I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1802 : Chapter 910 Pang Tong 1 who will fight for the front

"Come on, grab this man.
"No." Following Cheng Gang's order, some soldiers charged in and captured Cheng Fang alive.

"Second brother, why are you arresting me? Pang Tong's army is coming, you should be prepared to resist." Cheng Fang was shocked by this turn of events, pale and shouted.

"Hmph, Master Wang is here, I will go to meet him naturally, how can I resist the enemy. If you surrender first, then you will report the news, let me dedicate you to General Pang."

Cheng Bang snorted coldly and said. [

"Second brother, you can't do this." Cheng Fang yelled miserably. He walked dozens of miles away and came to Mei County. This is what happened.

"Come here, open the city gate and welcome Master Wang."

Soon after, Chengbang ordered.

"No." There was a promise from the left and right, and the city gate was opened.Chengbang himself was dressed in golden armor, straddled his horse, and went out of the city to meet him.Soon after, a huge army of soldiers arrived.

Mighty, imposing, and awe-inspiring.

"The last general welcomes the master of the king." Seeing the majestic momentum of the army, Chengbang was even more obedient. He rode his horse forward, approached, and bowed down.

He didn't know who Pang Tong was, but he knew it by looking at the general flag.

"You are?" Pang Tong saw the Cheng Gang, and then looked at the open gate in Mei County, and knew that his plan had worked.But he didn't know who Cheng Gang was, so he asked.

"The last general, Cheng Bang, is Cheng Yi's younger brother." Cheng Bang immediately introduced himself upon hearing this.

"It turned out to be General Cheng." Hearing this, Pang Tong smiled slightly, dismounted from his horse and helped Cheng Gang up, and then said: "Congratulations, General, for being able to submit to Wang Shi."

"Now I have something to ask the general to do. I don't know if the general is willing or not." Immediately afterwards, Pang Tong asked again.

"Please show me the general." Cheng Bang said hastily.

"Master Wang has arrived, but there is an old county near the left, which is the place where the candidate is stationed. Are you willing to go to persuade him to surrender?" Pang Tong asked with a smile.

"Here, general, the guard of the Guxian County is Hou Ba, a younger brother of Hou Xuan, who is loyal and loyal. I'm afraid he doesn't want to surrender." Cheng Bang was a little embarrassed when he heard the words.

"How many elite soldiers are there in the county town of Gu? How many elite soldiers are there in the county town of Mei?" Pang Tong asked without being in a hurry.

"There are more than a thousand elite soldiers in this old county, and three thousand in Mei County." Cheng Bang didn't understand why, but he still replied.

"There are [-] elite soldiers in Mei County, and the generals have surrendered. How dare Hou Ba not surrender? If he does not surrender, the general will tell him to destroy his entire family on the day the city is destroyed." Pang Tong said calmly. Turn over the harsh words.

"No." Cheng Bang said with awe in his heart when he heard the words.

"Okay, as long as General Cheng helps to say that Hou Ba was surrendered, I will definitely ask the emperor for his order and credit for the general. Let's go." Pang Tong said with a satisfied expression on his face when he heard the words. [

"Thank you, General." Cheng Bang thanked him after hearing the words, and then hurriedly led more than a hundred soldiers towards the nearby Guxian County.

"Hehe, Mei county is in my hands. Gu county is almost there. No matter whether it is Cheng Yi or whether Hou Xuan is the person designed by the general to instigate rebellion. But with their small family, they can take the initiative. If we say that the opportunity has been created Halfway through, the general can attack Chang'an with peace of mind." After Chengbang left, Pang Tong said with a chuckle.

"The army enters the city." Immediately afterwards, Pang Tong took another deep breath and ordered.

"Promise." The left and right Sima agreed, and the army poured into the city.The Han army officially took over this important city in Guanzhong and began to rule Guanzhong.

Soon after, the old county guard Hou Ba surrendered.After getting the news, Pang Tong moved to Gu County.

In this way, Pang Tong took down the places where the princes of the two routes were stationed and annexed more than ten cities without bloodshed.If the news comes out, I am afraid that the princes will be unstable.

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