I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1804 : Chapter 912 Candidate Surrender

Chapter 910 Candidate Surrender

It was only one or two days before Pang Tong left Hanzhong, but he contributed to Xiegu Pass, and used a plan to take more than ten cities including Mei County, Gu County, and four thousand elite soldiers. tu>

In addition, Hou Ba and Cheng Gang surrendered again, so the heroes were very slow to this news.It is precisely because of this that Pang Tong's strategy has an opportunity.

Formed into a gang, Hou Ba immediately dispatched two confidantes after obtaining Pang Tong's plan, rode fast horses, galloped for a day and a night, and finally arrived near Chang'an, Tongguan thousands of miles away.

However, here the two learned that Cheng Yi had surrendered to the Han Dynasty, so in the end only one of them went to the company of the Guanzhong heroes. [

The person who delivered the news was named Chen Fang, who was in his thirties, and he was Hou Ba's confidant and close minister. It can be said that he was loyal, shrewd and capable.

The minister looked at the coalition army camp not far away. It was more than ten miles away, as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun, which made people tremble with fear.

However, at this moment, Chen Fang could only sigh in his heart.The Guanzhong Allied Forces, together with Zhong Yao, had 33 elite soldiers, ten princes, and eleven armies.

Is it majestic?Majestic.However, after repeated blows by the generals of the king, first Tongguan, Cao Hong, Zhang Heng, then Cheng Yi, and now Pang Tong is in Yongzhou, collecting more than ten cities, four thousand elite soldiers, plus the candidates. This news, I am afraid that I will surrender again.

This is the surrender of surrender, the death of death.

If the candidates also surrendered, I don't know how much of the 33 army of the year will be left.After the minister sighed for a while, he rode his horse and approached the camp.

"Who is it?" The coalition camp was naturally well-defended, and before the ministers approached, some soldiers guarding the camp shouted sharply.

"I am the soldiers under General Hou Xuan's tent, who came from the old county to see General Hou." Hearing the words, the minister was not in a hurry, and saluted very calmly.

"Candidate general? Wait a moment." The soldier guarding the gate felt relieved when he heard the words, and immediately said, and hurried to report.

Soon after, Kuaima returned with news.

The soldiers shouted: "Go in, General Hou is here to invite you."

"Thank you." Chen Fang thanked him and walked in.When entering the barracks, riding a horse is generally not allowed.However, it is an exception for the minister to ask for a meeting.

So the minister was able to ride on horseback, and soon came to the tent of the general who was elected.

In the general's tent, the candidate looked a little lonely.It has been three days since Cheng Yi's incident, both sides are very restrained and there is no fighting.

After not fighting for many days, Hou Xuan missed his hometown.His power here is not great, only [-] elite soldiers, which is incomparable with Ma Teng and Han Sui.

I always feel that it is better to go back to the old county and be the emperor of the earth, to be inferior to others.

However, Hou Xuan soon cheered up. Didn't someone come to report just now, saying that someone from the Gu County came, just to ask about the situation in the Gu County.

"Da da da." At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.Hou Xuan raised his head immediately, and saw a strong man walking in, with a somewhat familiar appearance.

Hou Xuan hesitated for a moment before asking: "Are you the guard of Badi?"

"General. Guxian has fallen." The strong man was naturally a minister. When he saw the candidate, he immediately knelt down and cried.

"What." The candidate was dumbfounded. He was thinking about the city and wanted to ask about the situation in the city, but he didn't expect it to be such a situation. This, what is going on here.

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