I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1803 : Chapter 911 Pang Statistics

Chapter 910 Pang Statistics

Gu County is a city located more than a hundred miles east of Mei County.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
The city is tall and thick, and it is the old nest of candidates.On this day, the west gate of Guxian City was opened wide, and Hou Ba, the surrendered general, formed a gang and stood in front of the gate.

Both of these two are the generation of bears and tigers, but at the moment their posture is very low, they are winners and losers.

"Da da da."[

Not long after, a sound of horseshoes came from the west.The figure of a large army slowly appeared in front of Hou Ba and Cheng Gang. They looked at each other and stepped forward together.

The army in front also stopped when they saw the two coming forward.The first general, with a strange appearance and bright eyes, is Pang Tong.

"The last general has seen General Pang." Hou Ba and Cheng Gang got off their horses and stepped forward to salute.

"The two generals, please get up." Pang Tong didn't hold back, but got off his horse and helped the two of them up.Immediately afterwards, he took another special look at Hou Ba, and said with a smile, "This general must be General Hou."

"No, it's Hou Ba." Hou Ba replied respectfully after hearing the words.

"The general is really a general of a bear and a tiger." Pang Tong smiled slightly when he heard the words, and praised.

"General Pang is overrated." Hou Ba said hastily upon hearing this.

The three exchanged a few words outside the city, and then Hou Ba invited Pang Tong to patrol the city.

"Guxian County and Mei County are both important cities in Guanzhong. If you can occupy two cities, you can deal with the 20 troops in Guanzhong." Pang Tong did not perfunctory, but walked over step by step, looked at the past step by step, and finally stood at the city gate In front of the building, he said to Hou Ba in admiration.

"If you fight with [-] strong soldiers, plus these two fortified cities, the heroes of Guanzhong are nothing." Cheng Bang nodded in agreement when he heard this.

"What General Cheng said is exactly that these two fortified cities form the horns of each other, which can resist the heroes of Guanzhong." Hou Ba also nodded with a smile.

"Hehe." Pang Tong laughed when he heard the words, but did not answer.The reason why these two surrendered was because they heard the news that his [-] troops had entered Yongzhou, but in fact there were only [-].

It can't be exposed yet, otherwise people's hearts will be scattered.

Pang Tong's seizure of more than ten cities was only the first step, and the second step was to gain a foothold.After all, if the heroes of Guanzhong sense that the rear is unstable, they will definitely return their troops.

This certainly created an opportunity for Liu Feng to attack Chang'an, but problems also emerged.His lone army in Yongzhou is afraid that he will be torn to pieces by the heroes of Guanzhong.

Now let's gather people's hearts first, gather this Hou Ba, the group of four thousand elite soldiers, together there are [-], and each other's horns, I am afraid they can resist for more than a month, or even longer.

However, this is not Pang Tong's complete plan. Liu Feng has Liu Feng's plan, Pang Tong has already cooperated, and he has his own plan.

Not only to resist for more than a month, he also wanted to help Liu Feng keep the dozen or so cities he had captured, and enjoy half of Yongzhou completely.And to do so must be done with strength.

Thinking about it, Pang Tong glanced at the Cheng Gang, and Hou Ba said: "There are [-] soldiers in Hanzhong, but most of them are newly surrendered people from Yizhou. They are still training in Hanzhong, so I am afraid they cannot be reused. If you want to stick to it, It depends on the two generals to deal with it again." [

"General Pang just give orders." Cheng Gang and Hou Ba said very straightforwardly without any hesitation.

"First of all, of course, we need to increase the number of brave and skilled soldiers. Now that I am in Mei County, Gu County, I have plundered Chengyi, and the candidate's family is small. In addition, my soldiers have left Hanzhong, which means that the soldiers of Yizhou have been defeated. The trend of the Han Dynasty has already been established. Chengyi, if Hou Xuan knows the news, he may think carefully and choose to surrender. You two can send your confidantes to see Chengyi, candidates, and let them lead troops to defect and guard together Mei County, Gu County. This is a surefire solution." Pang Tong pondered for a moment, then said solemnly.

At this moment, the news of Cheng Yi's surrender has not yet come, so Pang Tong's strategy is aimed at Cheng Yi, the candidate.

"Here, general. It's not because we and the two of you don't want to. I really don't dare. Although Wang Shi said, it's the right way for us to dedicate the city and surrender. But after all, it is appropriate. Fate in the heart, blame us, I am afraid that we will die without a place to die." Cheng Gang, Hou Ba looked at each other when he heard the words, and they were all in disbelief.

The two are Cheng Yi's brother and Hou Xuan's clan brother, but they both fell into Pang Tong's trick and offered the city to surrender. If the Han Dynasty also recruited Cheng Yi, the candidates might have to settle accounts after autumn.How can the two not be afraid?

"Don't worry, I have a plan, which can make the two generals' families small and preserve their bodies." Pang Tong said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"Please show me the general." Hou Ba and Cheng Yi looked at each other again and saluted.

"You can point your little family to Hanzhong. Hanzhong's mountains and rivers are dangerous and impenetrable. Even if Hou Xuan and Cheng Yi hated you for offering the city and surrendering, I'm afraid it will be too late. This is a small way to protect the family. In addition, I plan to send two generals to lead the elite troops to four Qian, attack Sanguan, then leave the pass, and plunder Shangbang, Jicheng, Beiyuan and other cities. When you are away from the expedition, if the two of you come back, you will not be able to do anything to you." Pang Tong said his strategy slowly.

"Here, my family can save it, but I'm afraid I can't. The Shangbang, Jicheng is Han Sui's land. If we lead troops to plunder, Han Sui will be furious, and he will find us to settle the score." Hou Ba, Cheng Bang smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said.

"Hehe, that's exactly what makes Han Sui angry." Pang Tong chuckled when he heard the words, and then explained: "If the princes know that the rear is unstable, they will definitely return to attack Mei County. If the two of you attack Shangbang, Beiyuan and others For the city, Han Sui must first protect his own city, and his power, so naturally he led his troops to bypass Mei County, so the county returned to Shangbang City. At that time, the two generals can take advantage of the situation and retreat to Sanguan to guard."

Following Pang Tong's explanation, the two understood.This was a strategy to encircle Wei and save Zhao, forcing Han Sui to return to the army in order to preserve Mei County, Gu County.As long as Han Sui returns to the army, the heroes will return to attack Mei County, and the army in Gu County may only be left with more than [-] troops.

In addition to Chengyi, the two candidates led the crowd back to surrender, and their own troops increased greatly.

Mei County, more than ten cities in Gu County, were also saved.

"Okay, the two of us will immediately send our confidantes to the camp of the heroes in Guanzhong to present their strengths and lobby for success. Hou Xuan will come and join him. And immediately lead four thousand troops to plunder and scatter the pass." Cheng Gang and Hou Ba heard After thinking for a long time, Yan gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, go early and come back early." Pang Tong was heartbroken when he heard this, and clasped his fists.

"Farewell." Cheng Gang and Hou Ba nodded first, then raised their fists to bid farewell and left.

"If the plan succeeds, Yongzhou will win. The general will have more than half a year to besiege Chang'an. Even if the city of Chang'an is tall, Zhong Yao and Sima Yi's wise men may not be able to defend the city." After the two left, Pang Tong faced East, that is, the direction of Chang'an, I was very excited.

Sending troops to Hanzhong, they captured more than ten cities without any effort, and made layouts, which can last for half a year.Only Feng Chu Pang Tong can be so vigorous.

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