I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1794 : Chapter 906 Cursing the Heroes

Liu Feng sneered and shouted sharply.
When Ma Wan was in his early days, he was just full of enthusiasm, and his sharp tongue was not his forte.One inadvertent, but was scolded by Liu Feng in one breath, he was immediately furious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Who said that I have no king and no father, my father raised me, and now I am sitting in Guanzhong, dominating one side. Raising him in the city, there are countless maidservants under his command. How can you say that I disrespect my father? But today, the world is in chaos, the Han Dynasty is in ruins, and I am in a state of chaos. The dynasties come and go, we go to the old and welcome the new, and we respect the Emperor Wei, not you, the Emperor of Han." Some people stopped talking, but another person jumped out.

Liu Feng looked up and saw that this person looked more imposing than Ma Wan, with a leopard's head around his head, a hunchback and a tiger's back, and his eyes opened, as if he was about to eat people.

"Who are you?" Liu Feng raised his head and asked. [

"No talent, Liang Xing of Fuxian County." Liang Xing raised his head and tilted his head slightly to show contempt for Liu Feng.

"Cao Wei, the son of an eunuch. The Han family is also the successor of Gaozu. You go to Cao Wei and abandon the Han family. Let me ask you, do you still have a call in your crotch?"

Liu Feng's face turned cold when he heard this, and he opened his mouth to sneer.

Liang Xing was speechless immediately when he heard the words, he naturally had kindness in his crotch, but thinking about Cao Cao's ancestors, it was hard to say it out.

"Chen Sheng, Wu Guang once said that princes, generals and generals have a kindness, and the two became kings one after another. This is a hero. Although Emperor Wei came from a humble background, he is a hero. It's just a petty official, isn't it ridiculous for you to boast about it."

But immediately after, another person came out and said with a big laugh.

"Hahaha." More than a hundred cavalrymen laughed and looked happy.

Liu Feng looked up, only to see this man's sword eyebrows and star eyes, showing his majesty.Asked: "Who are you?"

"It's Hedong, Li Kanye." Li Kan said proudly.

"Gu once heard a saying, called eyes but no eyes, to describe those who can clearly see, but can't recognize the truth. Seeing today, it is true. Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, although they are heroes, they are failures. There is no dead body for a Kou. You are taking courage from these two people, you are not looking for your own death. I advise you to take off your armor and start farming as soon as possible, so that the world will not laugh at you anymore." Liu Feng said with a big laugh.

Suddenly, Li Kan choked and couldn't speak.Just like what Liu Feng said, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are not worthy of being heroes, but they are defeated thieves.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to take them as an example.

"Yellow-mouthed child, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth." Another person came out and raised his head and said.

Liu Feng turned his head to look, only to see that this person was tall and slender, his eyebrows were like long swords, and he was extremely rigid.

"Who are you?" Liu Feng asked.

"Cheng Yin." This person was more proud than the others just now, but he just raised his head and uttered two words.

"Who is Gu Dao? It turned out that Gu Zhangheng was sent away to increase the strength of Gu's first battalion by 6000 people. He then sold Cao Hong's Cheng Yin. He is greedy for profit and short-sighted. He is ashamed of your words and quickly retreats."

Liu Feng laughed loudly, with a hearty laugh and a bit of disdain.

"Hahahaha." The Guanzhong soldiers, including Huo Jun, couldn't help laughing out loud. No, if it wasn't for Cheng Yin's plan to attack Zhang Heng, how could Zhang Heng abandon the city, go to Chang'an, fight Tongguan, and kill Cao Hong? . [

The size of the Han Dynasty today is due to this person.

Immediately, Cheng Yin's face was flushed, but instead of returning dead, he stared angrily at him, as if he was about to swallow Liu Feng.

"From Gu's point of view, you are like a chicken and a dog. You can win with one stroke." Liu Feng waved his hand, his sleeves fluttering, and said proudly.

But he scorned all the heroes in Guanzhong.

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