lose anything, you can't lose your momentum.Liu Feng pondered for a moment, then let out a long laugh and said loudly.

No matter how you listen to Liu Feng's words, you feel arrogant, but to the soldiers under his tent, they are so comfortable and refreshing.This is blatant contempt, domineering for generals.It should be more like this when you are a general.

The surrounding soldiers couldn't help but stand up proudly, like a proud rooster.

The hundreds of riders below have a different feeling, this fucking yellow-mouthed kid is really too arrogant.

Although after Liu Feng's annexation, Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi surrendered, and Yang Qiu was killed, only seven of the ten princes in Guanzhong remained, and their momentum suddenly became weaker.

But all of them have bad tempers, but they haven't changed from before.

"After Dong Zhuo's rebellion, the Han Dynasty survived in name only. Everyone in the world knows that you are a yellow-mouthed child, but don't be too arrogant. You really regard yourself as the heir of the world." One of the hundreds of horses jumped out and stared at Liu Feng. drink up.

This man has a hunchback and a tiger back, with awe-inspiring aura, he should be a fierce general.

"Report the names of those who will go to battle." Liu Feng's expression darkened, and he shouted sharply. [

"I'm playing Guan Zhongma." Lai Jiang raised his head and looked back at Liu Feng, full of arrogance.

"Gu heard that most of the heroes in Guanzhong came from Liangzhou, the borderland of Liangzhou, where Han and Yi live together, and most of them are people without fathers and kings. Before today, I didn't believe it, but seeing you, a traitor, I firmly believed it. If you are a lowly person with no king or father, a lowly person who ridicules the world without knowing it, how dare you be arrogant and awe-inspiring. If you were alone, you would be afraid of hitting the wall to death early to thank the world."

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